Mister Geez
4 min readJul 8, 2022


Every Thursdays, I drop a video on youtube where I’m sharing the street photography experience one shot at a time!

This episode is in North London, Finsbury Park. I am not too familiar with the area but street photography is also about exploring, so let see what we’ve got!

First of all, it was one of those hot summer days. I’m talking about ice cream truck and lightweight clothing kind of summer days. Those we used to seldom experience on the British side but global warming seems to be providing every year now.

As usual, when I’m exploring an area I’m not too familiar with in London, I tend to focus on the high street near the tube station and see how it goes from there.

I cannot say that I’ve been super inspired at first. Obviously I tried to incorporate the bridge with the huge “Finsbury Park” sign and then I focused on the people because that’s where my street photography takes me.

After walking for while, I started to notice some patterns and have a feel for the area.

I could sense that there was a huge East African community with many Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurants. I could also notice a great mixture of ethnicities with various religions, some jews from the Hasidic community, many muslim women and men as well as a mix of black and white obviously.

Nothing out of the ordinary for London but I could note the difference with other areas were I usually shoot on the East or South ends. And the fact that Finsbury Park spans out on three Boroughs (Islington, Haringey and Hackney) might explain the diversity.

My main feeling was that this is a very multicultural area of London worth exploring more.

I did my best to capture my surroundings and find interesting scenes but there was a lot to take in.

This is definitely a place where I need to come back and once I have a bit more familiarity I might anticipate potential shots with more reactivity.

This is a place where I’ve been a few times back in the day but as I mentioned before, I’m making an effort to explore the North and West end of London to get out of my comfort zone in term of street photography.

I’ll be back and also go to the park itself and its surroundings to see what the area has to offer.

But in term of multicultural population, Finsbury Park has it all.

You can watch the full (edited) video on my youtube channel and as usual, give it a play. Like and subscribe to show some love!

Until next time,


