Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

Ola Christians
1 min readFeb 15, 2017


The Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, or Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem is a Roman Catholic minor basilica and titular church in rione Esquilino, Rome, Italy. It is one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome.

Santa Croce is one of the oldest and largest Franciscan basilicas in the world and by far the most magnificent. Some of history’s most influential artists have made their mark on the church, from frescoes by Giotto and Agnolo Gaddi, to architecture by Brunelleschi and Donatello. While many basilicas in Italy contain the works of great artists, Santa Croce is unlike any other in the fact that it contains more than just their art; it contains their remains as well. Dubbed “The Temple of the Italian Glories,” Santa Croce contains more skeletons of Renaissance masters than any other church in Italy. The True Cross is the name for physical remnants which, by a Catholic tradition, are believed to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

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