Self Pity 2019

Ryuichi Okumura
2 min readDec 31, 2019

I would like to thank all the mountains I walked in 2019.

There is a poem I’ve left a note from a movie I saw in my early teens. Only recently I’ve come to think about its meaning.


I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.

A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

— David Herbert Lawrence

霧ヶ峰, January 4, 2019
つげ山, February 10, 2019
雁坂小屋, May 2, 2019
伊豆半島, May 17, 2019
トムラウシ山, July 12, 2019
双六岳, August 5, 2019
日光澤温泉, August 26, 2019
熊野古道, October 22, 2019
立山, November 23, 2019
奥多摩, December 12, 2019



Ryuichi Okumura

Software Engineer, walking Japan mountains and paths to know Japan.