Airdrop Farming Mastery: Earn up to $10,000 as an Airdrop farmer.

32 min readDec 22, 2023



  • Introduction
  • Setting up and funding your wallets
  • How to Convert and send coins from one wallet to another.
  • How to use MetaMask like a Pro
  • Farmers will make more money


Learning how to make money on the crypto and web3 space is one of the hardest and confusing thing you can come across.

Most people give up on crypto because they don’t understand the technology behind it and they also invest blindly into crypto projects without any proper research, thus, making them lose money.

Without proper guide and courses on how the crypto space works, you’ll continue to run around in circles or even worse, lose a lot of money.

If you read this course, and not only read, if you implement what you learn in this course, you will start making 5 — 6 figures or even more, depending on the capital you use in starting up.

There are many niches or categories of things you can do in the crypto space, one is Airdrop Farming. Others include DeFi trading (Decentralized Finance), NFTS(Non-Fungible tokens), Futures Trading, Crypto jobs( collab manager, Community Manager, moderator, shiller, web3 developer) etc.

It’s a lot, and you probably can’t keep up with everything, that’s why it’s essential to pick your best two and be extremely good at it.

The best part about Airdrop farming is, it covers almost all the niches I listed above earlier, you’ll get to understand what I mean as time goes on, just keep following me.

If you have no experience about the crypto space, it’s absolutely fine, I will teach you all you need to know in this course.

Airdrop farming simply refers to participating in cryptocurrency projects in order to earn free rewards or tokens from these projects. These rewards or tokens can then be converted into real money.

In order for you to become an airdrop farmer, you will need at least $200 capital before you can get started. If you were reading this course in 2019 or 2020, I would have said you’d need $10 in order to get started, but times have changed, crypto projects won’t just give you tokens or rewards for free again, you will need to farm it in order to make your 5 or 6 figures.

What are the prerequisites you’ll need in order to get started? All you need is your smartphone.

iPhone users will need a laptop or an Android device before they can get started, if you are an android user, you don’t need a laptop to get started. Let’s begin!!

There are some people who are not good with reading courses like this, if this is you, you can send me a message on WhatsApp and I can give you a one on one mentorship on how Airdrop Farming works. But kindly note that a one on one mentorship is not free, it costs $50. Pretty cheap right? 😅

This course will also be like a one on one mentorship so you have nothing to worry about if you can’t afford the one on one mentorship.

But if you can afford it and you know that going through this course won’t do any help to you since you don’t always understand written stuffs or you don’t like to read or maybe you have a short attention span, then send me a message on WhatsApp via the link below;

So let’s begin for real this time around 😅

If you are new to the crypto space, your $200 capital is probably in Fiat, so you will need to convert it to a stable coin, like USDT, BUSD or USDC.

Stablecoins are coins that have a stable value.

But don’t get me wrong, they actually lose value if you buy them at a higher rate and sell at a lower rate.

Here is an example, let’s say you want to buy USDT to begin your Airdrop Farming journey, the current buy rate now is 1,200/$. That means you will need to multiply 200 by 1,200, 200 being your capital, or you can multiply whatever capital you want to use in getting started by the current dollar rate. So 200 x 1,200 is 240,000 naira.

So in the next 5 months, let’s say you want to sell $200 USDT and the sell rate is 1,000/$, that means you will be getting 200,000 naira back!

If you are not a Nigerian, you can calculate it in your local currency.

So that’s what I mean by USDT also loosing value over time even though it is a stable coin. But again, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t gain value. If the sell rate is 2,000 naira per dollar, you’ll have 400,000 naira. It goes both ways.

But what do I really mean by it being a stable coin? It means USDT or USDC or BUSD or any other stable coin has no volatility unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum or any other token.

If you buy $200 USDT, you’ll still have $200 USDT even after a year, unlike Bitcoin or any other alt coins or tokens that can lose or gain value rapidly in a short period of time.

In order to buy USDT to begin your Airdrop Farming journey, you’ll need a centralized wallet and a decentralized wallet.

Example of a Centralized wallet is Binance, Kucoin, Okex, Mexc, etc.

Example of a decentralized wallet is trust wallet, MetaMask, token pocket, BitKeep, phantom, etc.

I will only recommend Binance, Trust Wallet, and MetaMask for now.

You will also need to download other wallets like Phantom or solfare, but not now, I’ll let you know when to download it. All these Apps are available on the play store and App Store. They should be the first wallet you see once you search for their names.





The Apps interface should look alike on Play Store, so download it now and come back to this course to continue once you are done downloading.

Next, let’s setup the Apps, I’ll start from trust wallet.

Once you open your trust wallet App,

- Accept the terms and conditions.

-Backup your 12 phrase Manually by writing it down on a piece of paper with a pen, because you will need to match the words later.

-Match the words after you’ve backed up your 12 phrase and your wallet will be created successfully.

If you don’t understand or if you’re stuck along the line or have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me a message on WhatsApp via the link below.

MetaMask is pretty much the same thing as trust wallet, accept the terms and backup your wallet and that’s all.

Here’s a fun fact, your trust wallet 12 phrase can work on MetaMask.

That means you don’t need to create a new wallet on MetaMask, you can just import your 12 phrase of trust wallet into MetaMask and it will work.

Surprised right? Yeah, I was surprised too when I found out.

But why and how is this possible?

It’s possible because trust wallet and MetaMask are both decentralized wallets.

I mentioned it earlier, All decentralized wallets 12 or 24 phrase can work on each other, that means you don’t need to keep creating brand new wallets on every decentralized wallets you download, you can just use one 12 phrase to setup all your decentralized wallets.

But it’s not really a good practice since we would have to take hacks and security into consideration.

As a newbie, you can make mistakes and connect your wallet to a scam or phishing website and all your funds can go missing, if that happens, you’ve probably lost almost all your net worth since you are just using one 12 phrase on all your decentralized wallets, so best thing is to create brand new wallets on each decentralized wallets and when writing them down or saving them or your notepad or your gmail, make sure you name them so you can know which is which.

I will advice you to save them on your gmail.

Saving it on your notepad can be dangerous, if you misplace your phone, your 12 phrase will also be lost, and in that case, you losing your assets.

If you write it down, someone can stumble upon it or the paper or book you wrote it on might go missing.

But your gmail account is safer, you can access it anywhere and it can’t go missing as long as your Gmail account is fully connected with your mobile number.

For setting up Binance, all you need to do is sign up with your details and also verify your account with any valid ID card(drivers license, NIN, BVN, Voters card, international passport) and you should be good to go.

Note that verification takes a couple of days to be completely verified and if at any point the verification fails, you can always re-verify.

Binance is a centralized wallet and it is an app that will make your Airdrop farming journey smooth and stress free, so make sure you get it up and running.

When uploading your ID card or any verification details, make sure you are using a phone with a clear camera and make sure the photo is not blurry in any way and make sure there is proper lighting in the background for a clearer photo or else the verification will be rejected and you would have to do it again.

If you have any questions as usual, my WhatsApp link is above, I am guessing you should have saved it by now. 😃

I would also advise you to note down some points on your notepad so you wouldn’t have to revisit this course and start searching for something important if you get stuck along the way.

Any information that you feel is too tedious or you feel will be important on your journey, note them down on a notepad or write it down in a book.

Once you have fully setup your Binance wallet, the next step is to fund it.

The initial capital to get started on airdrop farming is $200 like I said earlier, so you’ll need to fund your Binance wallet with $200 worth of USDT, once you have funded your Binance wallet with $200, you can proceed to send out the money to your decentralized wallets( Trust Wallet and MetaMask).

Buying USDT on Binance is quite complicated because you need to buy using P2P(peer-to-peer) transactions.

You can’t buy crypto directly from your bank in Nigeria at the moment, because trading crypto directly with financial banks has been banned, so you will need to buy it from someone on the Binance App. The process is actually quite simple, you send money to the person’s account, Binance will act as an escrow and hold the person’s asset, on confirmation of your payment, Binance will release the asset to you.

If you feel something isn’t right with the transaction, you can always appeal. But I must warn you, if you are not familiar with P2P transactions on Binance, I would advice you to not use Binance to purchase your assets because there are scammers on the P2P platform whom are willing to scam you off your money since you don’t know the ropes yet.

But you know what? This is a free course, I have the knowledge on how to trade on Binance the right way, I should be able to put you through on how to fund your wallet the right way and also how to avoid scams.

If your Binance wallet has been fully verified, you can now fund it with USDT using fiat.

Head over to wallet

Next click on funding

Next click on P2P

Next, filter the amount you want to purchase so Binance will show you the vendors with your preferred price range. So click on Filter.

First, input the amount you want to purchase (in your local currency). Since I said you should start with $200, all you have to do is to multiply 200 by 1,169.99 as shown in the screenshot above with the blue rectangle.

By the time you’ll be reading this course, the rate might have changed, so multiply 200 by any number you see on the blue rectangle.

Binance always put the vendor with the best rate at the top, so always trade with the vendors at the top. But sometimes, vendors at the top might be a scam, and I will teach you how you can identify them, you can identify them by looking at their completion rates.

The vendor above has a completion rate of 98.00% as shown in the screenshot below.

So it is perfectly safe to trade with the vendor.

Once you click on filter, it should take you to the screenshot below;

I will be buying usdt worth 10,000 naira as example so I can show you how it all works to the end, so you can go ahead to input your desired amount in the input field, next select Bank Transfer and click on Confirm.

Click Buy.

Input your desired amount again in the first input field and click Buy USDT.

You are to pay the seller within 15 minutes as shown on the first red rectangle screenshot above, if you don’t pay the seller within that time frame, your order will be automatically cancelled, so make sure you have a strong internet connection and make sure your bank network is good before proceeding.

You can always hit the cancel button at the bottom of your App if you feel you can’t meet up due to network downtime.

The yellow rectangle is the chat option, you can click on it to see the terms and conditions of the vendor, make sure you click on it to read the terms and conditions before you make payment.

I circled 8.55 USDT in blue, that means my 10,000 naira will get me 8.55 USDT. If you do the maths, you’d see it will be accurate.

Always make sure you check where I circled in blue, because some scam vendors use liquid rate and once you click on Buy, the rate can increase, thus you might not get your full amount, that’s why I taught you how to calculate it earlier so you will always know the amount in USDT you are to receive.

So once you are good to go, proceed to click on Make Payment.

The red rectangular section is where the vendors account details is at, first of all, copy the vendors account number and paste it somewhere and also take note of the vendors bank name and account name, then click on “Transferred, notify seller.”

Once you click on “Transferred, notify seller”, then you can make the payment.

I hope you understand?

This is very important, always click on “Transferred, notify seller” before you make the payment. Even if your bank decides to act up later, probably from a failed network or your bank App is not opening, you can always wait for the order to cancel automatically.

On clicking on “Transferred, notify seller”, you should see the interface above.

If you have sent the money and the 15 minutes given to the vendor has elapsed, you can always click on the Appeal button and submit your proof of payment and Binance will handle the rest for you.

Once the vendor has released your asset, the screenshot above is the interface that will pop up, you can always give the vendor a negative or positive review if you are satisfied with the trade or you can do the latter.

Now go back to your wallet interface and click on funding and you should see your assets in your funding wallet as shown below.

So that’s how to purchase USDT from Binance using P2P.

Phew 😮‍💨, that was one hell of a tutorial.

Next, I will show you how to convert your USDT to any coin or token and how to withdraw your assets to your trust wallet or MetaMask or any decentralized wallets.


Buying USDT is still the first step in your airdrop farming journey, the ability to convert your USDT to any coin or token is very essential in the crypto space in general.

There might come a time when you will need Solana to run an update or Arbitrum ETH and many other tokens, but without this knowledge, you might not know how to convert your USDT to these tokens and send it out to your trust wallet or MetaMask.

Let’s begin. On your Binance home interface, click on “convert”.

If you don’t see “Convert”, click on “more”(its circled in blue).

Once you click on more, you will see the convert button in the list of buttons.

On clicking on Convert, it should take you to the next interface on the screenshot below;

On the screenshot above, if the first rectangle is displaying “Spot wallet”, click on the drop down that i squared in the first red rectangle and select Funding wallet(2nd red rectangle) since your assets are still in Funding wallet.

My funding wallet is $0 because I have transferred mine to my Spot wallet.

It doesn’t matter where it is, be it spot or funding, just make sure you are on the right wallet where your assets are.

Once you select funding, then select the coin you want to convert your USDT to by clicking on where I circled with a red rectangle on the screenshot below;

Next, search for coin you want to convert your USDT to, I will be choosing Solana, so I am going to search for Solana in the input field.

Once it pops out, I will click on Sol and it should update.

I can now proceed to input the amount of USDT I want to use to convert to Solana and click on on preview conversion, then I proceed to convert my USDT to Solana.

And that’s all.

That’s how to convert USDT to Solana or any coin that is listed on Binance.

But listen attentively, not all coins in the crypto space are listed on Binance, there are some coins that are not listed on exchanges and you will need to bridge these coins from one blockchain to another before you can be able to get these coins, and in order to bridge these coins from one blockchain to another, it will require a very high amount of Gas fee(transaction charges).

I hope that is clear enough, whereas you can download other Centralized exchanges like Kucoin or Mexc or Okex if you ever need any coin that is not on Binance, and if you go through these other exchanges and you don’t see the coin you are looking for, then your only option will be to bridge.

But you might be wondering, do I really have to download so many centralized exchanges in order to see the coin I need, the answer is no.

I will show you how you can know if a coin is available on Binance or not and where you can find them so you will know which centralized exchange to download in order to get the coin or where you are supposed to bridge to in order to get the coin or token.

I will use Ton as a use case.

A few weeks ago, I wanted to purchase $Ton coin to my decentralized wallet called Tonkeeper, I went on Binance and searched for Ton, but I didn’t see it.

So I had to do my thing.

I went to my Coin market cap App. Here is the screenshot below;

Download it and create an account.

Once done, click on the search button and search for Ton.

On clicking on Ton, click on Markets;

Then you should see where you can find Ton coin. I marked it in red rectangle.

But I am more interested in the first option, which is Kucoin because that’s where the highest liquidity is in.

Liquidity simply means money, the people that created the Ton token kept a large sum of liquidity or cash in Kucoin so you and I can be able to purchase Ton easily.

I could talk about liquidity and liquidity pairs and all, but this is not the course for it.

You will get to know about that later, might be in this course or might not be in this course.

Now you can see you will need to download Kucoin in order to get $Ton, no need of downloading many centralized exchanges in search of $Ton, when you can easily use CMC(Coin market Cap) to search for where to go to.

These exchanges are similar to Binance, you can also send USDT from your Binance to Kucoin and convert your USDT on Kucoin to Ton, then proceed to send the Ton to your decentralized wallet, very straightforward.

Also note that you will need to verify your identity on all centralized exchanges. That is why they are called centralized exchanges, because they are regulated by the government, thus the need to do a KYC(Know your customer).

But on Decentralized wallets like MetaMask or Trust Wallet, all you need is your 12 word phrase and you don’t need to do any KYC because they are decentralized wallets and they are not regulated.

That means, it is more safer to store huge funds in a decentralized wallet than a centralized wallet.

A centralized wallet can be shut down by the government or any financial body anytime and any day, thus putting your funds at risk.

Many centralized exchanges have shut down due to one issue or the other over the past 3 — 4 years, you can do your research on that.

Even the popular exchange called FTX which was owned by Sam bankman-fried shut down late last year(November 2022) due to fraudulent activities by the CEO(Sam).

Many more exchanges have crashed even before FTX, so it’s more advisable to put your funds in Decentralized wallets.

No doubt centralized exchanges have a lot of advantages, which is easy conversion of coins, buying of coins and many more, but if you have large funds, decentralized wallets are your best bet.

If you still don’t understand or you have questions for me, don’t hesitate to message me on WhatsApp.

I told you earlier that there won’t be a need to pay for a one on one mentorship if you can understand written and detailed courses like this, only those that don’t know how to study using this method can pay for the one on one mentoring. I am not supposed to charge, but time is money, and this is the best way of creating a free course that can reach a larger audience. Written explanations with detailed screenshots👌🏾

If you want a one on one mentorship, I can create a course in whatever format you want since you will be paying for my services.

Without further Ado, let’s proceed on how to send coins or tokens from one wallet to another.

We just swapped USDT to Solana right? If you did, kindly swap it back to USDT, you should be able to figure it out, just make sure Solana is up and USDT down, then proceed to convert it back.

Now head over to wallet, just like we did when we wanted to buy USDT on P2P.

Select USDT, hit the withdraw button.

Now head over to your Trust Wallet, I want us to do an experiment, in this short experiment, I will briefly teach you about blockchains and their various networks in layman’s terms, and I hope you’ll be able to grasp it, if you can’t grasp the concept, nothing to worry about, you can always ask me any questions if you feel stuck.

On your trust wallet interface, click on the icon on the upper right corner of your App. Check screenshot below, and make sure your Trust Wallet is updated to the latest version.

Next search for USDT and toggle all the USDT assets that I toggled on.

Check the blue arrow and use it to toggle on all the USDT in the red rectangle.

Once that is done, go back by clicking the back button on your upper left corner and you should be back to your Trust Wallet main interface.

Now let’s explore one by one, the first USDT toggled on has “BNB Smart chain” in front of it.(check screenshot below)

The red rectangle on the screenshot above shows the network of each of these USDT’s.

Most of these USDT’s have the same wallet address, I will explain why they have the same wallet addresses and why some have different wallet addresses.

Knowing this is very important, because once you are deep into the crypto space, this will become basic knowledge and any little mistake might lead to loss of funds.

I will take them one after the other so you can understand properly.

Firstly, what is a wallet address?

A wallet address is like your account number, it’s where you receive coins or tokens to, but the only difference between your wallet address and your account number is that, everyone can see how much is in your wallet address.

Yes, you heard that right, if any user scans your wallet address on a certain explorer, they can see the amount you have in your wallet. I will teach you how you can do that later in the course.

The first USDT has a network of “BNB smart chain”, on your trust wallet interface, you should be able to see Two BNB’s, one has a yellow icon, the other has a black icon.

Ignore the one with the yellow icon, and let’s focus on the one with the black icon, don’t get me wrong, the one with the yellow icon is also under BSC blockchain, but you most likely won’t be using it throughout your airdrop farming journey. But you might come across it once in a while.

If you click on the BNB with the yellow icon and click on receive, you will see that the address starts with “bnb”.

Now go back and click on the one with the black icon and you will see that the address starts with “0x”, now copy it and paste it on your notepad. Have you done that? Good.

We toggled on USDT with BNB Smart Chain network right? Let’s look for it. Seen it?

Now click on it and click on receive and copy the address and paste it on your notepad.

What did you notice?

They have the same address, exactly!!

What does this tells you?

This means that BNB Smart Chain is a blockchain on its own, and BNB smartchain (the one with the black logo) which is also known as BSC, is the native token of the BNB blockchain.

There are different blockchains on the crypto space, we have the Ethereum Blockchain, Solana Blockchain, Avalanche blockchain, Polygon blockchain (which was formed from Ethereum) and many more.

Knowing and identifying these blockchains is very important to your crypto and airdrop farming journey because you will need it.

Let’s move on to the second USDT we toggled on.

The network of that USDT is Avalanche, if you should search for Avalanche on your trust wallet and toggle it to your list of wallets and also click on it, you will see that it has the same address as BNB smartchain.

If you should locate Ethereum and also USDT of the Ethereum network and copy and paste the address on your notepad, you will also notice that they all have the same wallet address. 😂😂

This is confusing right? Wallet addresses should be unique, why do they have the same wallet address?

The answer is simple, it’s because they are all EVM compatible networks.

Ethereum is the mastermind of these networks and they are all forked or would I say generated from Ethereum, that is why they have the same wallet address.

Now how do you not make mistake when you want to send coins to these assets.

All what I will tell you is, the sender is always the priority. We will test this theory now.

Click on USDT on the “Avalanche C chain” network on your trust wallet, one is USDTbs, another is USDTso, and the last one is USDT.e, it doesn’t matter which one, they all have the same address anyways. Click on any of them and copy the wallet address.

Go back to your Binance and select USDT and click withdraw.

Then paste the address on the first input field and select BNB Smartchain (BEP20) network on the second input and input $10 in the amount as shown in the screenshot below;

Also check the red rectangle and click on it to change to funding wallet if your assets are in funding or else it will write insufficient balance.

Once that is done, hit the withdraw button and confirm whatever verification you will need to do in order to send out, be it fingerprint for android users or Face ID for IOS users.

Once the asset has successfully sent out, guess where the asset should land in your wallet?

If you said USDT(BNB Smartchain), then you are correct.

Remember I said the sender is the priority.

We copied the address of USDT on the Avalanche C chain network and we are sending the USDT to the BNB Smart Chain network. That is evidence that the sender is always the priority.

Let’s do another experiment, copy your USDT(BNB SmartChain) on Trust wallet.

Now go to Binance, select withdraw, paste the address there and choose Solana as the network, you will see that it is blurred out.

You can’t pick Solana as network. Why is that?

Let’s see why you can’t choose Solana as network, let’s head over to Trust wallet and search for USDT, toggle on the USDT with the “Solana” network.

Click on it and click receive, can you see the address is different?

If the address was the same as BNB smartchain, it wouldn’t have blurred it out.

Why did Binance do this? Binance did this to prevent you from losing your assets. Other exchanges or wallets might not blur it out for you and you might send it anyways, thus, you will lose your assets. But Binance blurred it out as a preventive measure for you not to send your assets to the wrong coin network.

You know I said not all tokens or coins have the same addresses on Trust Wallet, some have different address and Solana is one of them.

If you copy the USDT(Solana) address and head over to Binance to paste it in the address section, you will see that only Solana will be the available network to choose, others would have been blurred out.

Let’s do the last experiment to show you that the sender is the priority.

Go to your Binance and convert your USDT to Solana, then copy your USDT(Solana) wallet address on trust wallet and head over to Binance to send it.

Select Solana on your Binance and click on withdraw and send the Solana to your USDT(Solana) address on trust wallet, you will see that the asset that will be credited in your wallet will be your native Solana coin and not USDT(Solana).

So always keep this at the back of your mind, the sender is always the priority, it doesn’t matter which address you copy from the receiver.

I don’t expect you to understand immediately, you will need to do a few transactions here and there before you can fully grasp the concepts, so if you do not understand, don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal, just give it time, once you are deep into the crypto space, it will start to make sense.


I will be redirecting you to my MetaMask course for a short while, it’s just for a few minutes, but it’s important you go through this short course on how to use MetaMask like a pro.

MetaMask will play a huge role in your airdrop farming journey and it’s very important you know the nitty gritty of MetaMask before you can begin earning properly. So here is the course below;

The interface might look different since apps update over time, but it’s all the same concept, it’s just that the browser icon might not be where it usually is again, and so on.


Finally, we are moving on to the main deal, if you are seeing this chapter, congratulations in advance, you’re one step in becoming a millionaire.

By now you should know how to setup a decentralized and centralized wallet, you should know how to send and receive assets in your wallet, you should also know how to use MetaMask like a pro and also know how to use P2P to fund your wallet.

Next, let me quickly dive in on explorers, you might want to jot this down.

Each blockchain has different explorers.

I mentioned something earlier about other people being able to see the funds you have in your wallet if you reveal your wallet address to anyone, also you can see people’s funds and NFT’s and transactions if you have their wallet address.

The explorer for BNB Smart Chain blockchain is

The explorer for Ethereum Blockchain is

If you want to check for other blockchains like Solana or Avalanche or whatever blockchain you stumble upon, you can just google it and it will display the explorer.

You can google search for “Solana scan explorer” and you should see

Do the same for other blockchains and you’ll get your desired results.

Let me teach you how to use Bscscan.

Visit the site and you should see this:

Copy your BNB Smartchain address on your trust wallet and paste it in the search section and search.

So here is a random address I found on twitter.

The red rectangular section is the balance of that wallet, you can see the person has $1.42 worth of BNB.

If you click on the drop-down icon in blue rectangle, you will see other memecoins or tokens the person has that is under BSC network or blockchain.

I told you earlier that all coins or tokens are under a blockchain.

Bitcoin is not under any blockchain, Bitcoin is a blockchain itself and there are tokens under the Bitcoin blockchain, it’s like Bitcoin is the general of an army and the armies under Bitcoin are the tokens.

Ethereum is a blockchain, and ethereum blockchain has tokens under it, and they are called ERC-20 tokens.

Ethereum(ERC20) has a decentralized swap site where you can swap Ethereum to other tokens and also swap these tokens to ethereum, the site is called

Hope you’re jotting these down?

Back to the explorer.

When you scroll down on the explorer, you should be able to see the transactions performed by the user, as seen below;

If you click on each transactions, you will be able to see the date and time in which the transaction occurred and what the transaction entails. Is it a swap transaction or a contract interaction or did the person receive a token or a coin or send a token or a coin, etc.

It’s all there. Pretty dope right? 😃

Now, this person can have other tokens on other blockchains, correct?

But we are only scanning the person’s wallet address on the BSC blockchain, that means we still don’t know if the person has Ethereum or other ERC20 tokens nor do we know if the person has Solana and other SPL tokens or Avax, etc.

That means, to know these informations, we will need to visit each explorers one by one and scan the person’s address to know the tokens the person holds, but why would we want to do that?

That is not the main goal here, but we are just doing it to understand how explorers work, because we will need these information on our airdrop farming journey.

You can copy your ethereum address and head over to etherscan to also scan your address and see if it will display anything.

For Solana, copy your Solana address and scan on Solscan too.

I believe we now know how explorers work?

There are some instances whereby you won’t see your tokens or coins on your wallet, if such thing happens one day, do not be afraid, there is an 80% chance that your wallet wasn’t hacked, instead, copy your address and scan it on the required explorer and check if that coin or or token is there.

Your wallet is just an intermediary to see your assets, all assets are stored on the blockchain, and the explorer is the go to place to verify if your assets are really in your wallet or not.

That’s why we were able to import our Trust wallet phrase to MetaMask earlier, if your assets were truly stored in wallets, you shouldn’t see your assets in MetaMask when you import them.

So take note of these tips, your assets are stored on the blockchain and not on your wallets, your wallet is just an intermediary to view and interact with your assets.

If you don’t see your assets in your wallet, it is probably a bug or error from the wallet company, nothing is wrong with your asset if you can still find it in your explorer once you scan your address, so do not panic.

It’s time to put your money to work.

I believe you should have funded your Binance with USDT by now.

Now let’s make money.

Before we proceed, you need to understand how airdrop farming works.

I explained earlier that airdrops is mainly free money or tokens a crypto project gives you as rewards for interacting with their project.

That means, every crypto protocol or decentralized Apps can reward you for the smallest transaction you do on their site.

I’ll explain better.

I said something about earlier. I said it’s a Decentralized platform(DEX) that we can use in swapping Ethereum to other ERC20 tokens or ERC20 tokens to Ethereum.

Now, let’s say you want to buy Shiba Inu.

Most people are familiar with Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu is a memecoin on the ERC20 blockchain that made millions of people millionaires in a few days.

If you had bought $30 worth of Shiba Inu then, it went as high as $30,000 or even more.

So what’s my point?

If you open your Binance App and navigate to wallet, and search for Shiba Inu, you will see the token there, that means you can covert your USDT to Shiba Inu with a click on a button.

You might be seeing it as an advantage at that moment because you can easily convert your USDT to Shiba Inu without any additional charges or any transaction fees.

But if you were to use Uniswap to swap Ethereum to Shiba Inu, you just made a transaction count on Uniswap, hence you might be eligible for airdrops if Uniswap decides to give every user that interacted with their DEX.

I hope you are getting the concept now?

The more you use Decentralized Apps, the more your chances of airdrops from these protocols and Apps, hence it’s called farming.

Your transaction fees or transactions will serve as transaction count as you are swapping or bridging or providing liquidity, etc.

Now here’s where it gets interesting.

I used Uniswap as an example, that doesn’t mean Uniswap will do an airdrop anytime soon, so don’t start swapping on Uniswap yet😅

There are insider information from crypto influencers that will enable the whole crypto community to know if a protocol or project will do an airdrop, sometimes these projects even hint the users about a potential airdrop.

How will you know which protocol or project to farm?

I will provide the information to you via my telegram channel, you can join via the link below and turn on post notifications for my channel.

Also download a twitter account and set it up, for it is very important.

X(Fomerly Twitter) is quite popular, so I should be guessing you already have an account.

You will also be using it to get information on new protocols that are released.

New protocols tend to rewards farmers with huge amount of airdrops when they launch.

Examples are Optimism, Arbitrum, Aptos, SUI, TIA, Pyth, Cyber and many more.

I can say in total, I have made approximately $50,000 from these protocols by just farming them, if not more. And now, I have also qualified for $Jup airdrop from Jupiter and Frame airdrop.

How did I qualify for $Jup airdrop and what is $Jup?

I never even knew Jupiter would do an airdrop, Jupiter is a Dex on the Solana chain, you can use Jupiter to swap tokens on the Solana chain, provide liquidity, etc.

I used the Jupiter swap ( around 2021, and now Jupiter announced they will give everyone that has interacted with the Jupiter Dex an airdrop, dope right? 😃

It’s just like the Uniswap example I referenced earlier.

Are you grasping the concept of farming now?

Obviously, people that performed lots of swaps on Jupiter will receive a higher allocation of the airdrop, so the more the volume created, the more your reward.

For frame airdrop, the criteria says, “if you bought at least 1 NFT on the Ethereum chain from 2021”

I was also allocated 50 $Frame and Frame will be launching in January.

These are the perks of farming, interact with as much Dex Dapps as possible and make money from airdrops, apart from airdrops, you can even make profit randomly by doing Degen trading, most Degen traders qualify for airdrops the most because they are on every blockchain flipping coins for profit.

Degen trading is another field on the crypto space, and in just one week, I made $4,000 profit from trading Solana memecoins.

I started with $100 and slowly and steadily, I flipped it to around $4,500 profit as of December 21st, 2023.

Now I am planning on using the profit to farm Parcl and Bonkmas in order to position myself for 6 — 7 figures airdrop in 2024.

My choice though, I can decide to withdraw it to fiat and spend it, but I know where I am going and I would rather use it to farm because I know these projects are big projects and their airdrops would be huge.

If you want to start flipping memecoins on the Solana chain, you can watch the video below:

Degen and airdrop farming are intertwined, if you are a Degen trader, you are automatically farming airdrops because you will be using Dex Dapps a lot, including Telegram bots like Bonbot.

The more you use BonkBot, the more $Bonk you will receive, that’s farming!!

BonkBot made me qualify for the Bonkmas airdrop.

I was using BonkBot to flip memecoins on the Solana chain, so I didn’t know I was getting Bonk in return as rewards.

When Bonkmas was finally out, I qualified for Bonkmas airdrop because I had Bonk in my BonkBot.

The criteria for qualifying for Bonkmas was to hold Bonk starting from November 20th.

So I exported my BonkBot private key into my phantom wallet and used it to check on the Bonkmas website and I qualified, but in order to get more allocations, you have to farm with more money.

Once you watch the video above, you would understand how BonkBot works.

BonkBot is just like a wallet, but it’s telegram based and it makes trading easy, that doesn’t mean you can’t use it on real wallets like Phantom or Solfare.

Pin my telegram channel to your telegram and turn on post notifications for it on your settings so you don’t miss important updates.

Any update you find difficult to comprehend, all you need is just ask in the community chat and it will be answered.

Congratulations on completing the airdrop farming course, the next thing on the agenda is to stay tuned to my telegram channel and do every update you see on my telegram channel without hesitation.

I will be dropping a video soon on my telegram on how to farm marginFi and Parcl, so join and wait for the video, we will be kickstarting our airdrop farming journey by farming MarginFi and Parcl.

In the meantime, interact with this:

WAGMI — we all gonna make it🚀🚀🚀


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Twitter: @Crypto_Haaland

Telegram: @Abysswalkar




A JavaScript developer currently exploring opportunities on the web3 space.