Oladele Idowu Joseph
2 min readSep 24, 2017


[1] Armageddon is onloading gradually
[2] As Pyongyang and Washington butt irrationally
[3] Intriguing hatred shall spur the war technically

And the foundation of the Earth shall creak,
And shake and shred into pieces under our feet

[4] The WWIII shall burn the Earth beyond repair
[5] Tremor as Nuclear Bombs before our eyes appear
[6] And the children shall desert their fathers in total despair

And the foundation of the Earth shall creak,
And shake and shred into pieces under our feet

[7] War shall be between one evil and another evil
[8] Super Powers, mighty nations shall divide the little
[9] Africa shall become their testing-ground of rattled battle

And the foundation of the Earth shall creak,
And shake and shred into pieces under our feet

[10] North against the South, West against the East
[11] US mettle shall be tested, Russia power shall be quizzed
[12] Israel shall seek Angels to guard her borders with no ease

And the foundation of the Earth shall creak,
And shake and shred into pieces under our feet

[13] And the Earth shall melt down and shall dissolve
[14] Nothing shall remain and no more trouble to resolve
[15] We shall forever destroy the World with Tech we solved

And the foundation of the Earth shall creak,
And shake and shred into pieces under our feet

Oladele Idowu Joseph
April, 21st, 2017