How is God so Good?

Feel it. Embrace it. He won’t change because of you.

3 min readAug 16, 2023

Have you ever thought about how amazing our Heavenly Father’s goodness is? It’s mind-blowing, really! Just take a moment to soak in the words of Ephesians 3:20:

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

📸: Liane Metzler on Unsplash

These words constantly remind us that our Heavenly Father is capable of exceeding all our expectations and can bring us blessings beyond our wildest imaginations.

If then we have a Father who is willing and capable of granting the desires of our hearts, why do we still find ourselves dreadful of the unknown?

Why do we feel disheartened at little inconveniences?

For us to fully comprehend the extent of God’s graceful providence, we have to understand His limitless and abundant nature as the creator of all things.

Psalms 24:1 profoundly declares that everything on the earth belongs to God. This goes to say that God is not confined by scarcity, and neither should we be.

The parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 beautifully illustrates our position in Christ, which thankfully is not a product of our righteousness, but of His divine goodness and mercy.

The prodigal son, while he was wandering in the wilderness as a result of his foolishness, was still rightfully entitled to his inheritance. All he needed to do was to come to the realization that all his father has belonged to him as a son. And the moment he took the bold decision to return home amidst shame, he was lovingly embraced by his father.

Likewise, when we realize the richness of our inheritance in Christ, we can approach God even in our moments of weakness or shame.

We should therefore do away the limiting mindset that clouds our perception of God’s immense capacity to bless us. Instead, let us remain steadfast in the consciousness of His abundant goodness. Our Father’s love knows no bounds, and His mercies for our shortcomings are ever-present.

Let us recognize that God’s goodness is not dependent on our merits or what we can offer Him. His benevolence flows from His very nature, as Psalms 145:9 assures us:

“The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.”

We need not strive to meet certain standards to receive His blessings; rather, we are His beloved children, entitled to our inheritance in Christ. With this knowledge, we can approach God with boldness, as Hebrews 4:16 encourages us to do. This is because our Heavenly Father desires for us to enjoy life to the fullest.

Even in the face of challenging circumstances, we must not lose sight of our Father’s boundless goodness. While we apply wisdom in managing our resources, we should always remember that the Lord is our shepherd, guiding and providing for us. Embracing this truth dispels the notion of scarcity and empowers us to live in the abundance that God intends for us.

Therefore, let us declare our confessions and aspirations with boldness and unwavering faith. The goodness of God is not contingent upon our worthiness; it is a testament to His character and grace. Embrace His abundance, for it is His delight to see us flourish and thrive.

In the journey of faith, rest assured that God is able, willing, and eager to do immeasurably more than you can ever imagine.




Deep thinker. Continuous learner. Here, I translate my thoughts and discoveries into writing. If I were you, I’d follow me. Thank you for checking me out💕