Say Goodbye to Low Self-Esteem and Become Self-Confident: 4 Best Tips

4 min readJan 14, 2018


Low self-esteem is something we all despise, but deep inside we are afraid of it. There are many reasons for low self-esteem, including childhood traumas, bullying, divorce, obesity. Regardless of what the reason for you to have low self-esteem is, remember that you are as equally worth as someone who climbed the Moon or went to Mars.

Image source: Piccolo Universe

The tips below should help you realise that you are a worthy person and get you out of the self-esteem whirlpool.

Do an age-regression session

Age regression is an exercise of mental imagery, often resembling a meditation that was originally strongly used in the holistic circles for self-development and was kept alive to this day. The theory behind the importance of age-regression is the following: many people with low confidence and low self-esteem have been subjected to strong parental criticism when young. Parents with overly high standards can break a child’s spirit instead of fostering it. Every child has ups and downs in life, but the critical parent will have none of that. So, age-regression will help you go back into the painful memories of the past, and create new decisions and programs about it, so that you will begin feeling differently about yourself. Find a downloadable age regression meditation if you want to work from your place, or visit an experienced professional if you need additional help and support. There are some interesting journeys on Hypnoticworld.

Image source: Quora

Practice self-acceptance, forgiveness and releasing guilt

Low confidence and self-esteem don’t just happen overnight. They are usually a product of negative psychological experiences, accumulated over a long-time period. Perhaps you messed up your relationship or marriage. Maybe you ruined a good job by being lazy, late or drunk, or your big mouth had you losing friends. Whatever negative experiences happened in the past, memories of them do remain inside. Practicing self-acceptance is a way to love oneself and one’s mistakes. This opens the door to forgiving oneself for what was done in the past, thus releasing the painful past itself. Releasing the past leads to releasing guilt and shame and building a new self-image of a confident self that can venture out into the world with more self-confidence and self-esteem.

Use one of the “Bach” remedies

This solution falls into the domain of alternative therapy. Dr. Edward Bach invented 38 flower essences that when used individually or combined, they can create shifts in one’s emotions, mind and body. Bach remedies don’t treat symptoms — they go to the core of your feelings to work on peeling them like layers of an onion until you get to the core of the problem.

This is not something you can do on your own. You will need to find a licensed professional, who will first do a lengthy interview with you, after which they will combine several flower essences in a tailored-for-you remedy you will consume at home. The effects are reported to be subtle, but effective over time. You may find more information on the Bach Centre home page.

Change your physical appearance

Don’t worry, I don’t mean you should have plastic surgery. Low confidence and self-esteem issues often have their roots in the physical appearance. These days we are bombarded on TV by men and women with perfect bodies that spend all of their time in the gym, and due to this, they have confidence. As shallow as this sounds, it is true that exercise influences not only our body, but it also has a great impact on how we feel. If you are one of those people who think that have seriously neglected their bodies, doing regular exercise that will tone, strengthen and energize your body will change you aesthetically and this can also help you feel better in your own shoes. So, hit the gym and see how you feel after several months.

Image source: Fabarooni

If you want to learn more ways of how to become more self-confident, feel free to check the solutions to the Low Self−esteem problem, on Solutionbay.

