Yes I am old but I saw Bruce Springsteen on stage signatures 2023 shirt

2 min readMay 22, 2023


Yes I am old but I saw Bruce Springsteen on stage signatures 2023 shirt

The truckers were speculator and had invested in the Christmas tree to sell to Christmas tree lots so they would have fresh trees. In the past years this had worked out very well, but because of all the Yes I am old but I saw Bruce Springsteen on stage signatures 2023 shirt , no one wanted the tree. They were going to have to pay to bring them to the dump, so they decide to give them away. I asked the cop and the owner if I could find a place for them to move to, would let them go, it is Christmas. They agreed. I phoned the radio station (a long time before cell phones, this was done on a pay phone) I told them what the problem, the trees were free, but they needed some place to put the trees.


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