How to Write Keyword-Rich Content People Will Read

Victory Okpe
7 min readDec 26, 2023


Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Ever heard that “Keyword Stuffing” makes your content found on the first page when the targeted keyword is searched?

And I mean ‘stuffing’ like the picture above — of so many people in a location hurrying to one place and going on about their business.

Well that worked for webmasters a decade ago, but not now.


In 2011, Google released an algorithm update called Panda. The Panda update was designed to reduce the rankings of low-quality sites, including sites that keyword-stuffed their content.

Since then, Google has continued to refine its algorithms, and keyword stuffing is now a well-known black hat SEO tactic that can lead to your site being penalized.

So how do you possibly write keyword-rich content that people will read and that ranks well and also dodges Almighty Google’s punishment?

In this article, I’ll reveal the secrets to choosing the right keywords for your target audience and content, and how to use keywords strategically throughout your content in a natural and easy-to-read way.

What Is Keyword-Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is a black hat SEO tactic that involves overloading a web page with keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings.

This can be done by inserting keywords into the page’s title, meta description, headings, body text, and even the page’s code.

It can be very effective in the short term, but it’s important to note that search engines like Google are constantly evolving and are becoming better at identifying and penalizing keyword-stuffed content.

Here is an example of keyword stuffing:

  • Title: Buy cheap Nike shoes online at Nike Shoes Online Store!
  • Meta description: The Nike Shoes Online Store offers the widest selection of Nike shoes at the lowest prices. Buy your Nike shoes online today!
  • Heading: Nike Shoes Online Store — Cheap Nike Shoes!
  • Body text: The Nike Shoes Online Store is the best place to buy cheap Nike shoes online. We have a wide selection of Nike shoes at the lowest prices. Buy your Nike shoes online today!

As you can see, the above examples are all very keyword-heavy. The title, meta description, heading, and body text all contain the keyword phrase “Nike shoes online” multiple times.

Why Does Google Penalize Keyword-Stuffed Content?

Imagine you’re looking for information on how to change a tire. You type “how to change a tire” into Google and click on the first result.

The page is full of keywords like “change tire,” “flat tire,” and “wheel.” The text is difficult to read and doesn’t provide any clear instructions.

You quickly click away from the page and try another result. The second result has a clear and concise title: “How to Change a Tire in 5 Easy Steps.” The text is well-written and easy to follow. It includes all of the necessary information on how to change a tire, without being keyword stuffed.

Which result are you more likely to stay on and read? The second one, of course.

This example illustrates the importance of writing for your audience, not for search engines.

When you write informative and engaging content that is relevant to your target audience, you’ll naturally attract more visitors and rank higher in SERPs.

Google’s goal is to provide its users with the most relevant and useful information possible.

When websites keyword stuff their content, it makes it difficult for Google to determine what the page is actually about. This can lead to lower rankings in SERPs and a decrease in traffic.

In addition, keyword-stuffed content is often difficult to read and understand. This can frustrate users and lead them to leave your website.

As a result, Google penalizes websites that keyword stuff their content.

How to Write Keyword-Rich Content the Right Way

Here is how to write your content the right way:

1. Choose the Right Keywords

The first step to choosing the right keyword is Keyword research. Keyword Research is the process of identifying the keywords that people are searching for online.

This information can then be used to optimize your content and website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

One popular method is to use a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, UberSuggest, or Ahrefs.

These tools allow you to enter keywords and see how many people are searching for them each month. You can also see related keywords and synonyms.

Another way to do keyword research is to look at the search terms that people are using to find your website. You can do this by checking your website’s analytics data.

Factors to consider when choosing keywords

There are a few key factors to consider when choosing keywords:

  • Relevance: Are the keywords relevant to your content and target audience?
  • Search volume: Do people search for the keywords?
  • Competition: How difficult is it to rank for the keywords?
  • Search Intent: You should also consider the intent of the keywords. For example, are people searching for the keywords to learn more about a topic, or are they looking to buy something?

2. Write High-Quality and Informative Content

The best way to figure this out is to focus on the value, not the keywords or just the information. Is there a guarantee that when the reader finishes reading your content, they won’t require the help of the next-door website?

Right now, I find up-to-date content more reassuring because the same information 5 years ago is different from now. Make sure your content follows the RRAU rule. This is an acronym for what I refer to as Researched, Relevant, Accurate, and Updated- content.

Some of the best ways to write high-quality content are:

  • Pay Attention to Structure: Break up your text with images, videos, and infographics. This will make your content more visually appealing and easier to digest.
  • Use Transition Words: Some words help your ideas flow through writing without disturbing the message you’re trying to pass.
  • Make sure you read your content thoroughly after writing: This will help you know if you solve the problem attached to your title.

3. Use Keywords Strategically

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Once you have chosen the right keywords for your content, it is important to use them strategically.

This means using them throughout your content in a natural and easy-to-read way while avoiding keyword stuffing.

Here are some tips for using keywords strategically:

  • Use your keywords in the most important parts of your content. This includes the title, meta description, headings, and subheadings.
  • Spread your keywords throughout the body of your content. Aim to use your main keyword once every 100–200 words.
  • Use related keywords and synonyms to avoid repetition.

4. Track Your Results and Make Adjustments

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The next thing you want to do after writing is promote and track your results. You have to discover which keywords are driving traffic to your content. Are they the ones you targeted? Are there unexpected ones? This knowledge informs future keyword strategies, ensuring your content attracts the right audience.

Some other factors you need to take note of are:

  • User Engagement: How long are readers staying on your page? Are they bouncing off immediately? Do they share, comment, or click through to other pages? This data paints a picture of your content’s effectiveness, highlighting areas for improvement.
  • Traffic Trends: Track where your traffic is coming from. Are you attracting readers from your target demographic? Are there unexpected sources driving interest? This geographical awareness helps you tailor your content to specific audiences and optimize your reach.

Remember, data is not a static snapshot. It’s living as a guide for your continous improvement.

Be willing to adapt your content based on your findings. Don’t be afraid to:

  • Restructure and Rewrite: If sections of your content have low engagement, consider restructuring them or rewriting them for clarity.
  • Repurpose and Reimagine: Transform your long-form blog post into bite-sized social media posts or a captivating video.
  • Experiment and Explore: Try new formats, topics, and keywords to see what resonates with your audience.

Data Tracking Tools

  • Google Analytics: This is a free website analytics, offering detailed traffic insights, keyword performance, and user behavior data.
  • Ahrefs: A powerful all-in-one SEO toolset, providing keyword research, competitor analysis, and backlink tracking to help you dominate search engine results.
  • SEMrush: Another comprehensive SEO tool, offering keyword research, competitor analysis, and content audit features to ensure your content is optimized for maximum visibility.
  • Hotjar: A user behavior analytics tool, revealing how users interact with your content through heatmaps, recordings, and surveys, helping you identify areas for improvement.


So, there you have it. This is where we draw a curtain for this article knowing that you’re confident in writing keyword-rich content.

Remember, be willing to make adjustments to your content based on your data as it is the peak of your consistency in SEO as a writer. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it up.

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Victory Okpe

Welcome to my corner! I'm Victory, a passionate writer with a deep understanding of SEO. Subscribe to my email on more updates on how to optimize your content.