Beginners Guide To Crypto(Beginner to advance)Vol.1

Olah Israel
73 min readSep 5, 2022


Trust Wallet interface

Well, the screenshot above should get you motivated and glued to this article in the meantime. But I will like to confess, that the $31,870.55 balance above is not actually real. Neither was it edited. But I will show you this trick before the end of this article.
Once you are done with this article(all the volumes), you won’t be a newbie in the crypto space anymore, you should have enough knowledge to enable you to earn in the crypto space, navigate the crypto space, teach others about crypto, get jobs relating to crypto, have non-fungible tokens(NFT’S) and lots more.
To make our journey smooth and stress-free, I will be listing the topics we will be talking about, and I will explain them one after the other so we all don’t become confused. So without further Ado, let’s go to the moon.


  1. Setting up our Crypto Apps
  2. How to buy and sell crypto and the concepts
  3. Exploring our Crypto Apps
  4. Guide to making money($) by claiming Airdrops and Testnets.
  5. Guide on how to get Crypto Jobs and work remotely(Volume 2)
  6. All what you need to know about NFT’s and how to make money by flipping arts.(Volume2)
  7. How to make money by doing Presales and liquidity mining(Volume 2)
  8. And lot’s more that can’t be disclosed yet(Volume 2)
  1. Setting up our crypto Apps -

The first App we should be downloading from the play store or App store should be trust wallet.
You might be wondering why I’m not talking about “What is Cryptocurrency?” or explaining cryptocurrency. Well, you can open a new tab on your computer or mobile device and type What is cryptocurrency. And I bet there’s an 80% chance that you still wouldn’t understand quite well.
But you will understand how crypto and the blockchain work if you follow me throughout this article and just follow my instructions.
Head over to your various online App stores and download trust wallet. It should be the first App you see when you search for trust wallet. Here’s what it looks like on the App store. It should look similar too on the Play Store.

Once you have downloaded it, launch the App, and let’s set it up.

Just follow the prompts and agree to the terms and once that’s done, you should see a window that says, CREATE A NEW WALLET and I ALREADY HAVE A WALLET.

Of course, this is a beginner’s course, so there’s a probability that you don’t have a crypto wallet yet. Click on Create a new wallet and check the three options that were given to you. Before you check it, read it well for it is important. You should notice that they were only talking about how to keep your 12-seed or 12-word phrase safe. Your 12-word phrase is your password and you are to not give it to anyone. I repeat, not even someone claiming to be a support staff. Report or block anyone that tells you to give him or her your phrase.

Once you have ticked the three check marks, twelve(12) random words would have been generated for you. Now let’s talk about security and how to keep those twelve random words safe. Some people would want to write it down, yes, that’s the option that just came to mind. But writing down your 12-word phrase is also dangerous since you are hiding it and trying to keep it safe. Anyone can just stumble upon it one day and duplicate it. Then the day you deposit crypto into it, the person that duplicated it might withdraw your funds.

The best option is to save your phrase as a draft in your second Gmail. How do you save it as a draft? Just open a new Gmail, or if you have a second Gmail, click on compose a message, then paste the phrase there. Then click on the X button and your phrase will be saved as a draft. You can then proceed to see it in the drafts section on your Gmail or mail App. Once you are doing all these, make sure there is a copy of your phrase on a sheet of paper too, just in case you didn’t get what I’m saying and you went to do it the wrong way. So your phrase wouldn’t be gone. But no need to panic, even if you did a mistake, there are no funds in the wallet yet and you can always create a new one.

Now hope you are following, let’s proceed, shall we? Once you have secured your 12-word phrase, click on the I have written it down option and start clicking the words according to how it was arranged or according to how you arranged them. Once you are done clicking. You should be able to proceed to the next interface. Proceed to enable push notifications if you like, and you should see four(4) coins or assets on your wallet. They include; bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, and Smartchain. Now we are getting to the fun part.

Those four coins or assets are kind of popular and a newbie should be familiar with those coins, even if you are not familiar with the other three, you should be familiar with Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is not the only coin there is, there are millions of coins or tokens on the blockchain or in the crypto space, you wouldn’t even be able to count them if you wanted to, and you can find most of these coins on trust wallet because it is a decentralized wallet.

Okay, that’s a new word, you really should start jotting down these key points or words. There are two main types of wallets in the crypto space(there could be more that I don’t know of), and they are; decentralized wallets and centralized wallets. Now, what’s the difference?

Your assets are actually more safe in a decentralized wallet like trust wallet if you don’t share your 12-word phrase with anyone or connect your wallet to scam and phishing sites. I will explain how to secure your wallet better in another section, so hang on tight. Now, decentralized wallets are mainly linked together, and it’s more open source. That was the whole idea of the person who founded bitcoin. He/she wanted crypto to be decentralized.

Well, here’s a fun tip, no one knows the original creator of bitcoin, but you should see satoshi Nakamoto online if you search for it. He actually didn’t create bitcoin, it’s just a rumor and when interviewers visited his home, he denied it or deny anything that have to do with creating bitcoin.

I will explain it better in simpler terms. An example of a centralized wallet is Binance. Now, if you download binance, you will see that setting the App up is actually very difficult compared to trust wallet. Trust wallet didn’t collect any info from you, instead, it gave you random 12 words to keep as a password, but binance will collect your mail, a form of identification, phone number, address, and a lot more. This means, that a centralized wallet is the regulated version of crypto. You cannot tell Elon Musk to send you $50,000,000(50 million dollars) worth of crypto into your binance App. I doubt it will receive it, even if your binance App receives the funds from Elon Musk, it will be locked and you will be investigated by the FBI or SEC. You will even need to go through some process to get the money and you will need to prove to them how you got the money. Now that is the meaning of a centralized wallet, but you see, A decentralized wallet can receive 50 million dollars and no one would know who received it or where it came from. A decentralized wallet can even receive more than that, there is no limit to what it can receive, and no government body will know how it came to be or who got hold of the asset. That is the beauty of a decentralized wallet.

But there’s a catch, you can’t actually sell assets directly on a decentralized wallet. If you receive the $50M worth of crypto from Elon Musk and you wanted to convert it into your local currency, you will need to send it to someone who is in need of that particular coin at the moment, and the person will send you cash. It’s not quite guaranteed, right? What if the person scams you with your crypto and doesn’t send cash? That’s pretty ugly. So that’s where centralized wallets or exchanges came to the rescue, you can easily sell your crypto on the App and it’s 100% safe. If you are in Nigeria, I’m afraid that won’t be possible, because crypto is banned. You will need to sell it to a very trusted crypto vendor or use the peer-to-peer option which isn’t also quite safe due to the high rise of scammers on there.

So if you are in Nigeria, buying and selling of your crypto assets should be conducted via crypto vendors. I am a crypto vendor and you can contact me on WhatsApp or Instagram if you need to buy or sell assets.

I believe we all understand the concept of a decentralized wallet and a centralized wallet. So kindly navigate to your browser and type “examples of decentralized wallets” and “examples of centralized wallets”. Note them down for later because you are going to need the knowledge later.

Here’s a quick tip. Your 12-word phrase on trust wallet can work on other decentralized wallets. Once you download other decentralized wallets and import your 12-word phrase to it, it will work and all your coins or assets on trust wallet will show there. In a nutshell, all decentralized 12-word phrases are linked together and can work if imported to any decentralized wallet. Super cool right?

So let’s go back to where we stopped. The second app we are downloading is Coin Market Cap. As usual, search for coin market cap on your store and it should be the first App that pops up. A screenshot has been embedded below.

Now launch the App once the download is completed and you should see the login and Create an Account option. Proceed to click on Create an Account and input your email address and your desired password. Make sure you read the password instructions well. A lot of people are fond of not reading password instructions. You are to use both letters and numbers and the length must be 8 or above if I’m not mistaken.
Once that’s done, you’re going to see Referral ID(optional) beneath the password instructions, but you won’t see the input field or where to input the referral ID. Try tapping Referral ID to see if the input field will display or pop out, if it doesn’t, look to your right, you are going to see a dropdown sign that looks like “v”. Click on that sign and you should be able to see the input field now. Once that’s done, kindly enter my referral ID or just copy it and paste it there.
My referral ID is 3UDYA36R. Then proceed to Create your Account, once you have done that, a security verification will pop up on your screen. It’s a puzzle you should swipe into the empty area. Just look beneath it, instructions have been given to you to slide to complete the puzzle, so place your finger on the arrow and slide it into the empty puzzle so it will both merge. Once you have done that, you should see an interface that says An activation email has been sent to you. Click on Enter verification code and you should see the input field of where to input your code and go check your mail for the six(6) digit code.
Once you have input the six-digit code it will take you to another page to subscribe to their newsletter. You can proceed to subscribe if you don’t mind receiving emails from them about crypto news and updates.
You should be seeing the main interface of the App by now. Don’t worry, we will explore the App later. Remember we are following the table of contents, Once we are done downloading all the Apps we need and we have set up all the accounts we need to set up, we will take them one by one and I will show you how to use the Apps like a pro. Now, unto the next App.
Download the Discord App from your store. Just search for Discord and download it. It should look like the screenshot below.

Once your download is complete, launch the discord App and sign up or create an account. Now you can either use your phone number to sign up or use your email. Let’s use email. Click on Email, the option is beside the phone option, then input your email and click on next.
Once that’s done, choose a username and a password. Once again read the password instructions. Once that’s done, proceed to choose your date of birth.
Once you are done choosing your date of birth, a captcha would display for you to select images of either an airplane or traffic light or bus, etc. Select it and click on verify. Next, choose a profile picture by clicking on the picture logo attached to the circle, it’s tiny, but you shouldn’t miss it. Or you can just select any of the avatars or click on skip. You can set up the profile picture later though.
Check the screenshot below to change your profile picture to the one you wish. I circled where you are to click in red.

You shouldn’t have any issues with that now. Next, go to your mail and confirm your mail for discord. Open your mail and click on verify mail to verify it. Then click on the I am human checkbox and follow the instructions to complete the captcha. Once it’s completed, proceed back to the app and close the tab of your browser.
On your App, you can click on next or untick the Allow search by email/number. I would leave it ticked though, so click on next and check the top left corner to click on the close icon.
Next, discord might tell you to verify your phone number, so proceed to do that, and once that’s verified, we will get back to it and I will show you how to use the discord App effectively next time. Remember we are following the table of contents.

Once that’s done, let’s download the phantom wallet. If you are really interested in minting NFTs on the Solana ecosystem, then phantom wallet is your go-to App.
For other ecosystems, you will need other Apps. Let’s say you want to start minting ADA Cardano NFTs, you will need to download yuroi wallet extension or Nami wallet extension on your chrome or brave browser.
If you don’t have a personal computer, your android device can actually do the trick, but you will need to download Yandex browser on your android device.
But I won’t be talking about Ada Cardano NFTs here, I will just be showing you how to set up your phantom wallet for Solana NFT’S.
So head over to your various stores and download phantom wallet. It should look like the screenshot below.

Phantom wallet on App store

Now open the App and let’s set up our wallet. But before we do that, I will like to experiment with something. Remember we talked about decentralized wallets and how each decentralized wallet’s 12 phrases can work on various decentralized wallets? Yes, we are going to experiment with it now and you will see what I was talking about. So go and get your trust wallet 12 seed phrase from where you kept it and click on I already have a wallet on your phantom App.

On my IOS here, I’m seeing some Face authentication options here, you might want to enable that if you can also see what am seeing. Android users should be fingerprinted if am not mistaken. Anyways, just click on next, then the next interface should be where to input your 12 or 24 seed phrase.

Yes, some apps generate 24 phrases. An example is phantom, sollet, and solfare.

All these wallets are under the Solana ecosystem, so I’m guessing Solana has a thing for 24.

Your trust wallet App can also accept 24-word phrases too since it’s a decentralized wallet. Now input your trust wallet 12 seed phrase into your phantom wallet and click on Import secret recovery phrase. That should import it successfully.

If it doesn’t work, make sure all your phrases are in lowercase(small letters).

It should display a cool congratulatory interface about you being done, all you need to do is to agree to the Terms of Service and click on the Get Started button. Now that’s done, you should see your interface along with your Solana asset displayed.

So you don’t need to generate new phrases every time you download a decentralized wallet, one phrase can work across all, be it a 24-word phrase or a 12-word phrase. But if you feel like you want separate phrases for all your wallets, then proceed to generate a new one. To do that, you will need to uninstall the phantom App and install it again. Then instead of clicking on I already have a wallet, just click on create a new wallet and your unique 24 phrases will be generated for you. You can then proceed to experiment and go to your trust wallet App, click on the settings icon at the bottom of the App, click on wallets, then click on the plus(+) icon at the top right corner of your App interface, once you click that, you should see a familiar interface like when you just downloaded the wallet. Now click on I already have a wallet and select Multi-Coin Wallet, then paste your Phantom 24 seed phrase there. It should be successfully imported without hassle.

Now you have two wallets on one App with separate phrases, one is a 12-word phrase, and the second is a 24-word phrase. You can rename the wallets for easy identification if you want. Just click on the settings icon again, click on Wallets, and click on the circled “i” icon at the far right, note that you have two wallets now, so one should be the main wallet, then the other should be main wallet 1. Let’s go with main wallet first.

Once you see the Main wallet and show the secret phrase interface, just click on main wallet and the edit button on your keyboard should pop up, you can then erase the Main wallet there and edit it to any name you want and also use cool emoji’s like how I did during the start of this article.

Once you are done, just click save at the top right corner and it should take you back to the previous interface. You can then proceed to do the same for the second wallet.

You should be able to get the hang of all these Apps as time goes on. Another important App that you should download is coin gecko. It almost has the same features as the coin market cap, but it’s a little bit different. There are some coins or tokens that are listed on the coin market cap and you won’t see them on coin gecko, there are also some coins on coin gecko that you won’t see on coin market cap, so both Apps are very useful. Before we proceed, read up on tokenomics(Token Economics) via the link and also read up on market cap via this link

Make sure you read them up as it is very important on your crypto journey, and also save those sites as a bookmark or keep the links in your notepad just in case you need something from the website again.

You must probably be impatient now, we are getting to the money part soon, first, we need all the knowledge we can get so we don’t lose all that money or make the wrong decision.

coingecko on App store

This is how coin gecko looks like on the App store, it should look similar too on the play store. On coingecko, you can decide to not sign up and just use the App anyways by clicking on “Continue to homepage”, but we will need to sign up too so we can claim the candies on coin gecko. This candy can enable you buy E-books on DEFI or NFT and so many educational contents and E-books. So go ahead and sign up. If you have already clicked on the “Continue to homepage” button, then just click on “more” at the bottom of the App and you should see the sign up button or option at the top.

Now sign up as usual and make sure you read the instructions on how to create your password. Once you have done that, complete the captcha. For me, they told me to select the lion, after that, a confirmation link was sent to my mail. So just go to your mail and click on the confirm email button. Then go back to the App and click on login to gain access to your coin gecko account.

Now that we have setup coin gecko, let’s move on to the next.

I will like to take a little detour now. Just a quick detour, don’t fret, We are still on board.

I have more than 20 Crypto Apps on my device and most of these Apps are Crypto based Apps that I downloaded around 2020–2021, and I still use these Apps daily because these Apps or projects are still in the development phase and some of them just requires you to either mine their coins or go claim some diamonds daily. Yes, you guessed right, just like coin market cap and coin gecko.

I will only drop a few Apps here for you to download, so download them, setup your account, follow their instructions on the App on how to go about mining or claiming their goodies and also follow their twitter account and turn on post notifications for their twitter account.

How do you turn on post notification?

Go to the projects twitter page, you should find the projects twitter account on their App, just look for the bird icon or twitter icon from the bottom of the App or anywhere and click on it. It should redirect you to their twitter page. You should have a twitter account now though, if you don’t have one, go create it, it’s very simple to create, it’s just like creating an account on Facebook.

Once that’s done, proceed to turn on post notification for the twitter account by first following the project’s twitter account, once you have followed the project’s twitter account, you are going to see the bell icon beside it immediately you click on follow. Tap on the bell icon and select “All Tweets”.

This will keep you updated on the project and every move or updates they make. Just make sure you check your twitter notifications daily to not miss it, because your device might not notify you when they update something, so you just have to go to your twitter daily and check if you missed anything.

This is one of the ways to stay updated on the crypto space. You need to make it customary to check your phone and social media daily for updates if you really want to make money and navigate the crypto space well. Don’t worry, we are getting to the good part soon.

The bonus Apps you should download are “Bee Network, Star Network and Arc8”. I will drop the screenshots below.

Use the following links to download each of the Apps.

BEE: Bee Network is the world’s largest web3 interactive platform. Join by invitation and earn Bee for bigger fortune with one click. Use my invitation code to join and get 1 Bee for free: olahisrael. Download at

Use olahisrael as referral code when setting up your Bee account so we can both enjoy the benefits.

STAR: Here is my referral code for Star Network. Use the referral code to boost: jonsnow. Download at

Use jonsnow as referral code when setting up your Star network App too.

ARC8: Join me in Arc8 and get 10 GMEE tokens bonus! Play mobile games, earn crypto rewards

Also use OLAHISRAEL as referral code when signing up on the Arc8 App.

The Arc8 App is quite different from the Bee and Star App though, the Arc8 App is a P2E App, which means Play-to-Earn. If you are a gamer or like playing basic games for fun, you can setup your account on the App, deposit $GMEE tokens on the App and use this $GMEE tokens to battle with other users on the App. If you bet 1 $GMEE and you win, you will get double, now imagine beating like 15 other players on the App, you just made X2 of your capital, But if you lose, your $GMEE tokens will be gone. I’m guessing you understand the concept now. But you can play test games with your diamonds and not the real $GMEE tokens.

How do you get the diamonds? You guessed right. By logging in on the App daily and claiming the diamonds.

How do you deposit $GMEE into the ARC8 App? Once you have setup your account, navigate to the fourth icon at the right, and click on the wallet icon, then you should see Arc8 wallet and Arc8 pay, click on receive on the Arc8 wallet and it will bring a pop up telling you that the network that should be used should be Polygon, then click on “Understood” and it should display a QR code and your unique wallet address.

Now I haven’t taught you about networks, so don’t deposit now if you are interested because one mistake can make you lose all your assets.

You can start using coin market cap now though, go to your coin market cap app and click on the search button at the top and search for “GMEE”. It should display it, click on it and you should see how much 1 $GMEE costs. Now 1 $GMEE costs $0.01505 as of when I was writing this, so if you want to buy $20 worth for example, it will be 0.01505 X 20 and that will give you 0.301.

That means if you should buy $20 worth, you should be receiving 0.3 pieces of $GMEE, note that vendors might deduct gas fees or if you don’t want gas fees or transaction fees to affect your purchase, you can send like $21 to the vendor to cover the gas fees.

We are too ahead right? Don’t worry, you will catch up, just jot a few things that you don’t understand and when next I explain it better, you will see what I mean or what I was talking about.

Now that we are done with the bonus Apps, let’s move on.

Bee Network on App Store
Star Network on App Store
Arc8 on App Store

So these are the Apps, Android users should be able to see on Play Store too. If you don’t want to download these Apps, it’s fine. You don’t need to download them. There are tons of projects out there that so many people don’t even know of and one can’t know everything going on.
But I follow these three projects daily and I mine Bee and Star network daily, So if you have already downloaded the App, sign up for your account and follow the instructions there on how to mine daily.
We are still downloading Apps that will be useful for us on our crypto journey right? You should have Trust wallet, coin market cap, coingecko, discord, telegram, Twitter, phantom, and if you like, the three bonus Apps.
I might chip in more bonus Apps along the line, so we are not done yet.
Now the next App on the list is MetaMask. This is one of the most complicated Apps to know or navigate as a beginner in the crypto space, but I will make it easy for you as a beginner, so don’t fret.
Head over to your store as usual and search for MetaMask, then hit the download button

MetaMask on App Store

Once you have downloaded it, open the App. You should see the welcome screen. Let’s click on Get started. Now you should see something familiar, which is the same old import, or create a new wallet.
Import your Trust Wallet phrase or if you want, you can decide to create a new phrase. There are disadvantages and advantages to creating multiple phrases, but we will discuss that later. Security is very important in your journey to becoming a crypto enthusiast and investor, we wouldn’t want to get REKT(wrecked).
We should download at least one centralized exchange. Kucoin is very easy to navigate and set up without much KYC(Know your customer), So that’s what we would be using as our centralized exchange.
We have come to the end of this module. There are still more Apps to download and more kinds of stuff to set up, I will fill you in on that later, for now, let’s move to the next content on the table of contents, which is “How to buy and sell crypto and the concepts”


Once this module or section is over, you should have understood the concepts of buying and selling crypto assets(Especially for people from Nigeria and other countries that have banned the use of crypto).

We are all aware that crypto has been banned in Nigeria, and Nigeria is still among the top three countries that trade crypto on a daily bases based on volume and other factors. Kindly DYOR(Do your own research), I might be wrong though.

So buying crypto assets in other countries that aren’t banned is quite easy, just download a centralized wallet like Coinbase, Binance, or Kucoin and deposit funds into your wallet via your credit or debit card and you can purchase your crypto very swiftly and easily. For Nigerian users, you will need to visit a crypto vendor to buy or sell or use peer-to-peer (P2P). There have been a lot of scams on peer-to-peer platforms lately, so be careful when doing that. Also stay away from Paxful App. There are tons of scammers on Paxful.

I am a crypto vendor, if you want to buy or sell your coins, you can reach me on Twitter or WhatsApp. Just click the underlined Twitter or WhatsApp and it will redirect you to any of the various social media.

Let’s say you want to purchase USDT worth $100 from a vendor. You will need to convert the dollar to your local currency first to know the amount you are to send to the vendor in your local currency. Just ask for the vendor’s rate(Note that vendors have different rates and not all vendors are legit, some are out there to scam you, so be careful.) So now, let’s say the vendor said his/her rate was 650/$(I’m using naira as the local currency). That means, you will need to multiply 100 by 650 and that will give you 65,000. So that means you are to send 65,000 naira to the vendor to get $100 worth of USDT.

Most vendors won’t send $100, you might receive $99 due to gas fees, also known as transaction fees. So if you need $100 without deduction, ask the vendor if you will cover gas fee charges or not. If the vendor covers gas fee charges, then you should get $100, if not, you should get $99 or less, depending on the current transaction fee or the App the vendor is sending from. To be on the safe side, ask the vendor to tell you the approximate amount you will receive if you purchase a certain amount.

There are sometimes whereby the vendor will send $100 worth of the coin, especially Bitcoin, and when it arrives in your wallet, you might see $95. It might not be the vendor’s fault, it might just be that the price of BTC decreases during the transaction and it affected your coin. Sometimes, you can also see $105 in your wallet, so you should know that the price of BTC(bitcoin) increased during the transaction.

Vendors make money by buying low from people and selling high, so if you want to sell your coin to a vendor, the rate will be slightly different, some will sell coins to you at 650/$ and buy from you at 600/$. if you want to sell your USDT or any of your coins, just use the same method we talked about earlier and multiply it by the vendor’s rate and you will get your money in naira. It’s that simple.

Exploring our Crypto Apps

Now let’s explore all of our Crypto Apps one by one. Well, I will only explore the important ones with you, the rest can actually be learned on YouTube or you will probably get the hang of it as time goes on. No one taught most of us how to use Facebook. And Facebook is one of the most complicated social media Apps, but we still got the hang of it because we wanted to learn it and it was important, why? Because if we didn’t know how to use the App, we might miss out on a lot of fun or not be able to interact with friends and families well or people we know. Do you get my point now? So let’s treat this crypto course like something important, treat it as your backup plan for making money, if you don’t learn this, you might find it difficult in making money in the crypto space or you might even lose money if you don’t learn it well.

So buckle up and pay attention to this and Google anything you don’t understand or send me a message on WhatsApp or Twitter if you don’t understand anything or you aren’t sure of a particular stuff.

We are setting up Trust Wallet first, although I have given you a few tips already when we were downloading it, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we still haven’t touched the main features.

Okay, you already know how to get your 12 phrases from Trust Wallet, so I won’t be repeating that if you have forgotten, you can scroll up to read about it again.

We talked about having four(4) main assets or coins on the App interface every time we download it right? How about we add more assets to our App interface? I told you there are millions of coins in the Crypto Space, So why should we only be seeing four? Well, it was intentional though, a newbie seeing millions of coins on their App interface might just scare them or discourage them.

On your Trust Wallet App, which is the Wallet interface, click on the lollipop icon at your top right corner. Check the screenshot below, the red arrow is pointing to it.

Once you click on the lollipop icon, you should see the list of assets or coins displayed. Your trust wallet interface might not look like mine because of the asterisks(*****), don’t worry, I just used it to hide my balance. If you want to hide your balance too, just click on your $0.00 balance at the top and the asterisks should pop out, you can click on it again for it to return to $0.00.

I activated or toggled on Aeternity coin, you can also toggle it on. Or you can proceed to toggle on about 5 coins, once you are done, click on “Done” at the top right corner and you should see the Aeternity coin or whatever coin you toggled on added to your list of Tokens or Assets. Pretty easy right?
Crypto is not rocket science, once you follow instructions, you shouldn’t have any problem navigating this space. Well, I am here to make your journey smooth and stress-free.
Instead of clicking on the lollipop icon at the top right corner, you can also click on Add Tokens at the bottom of your App. Android users, I am with you, my trust wallet App is also open here, screen munching on IOS is just easier for me at the moment, so don’t think I am not considering both operating systems. If you don’t see the Add tokens at the bottom of the App, just update your App and you should see it.
Now that we know how to add assets to our trust wallet, we shouldn’t have any issues adding any assets later. These features are easy to remember.
So whilst we are at it, add SAND and AVAX to your list of assets, let’s see if you can still remember. Now when you typed “SAND”, two assets were displayed, right? One is “The Sandbox SAND” and the other is “SAND(wormhole) SAND”, now this is where it gets funny, most times newbies don’t know which to add. Yes, even I will be confused because I was just told to add SAND, but I didn’t specify the network you should add. Now it’s possible Trust Wallet might have updated their App and you might not see what I am typing, you might be seeing a different thing. I will send a screenshot now.

Now that was what was displayed on my App when I searched for SAND. My point is where the red arrow is pointing. The red arrow is pointing to ERC20.
Sand(Sandbox) is on the ERC20(Ethereum) network, The second Sand on the App is on the Solana network, and the network below it is SPL. This is where you pay attention, I won’t refer you to any articles, I will explain how networks work in the crypto space because they are very important. Tons of people have lost their life savings to Crypto, why did they lose it? Because they failed to learn the basics of how networks work in the Crypto Space.
Toggle on both of the Sand and click on done. Now both Sands should be added to your list of tokens or assets.
I will explain how networks work in layman’s terms to you. There are numerous networks in the crypto space, but the ones you should be concerned with or familiar with are; ERC20(Ethereum), BEP20(Binance Smartchain), BEP2(Binance Chain), SPL(Solana), TRC20(Tron).
There’s a possibility that you might encounter more, but it won’t be an issue for you when you encounter them because you would have already mastered the basic ones that I listed out already.
Now let’s do a little bit of an experiment. Click on Bitcoin on your Trust Wallet App, then click on “Receive”. Can you see your bitcoin wallet address?

Check where the arrow is pointing above. That’s where your address should be also. If you click on the “Copy” icon, it will also copy your wallet address to your clipboard, then you can go ahead and paste it. Now, why don’t you copy your bitcoin address and go paste it into your notepad? Once you are done, do the same thing for all your assets that are currently on your assets or tokens list.
I have 7 assets added here, yours can be more than that since you might be experimenting, but it’s fine. My seven assets are;

So, those are the seven assets that I added. If you want yours to also be seven(7) like mine, you can compare my screenshot with yours and delete the assets that are not in mine. How do you delete an asset from your trust wallet?
Just swipe left on the icon you want to delete or remove or disable. You deleting the assets doesn’t mean you are deleting them forever, you can always go back to add them again even if you disable them. Click the link below to watch the video below for a demonstration.

Now you should understand how to disable assets on Trust Wallet, you can see I swiped left a few times, so you can see the disable button once you swipe right on the asset, you can release your finger and click on the disable or remove or the delete button or whatever button it displays, or you can hard swipe left to delete it. Swipe to the left fully and it will delete, or you can use the long method by clicking on the lollipop icon and searching for the asset you want to delete then you can toggle it off. That also works.

Now I have eight(8) assets in my trust wallet. If you watched the video, you will see that I added Solana to my list of assets. So proceed to add Solana to your list of assets. We should have 8 wallet addresses copied and pasted on our notepad now. Now take a close look at the addresses, you will notice that bitcoin, BNB Beacon Chain, and Aeternity are different, then Solana and Sand(wormhole) are the same, and BNB smartchain, Ethereum, and The Sandbox are the same. That can be a little confusing right? I will explain.

We are going to take it one by one so you can understand how this works.

Bitcoin is the first asset, it has its separate network, so if you want to receive bitcoin from someone, always ask the person about the network he/she is sending from or using because bitcoin has numerous networks under it too. The main one is just the one you are seeing on your trust wallet App, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others. To experiment with this, click on the lollipop icon again and search for bitcoin. Now, what do you see?

Yes, you can see numerous bitcoins with numerous networks under them, I can see Wrapped Bitcoin here with the ERC20 network, I can see Bitcoin Anonymous with the Bep20 network, and lots more. But we are not dealing with all that, we are only dealing with the main one. So it’s that simple before you send your bitcoin address to anyone that wants to send bitcoin to you, first of all, ask which network the person is sending from, if the person doesn’t understand, then just contact me and I would be much obliged to guide you both. Just note that, before sending or receiving anything, be 100% sure.

Bnb Beacon chain is on the bep2 network right? That means you can only send bep2 to bep2, if you send bep2 to bep20, you will lose your assets.

Sending bep2 assets is quite tricky, sometimes it requires a memo. If you click on BNB Beacon Chain and you click on send, you will see the memo option, this means, the receiver has to generate a memo from his/her side and send it to you. How can the receiver generate a memo?

If the receiver is using Trust Wallet, the receiver doesn’t need to generate any memo, but if the receiver is using centralized exchanges that require a memo for receiving, then the exchange would have generated a memo for the receiver already, all that the receiver just have to do is copy the wallet address and the memo and send to you, then you can click on “send” and paste the wallet address, the amount you want to send and as well as the memo.

If you are receiving Bnb Beacon Chain on your trust wallet, then you don’t need any memo, just send your Bnb Beacon chain wallet address to the sender and there will be no issues.

Now that is a lot of information to take in or process, and as I said, if you are not sure, you can always reach out to me on WhatsApp or Twitter.

Next is Ethereum, now you are to only send ERC20 to ERC20, for some weird reasons, your bep20 wallet address, which is your BNB Smartchain is the same as your ERC20 wallet address, which is your Ethereum. Kindly verify quickly.

Do you also know that if you send Ethereum(ERC20) to a smartchain(bep20) address, the receiver will receive Ethereum?

Yes, the receiver will receive Ethereum because ERC20 only recognizes ERC20, and if you send smartchain to Ethereum, the receiver will receive smartchain instead. It’s quite confusing, right? Yeah, it’s normal, I was also confused at first. Let’s make this easier.

Let’s not go into the advanced part, for now, just make sure if you want to receive Ethereum at any point, just click on Ethereum and copy your wallet address and if you want to receive smartchain, just copy your smartchain wallet address. Even if it’s the same, just make sure you click on the right coins to copy the addresses. Also if you want to send out Ethereum, ask for the network first, the same applies to smartchain.

The Sandbox is on the ERC20 network, so The Sandbox will have the same address as that of Ethereum. Sand(wormhole) is on the SPL network, which is Solana, so Solana and Sand(wormhole) should also have the same wallet addresses. Are you getting the concept now?

So do not interchange networks and send Sand to a bitcoin address, it might send out and once it does, it can’t be recovered again for life.

Phew!! That was a lot of info, just make sure you jot these kinds of stuff down and you can always refer back to them if you find yourself in such situations like that.

We are just scratching the surface of the Trust Wallet App, we still have a lot to learn though.

For users outside Nigeria, you can buy assets on the Trust Wallet App, but you cannot sell them on the trust wallet App. On your App, just click on the “Buy” icon just below your main balance and it will list the coins or assets that you can purchase, just click on any of the assets you wish to purchase and it will take you to another interface or window. If you click on Bitcoin, you will see that it will automatically display $150, that’s not the minimum asset you can purchase, just edit the $150 and type $10, and it should tell you that “50 Minimum Purchase”, that means you can only purchase $50 worth of bitcoin or more, so you can proceed to type 50 and click on next, it will then take you to another window where you can input your mail, from there you can proceed to input your card details and once it is successful, your Trust Wallet would be credited with Bitcoin worth the amount you purchased.

At the bottom of your App, you should see four buttons and icons and they are; Wallet, Discover, DApps for Android, and Browser for IOS and Settings. This applies to both Android and IOS. let’s explore these icon one by one. We have already explored Wallets, the only thing we didn’t explore is the Swap function, but I didn’t have a very good experience with Trust Wallet’s Swap function so I will be skipping that, but don’t worry, you can use the DApps or browser function to swap whatever coins you want via decentralized sites like pancakeswap or uniswap. Now click on discover, most of the coins listed there are coins that you can purchase and stake, if you click on Solana for example, it will take you to a familiar interface, but this time you will see the “Stake” button.

Another way of earning in the crypto space is via staking. Once you stake your coins, your coins will be locked for a fixed period, which means you won’t be able to withdraw them or send them and you will also be receiving interest on your coins. But that doesn’t mean if Solana rises or pumps it won’t affect your staked coin, it will affect it, but it’s one of the most effective ways to earn on trust wallet without just leaving your coins idle. There are also risks involved though, once you stake your coin, trust wallet is not the one staking it, you are staking via a validator. If you want to know about validators and the risk involved, click the link below to learn about them.

Each stake has its own APR(Annual Percentage Rate) and Solana has 6.75%. Once you click on Solana, click on stake and you should see the APR. Though it changes, so you might not see 6.75% on your side, each validator has its own APR and if anything should happen to a validator, half of your funds will be slashed, as well as the profit so know the risks involved before you purchase any coin to stake your coins. The only place staking is safe is on a centralized exchange, if anything happens to your staked coins on a centralized exchange, the centralized exchange will be responsible for it, but if anything happens to your staked coins on Trust Wallet, trust wallet won’t be responsible for it.
On your staking interface on Trust Waller, you can also click on the “i” icon at the upper right corner and it will take you to an interface that will educate you on how you can stake your Solana or whatever coin you clicked on. So that should be all on staking.
We will be moving to the fun part, which is the DApps or Browser icon, so click on it, and you should see an interface that looks like your phone’s browser.
IOS users’ interface should be slightly different from that of android users.
We will be using DApps to interact with numerous crypto and web3 sites that have the connect wallet feature. Also, note that there are risks involved with having the DApps browser.
You can lose all your assets in seconds if you connect your wallet with a phishing site or a wallet drainer. So do not connect your wallet or paste any unverified link in your DApps browser, always make sure the link you want to paste is verified, but to be on the safe side, have another wallet that you will use to connect sites. I already showed you how you can create multiple wallets, so do that and rename the wallets too so you can identify them, now make sure your main wallet is always deleted from your Trust Wallet App, whilst your second wallet should still be on your Trust Wallet App.
Let me explain better. I have a wallet called Jon Snow on my Trust Wallet, yes you guessed right, I renamed it to Jon Snow, now this wallet contains 80% of my crypto funds, the 12 seed phrase is also safely stored somewhere safe. Now, I created another wallet and called it Airdrop wallet, If I then want to use the DApps function on my second wallet, which is my Airdrop wallet, I will delete my main wallet from my Trust Wallet and leave only my Airdrop Wallet on my Trust Wallet and then I will do whatever I want to do and connect to whatever site I want to connect to. Why am I deleting my main wallet? I am deleting it because I might mistakenly switch from my airdrop wallet to my main wallet and connect my main wallet to the site.
If at all I need more funds into my Airdrop wallet, let’s say for a gas fee or transaction fee, then I will import my Main Wallet on MetaMask and send whatever coin I need to my Airdrop wallet, once I am done sending, I will then close my MetaMask App and focus on whatever update that I am currently running on my Airdrop wallet and I will make sure that I don’t import my main wallet into Trust Wallet again for now, unless I have cleared the connection. How do you clear the connection?
Click on settings and click on Wallet Connect, if you still see any site connected there, then just terminate the section. Once it has been terminated you can then proceed to import your main wallet back into your Trust Wallet. You can then delete your main wallet from your MetaMask. I hope you understand the concept now.
All these things are not that stressful but you must keep your funds safe. Better to be safe than sorry.
You can connect your main wallet to sites like or or or or and a few more verified dex websites. These sites that I listed here are sites where you can buy coins by using another coin. Let’s say you want to buy a coin or token on the bep20 network, let’s use Feg token for example. You need to have BNB Smartchain in your wallet, then you can visit to purchase Feg token using BNB Smartchain. Don’t fret, I will teach you how to go about it.
Before you type any URL or link to your DApps browser or before you copy and paste any URL or link to your DApps browser, always triple-check the URL name before doing so. So many scammers usually clone these sites and you will think you are connecting your wallet to the correct one, meanwhile, you are connecting your wallet to a phishing site. Some URLs might be or, notice how there’s a double e in the first one and a double k on the second link? Yes, you might not notice these little things, and you can be hacked if you don’t pay attention to the sites you connect your wallet on.
Now type or copy into the URL on your DApps browser.

Once the site is loading, click the upper left corner and change the Ethereum logo to smartchain. For Android users, the Ethereum logo should be at the right corner, and there’s a possibility that it will already be on the smartchain logo, nevertheless, even if you can’t identify the logo, just click on the logo anyways and select BNB Smart Chain

Then select smartchain.

Once you select Smartchain, a connect wallet pop-up will pop out, proceed to click on “Connect Wallet”, then select Trust Wallet when an interface pops out, android users should see this, I doubt IOS users will see this feature though. Your wallet should be connected to pancakeswap now. Hope you know the reason why we chose smartchain instead of Ethereum. Kindly answer the question yourself without looking at your screen, if you answer it, then you have been paying attention, if you can’t answer it, then no worries, you probably forgot. It’s all good.
The reason why we chose smartchain is that smartchain is on the bep20 network, and pancakeswap is a platform or decentralized platform for swapping bep20 tokens only. That means if you want to initiate any swap, you will need smartchain as a gas fee or transaction fee. Smartchain is like the boss of all bep20 tokens, so there’s is no how you want to interact with any bep20 tokens that you won’t need to go through smartchain first.
You don’t need to use smartchain to swap to other tokens all the time. You can use USDT(bep20) to swap to other assets too and you can swap from one token(let’s say babydoge), to another token(let’s say Wakanda Inu), But you will just need smartchain as a gas fee since it’s like the boss. Hope you get my explanation. If you don’t read it again, no need to rush, sometimes all we have to do to understand something is to keep reading over and over again till it makes sense. Or you can just take a 15 minutes nap to cool your head and come back to this.
So just as smartchain is the boss of bep20 tokens, Ethereum is also the boss of erc20 tokens, and the platform for swapping erc20 tokens is called The same concept that I explained on pancakeswap also applies to uniswap. But we are going to take it one after the other. Let’s finish exploring pancakeswap first.

If your pancakeswap interface is not like the screenshot above, it’s still fine, I have 3 Smartchain BNB in my wallet, I don’t know if you have credited yours already though. The red arrow indicates that your wallet is connected to pancakeswap already, if your interface is still showing “Connect Wallet”, then proceed to click on connect wallet to connect it. If you wish to disconnect your wallet from pancakeswap, click where the red arrow is pointing and you will see the disconnect option. Once you are done using pancakeswap, just click on disconnect and then proceed to exit the DApps browser.

Now let’s click on the blue arrow. This is where we swap one asset for another.
Remember hearing about shitcoins? Just go on Twitter and search for shitcoins and start scrolling through tweets, you will see how people have made generational wealth from shitcoins thanks to pancakeswap, imagine you buying a shitcoin worth $30 and after three(3) days, you check your wallet and you see approximately $10,000!! Sounds unbelievable right? But it’s possible. Even more, people made more than that in a few days, if you knew how to use pancakeswap and flip shitcoins back in 2020, then you should still be having the trauma of you swimming in money. Knowledge is truly power, everything in the crypto space is all about the season. Shitcoins will thrive, then after a few months, the trend will die, then perhaps NFTs will also start trending, it will also die eventually, then the next thing might be presales or airdrops, that’s basically how this space works, it’s left to you to position yourself. Any trend that comes and dies down will surely come again, that’s the beauty of this space. But you are reading this to make money, and you will surely make money once you implement all that I teach you.

Scroll up to the last screenshot I sent, can you see the BNB with the yellow logo with a balance of 3.31298 BNB? Yes, that is smartchain, I know it’s supposed to have a black logo as it is on the wallet interface, but I don’t know why they decided to make it have a yellow logo in pancakeswap, but anyways, it is still smartchain. Once you click on the BNB with the yellow logo, you should see lists of other assets, starting from Alpaca to Belt, etc.
But here’s a fun fact, not all the tokens on the bep20 network are there, for some tokens, you will need to go and copy the contract address from the tokens telegram group or on coin market cap or coin gecko.
What is contract address? A contract address is like a token ID or identity, some tokens might have the same name, but the contract address of every token has to be unique. So contract address is like the unique identity of a token. Let’s experiment.

Go to your coin market cap App and search for “brise” or “Vetter”, but let’s go with “brise”, just search for “brise”.

Where the red arrow is pointing is where you should click, then type “brise”, once you type that, it will display Bitgert Brise, click on it, and you should see the chart and price of Bitgert Brise, now scroll down to “About Bitgert” and click on BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Check the screenshot above to see where the red arrow is pointing, that’s where you should click. Once you click on it, it should display the screenshot below.

For Android users, it might display something else, but it’s still the same output. Now click where the red arrow is pointing and it will copy the contract address to your clipboard. Now let’s head over to pancakeswap, but before we go, let’s take a look at the second to the last screenshot, where we clicked on BNB Smart Chain, you can see Website, Explorers, Socials, etc. right? If you click on it, you will see Bitgert Brises’ telegram group link, source code, website link, documentation, and social media links. Now you know what to do when you hear about a project, just head over here and do what we just did and you will get to know about the project. If you also go back and scroll through the page, you should see the project’s market cap, total supply, circulating supply, and news about the project. Hope you read the article on tokenomics. If you didn’t, scroll up and search for where I dropped the link and read up about it. Or just google what you see on coin market cap one by one and read up about it.
Now let’s go back to pancakeswap and paste the contract address on the input field.

Paste it where the red arrow is pointing and it will display the token below. Then proceed to click on the import button.

Once you click import, it will ask you to accept some terms, tick the “I understand” checkbox, and the Import button will be clickable again, then proceed to click on “Import” again. Once you have done that, BNB would have turned to Bitgert Brise, which means you are about to swap Brise to Cake.
Cake is the official token for Pancakswap, that’s why you are seeing Cake at the bottom, but now your balance is zero, so you can’t actually initiate any swap, if your balance is not zero, then let’s experiment then.
Click on Brise and change it to BNB once again, now change the cake to brise.

You should know how to do this already. Since you have imported it, you don’t need to go to CMC to copy the contract address again, just search for brise and you will see it, then click on it, your cake should have changed to brise. Now you want to swap some smartchain to Brise, you can either click on “MAX” to use all your smartchain or just click on the 0.0 above the max button to type the price in BNB, if you type 1, that means you want to buy Brise worth 1 BNB Smart Chain. If you don’t have up to 1 BNB, you should be seeing an Insufficient BNB balance. So to know the dollar worth of your BNB, change BNB to USDT then change Brise to BNB. Now you can see our 1 is approximately 0.00331421 BNB. That means $1 is 0.00331421 BNB. The price of BNB might have increased or decreased if you are reading this, so you should understand what I meant. Now you can input the amount you want to buy in dollars, if you erase the 1 and input 25 for example, which is $25, then you should see the amount in bnb, proceed to copy the amount in bnb so you don’t forget, then change the usdt back to bnb or just click on the arrow pointing downwards(or downwards and upwards)in-between usdt and bnb and bnb will flip up whilst usdt will flip down, then you can proceed to change usdt to brise back. Check the screenshot below for the arrow that I am talking about.

Now that the top is bnb and the bottom is brise, you can then proceed to click on swap, then it will bring a window to confirm swap, if you stay too long without clicking on the “Confirm Swap” button, it will display a Price update feature, you can just click on “Accept” and proceed with your swap.

Ooops!! If you have funds in your wallet, it should display this. Now how can we fix this?
So many people encounter issues like this when using pancakeswap, but this is just something minor, all you need to do is to just fix the slippage tolerance. So If you encounter this error next time, you will know what to do. Click on “Dismiss” and check the screenshot below.

Now can you see slippage tolerance? Which is 0.5%, which is too small for bitgert brise. Go to your google browser and type slippage tolerance meaning so you can understand better. What pancakeswap wants you to do is simply increase the slippage tolerance. Every asset or token has different slippage tolerance, some coins will swap even if the slippage tolerance is at 0.5%.

Check the screenshot above to click where the red arrow is pointing.

Now click where the arrow is pointing to edit the slippage tolerance manually.

Start by typing 3, then click anywhere outside the settings interface on the screen to remove the pop-up. Your slippage tolerance should have changed to 3% automatically now.

Proceed to swap again and see if it will display the error again or not, if it does displays the error, go back and keep increasing the slippage by 3 till it eventually goes through and displays the Smart Contract Call interface for you to confirm your transaction. But you don’t need to purchase the token though, was just using it as an example.

Just cancel it and go back. Now you should have understood the concept of how to swap tokens on pancakeswap. Most sites like pancakeswap also have the same concept when swapping from one token to another on their various blockchains, so you shouldn’t have any issues swapping on other decentralized swap platforms like pancakeswap.

You must have been hearing about liquidity, if not, then I will explain what liquidity means. Liquidity simply means funds, when we talk of funds, be it fiat or crypto. So when someone asks if you have the liquidity to buy a coin, you should know that the person meant cash or crypto coins. But that’s not all, there’s more to liquidity, if there was no liquidity on bitgert brise or if bitgert brise liquidity was locked by their developers, users won’t be able to sell bitgert brise, in some cases, you won’t be able to buy, but the most common is having troubles selling. Let’s say you invest $10,000 worth of bnb into bitgert brise and it rises to $20,000 and you want to pull out your funds using pancakeswap, if the developers have tampered with the liquidity, you wouldn’t be able to sell your bitgert brise back to Bnb. Projects like these are called “Honeypots.”

But I’m not saying bitgert brise is a honeypot though, but there are so many honeypot projects out there and you have to be careful. I will recommend tools that you can use to identify honeypot projects. You can use to identify honeypot projects. You can visit YouTube to watch a few videos on how to use token sniffer, but it’s pretty much easy, just get the contract address of the token you want to research and paste it on token sniffer and it will display the info of the token and you will see if it’s a honeypot project or not.

Explore pancakeswap to your taste and see if you will stumble on features you find fascinating. You can always use YouTube to watch videos on what you are curious about.

Now let’s move to settings, beside the DApps icon, you should see settings, click on it and you will see some buttons there, use security to secure your wallet, either with face ID or fingerprint and you can also set the duration for the lock, you can also click on preferences and click on the currency to change the currency to your local currency. You can then click on wallets to add new wallets or delete a wallet, as usual, a hard swipe left on a wallet to delete it completely from your device, but that doesn’t mean your funds are lost though, you can always import it back using your phrase, for IOS users, the “I” icon at the right-hand side of the wallet can be used to reveal your phrase or edit your wallet name, for android users, it’s a three-dot icon.

For both IOS and android, there’s a + icon at the top right corner to add multiple wallets. Now that should do it for trust wallet. That’s all that you need to know about trust wallet.

“Do not skip the learning phase and jump to the earning phase, it’s not a financial advice.”

Another place where you can paste contract addresses on trust wallet is where you usually search for tokens. Click on the lollipop icon again and go copy the contract address of Wakanda inu and paste it on the search option. It will display the token automatically. This option is for coins that are not yet listed on the coin market cap, there are instances where projects that just launched won’t have listed their coin on CMC, and If a coin is not listed on CMC, it won’t display if you search for its name on trust wallet, you will have to go grab the contract address on the project’s telegram group and paste it there, once you paste it, change the network to whatever it is and the decimal, name, and symbol should autofill, If it doesn’t autofill, input it manually. The most important thing to note when inputting it manually is to get the decimal and network correctly. We will experiment with this more when we get to the DEFI part.

The next app on the agenda is coin market cap(CMC). During our trust wallet tour, I already touched on a few features of CMC, so we won’t be spending too much time exploring the App, because there’s not much to do on the App.

You should already have an account on CMC, we talked about that at the start of this course. So there are rewards you should be claiming daily on CMC.

I claim these rewards daily because CMC dropped a hint about creating their token and users who claim these rewards will automatically get their token. That’s how hopeful I am that this will be a good claim.

So we will be claiming diamonds on CMC, all you have to do is enter the App daily and claim your diamonds. You don’t even need to start inputting your username and password, your login should be saved already.

At the top right corner of your CMC App, click on the diamond icon.

Once you click on it and it takes you to another interface, scroll down to claim your CMC diamonds. Click on “Claim diamonds” and drag the puzzle to the right hole and it will give you your CMC diamonds automatically.

I have already claimed my diamonds for the day, that’s why my screenshot is a little bit different from yours. Go back to the homepage of your App and click on Watchlist, then click on the + icon at the top right corner of your App, then set your Watchlist name(You can use your name), and if you want you can include a description or leave it blank and you can also decide to make it public or private by toggling the button on or off.
Once you have created the Watchlist, you can then proceed to click on Add coins to add whatever coins you would like to monitor. As you are tapping the coins, it will start marking, you can also use the search option to search for the coin and click on it so it can mark, then you can proceed to click on “SELECTED _ COINS” for it to add.

Once that’s done, you can go back to the homepage and click on the bell icon. The bell icon should also be at the top, beside the diamond icon.
That is where you are to receive notifications of your watchlist if any of your added coins rises or drops.
Back to the homepage, you can also click on discover to read the latest news going on in the crypto space. You can click on Price Alerts to set the prices of coins to alert you if it reaches a certain price. You can also click on the converter to know the price of coins in your local currency or USD or one coin to another. It’s a very cool feature to explore.
If your CMC App has the explore option at the bottom of the App, click on it, then you should see Recently Added once you click on it, beside it you should see “See more”, click on “See more” and it will display all the tokens or coins that were listed on CMC in the last one day or one hour or one minute.

The screenshot above illustrates what I am saying better. If your CMC App doesn’t have the explore option, go to your chrome browser and visit, then click on the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your App.

Then click on Cryptocurrencies.

Then click on recently added, now you should also see the newly listed coins on CMC.
Why am I telling you this? For people that want to seek DEFI(Decentralized finance) or crypto jobs or web3 jobs, you can use CMC as a tool for scouting for new projects that are being listed so you can apply as a moderator or a community manager, or a Shiller, or a collab manager or a graphic designer or a web3 developer and many other jobs on the crypto space. I will talk about how to apply for crypto jobs later(in Volume 2), for now, we are still exploring how to use these Apps.

Hope you are now getting my point. Once you see the recently added projects on CMC, you can click on the coin name and get the social media links of these projects to visit their telegram group or Twitter account to pitch to them and see if they are also hiring. You might not get hired immediately, but be consistent in what you do, that’s why I said you can’t skip the learning phase and jump to the earning phase, I will talk about crypto jobs later on this course, remember we are following a table of contents.

Next up is discord. NFT minters and flippers use this App often if you want to be versed in the NFT space, then discord is the App for you, crypto projects, P2E(Play to Earn) and web3 projects also use it though.
It is a very complicated App to use and if you are not careful with this App, it can be used to hack your wallet or your discord account can even be hacked. Imagine you securing a job and your discord account is hacked, and you lose access to that server and the job, during payday, the hacker will drop his wallet address to receive payment, so be wary.
You should have set up your discord App by now and added a profile picture, now let’s join a discord server.
Visit your Twitter App and search for “nft project”, once it has displayed the results, click on people.

The red arrow illustrates clicking on people, whilst the blue arrow is to check the profiles of the NFT projects account to see if you will discord links on their bio. Some NFT project discord links are private, which means you will need to get whitelisted before you can join or someone that has been whitelisted will need to invite you. I will explain what whitelist means later.

I clicked on the second project because I thought it looked more promising than the first project. The first project had a discord link on its bio and the second did not. Now let’s click on the discord link. (Check the screenshot above to know the kind of link to click).
It should display a window for you to accept an invite, if you are using IOS, make sure you check the screenshot below to know where to click so it will redirect you to your chrome browser, if you are using android, the link should redirect you to your chrome browser or default browser. But what I am trying to say is that the link should redirect you to a browser where your google account is signed in or it won’t join the discord server, and if you click on accept invite and it displays a sign-in option with a password, then no problem, proceed to input your username and password and sign in so you can have access to the server and it will redirect you to your discord App.

The arrow above is where you should click for IOS users. That is if it doesn’t redirect you to your chrome browser, but if it redirects you to your chrome browser the instant you clicked the link, then you can proceed to click on accept invite and it will redirect you to your discord app.
The first you do when you join most servers is to verify that you are not a bot, only a few servers will ask you to not verify, but most servers will.
So click on verification or sometimes, it will be “verify”

Some servers will tell you to take a captcha test, some will send links to your DM(direct message) on discord to also take a captcha test, while some will just tell you to click on an icon. For this server, they told me to click on the mark icon.

The mark icon is where the red arrow is pointing. Once you have clicked on it, you can proceed to click on the icon the blue arrow is pointing on(that’s if you see it), it will then tell you to verify your Gmail address. It will just display a checkbox and you are to just tick the checkbox, then you are good to go.
If it doesn’t display the blue arrow option above, just click on the hamburger icon at the top left corner, the one with the 9k+ icon, and it will take you back to the verification menu page, and you should have seen the other channels within the server listed there. That means your verification is complete.
Also when I joined this discord server, two scammers sent me a DM saying I am whitelisted for this project and I should click a link to connect my wallet and claim my whitelist.

Now they know how much NFT flippers and minters love whitelists, so a complete newbie might click that link and connect his/her wallet to it, and once that is done, they will have access to the person’s funds and swipe all the person’s funds. These links are called phishing links, and anything that doesn’t come from a server announcement channel, do not interact with it.
Watch the video below for a better understanding. I made it myself.

You can also learn how to arrange your discord servers, the icons on the left-hand side are your servers, if you long press the icon, it will display the project name, and you can also put one icon into another, this will automatically create a folder with both servers in it. Watch the video below to understand better.

Now that should do it for how to navigate your discord App effectively. Don’t stop where I stopped, try and join more servers to get the hang of it and explore different verification methods. Don’t hesitate to contact me on Twitter or WhatsApp if you encounter any issues even after following my tutorials.

The next App on the list is the Phantom wallet. If you want to go into minting NFTs or flipping NFTs on the Solana blockchain or any blockchain, you really should pay attention. I’d assume we’ve all set up our Phantom wallets.

On your phantom wallet, the interface is quite simple, there’s your wallet address at the top, clicking on the wallet address in the bracket will copy your Solana wallet address, or you can just click on deposit and select the coin you want to copy. There’s something you should notice, Phantom is a Solana-based wallet, right? That means all the coins on Phantom can only be on the Solana blockchain or ecosystem, which means, you can’t see any ERC20 or BEP20 network-based tokens on Phantom, and neither can you import them into Phantom. All the coins on Phantom have the same wallet address. Try to experiment and you will see for yourself, just click on deposit and select as many coins as you can and you will see for yourself.

That means if someone wants to send you USDC(SPL NETWORK), you don’t need to start looking for USDC on your Phantom App, just copy your wallet address at the top and send it to the person and once the person sends it, you will see it appear on your list of assets or if you don’t see it, just click on “Manage token list” and search for USDC, if it doesn’t display, what do you think we can do next? Don’t try to read further, answer the question, let’s see if you have been following.

Okay, congrats if you got it right, the only solution is to go to CMC and search for USDC, then copy the contract address of USDC. You probably saw tons of contract addresses on CMC, just copy that of Solana and go paste it on Phantom and you would see your USD coin display or USDC.

It might not display, why? There’s a bug(error) on the Phantom App, if you go paste it on trust wallet, it will surely display.

USDC, USDT, and BUSD are all stablecoins. That means if you buy $100 worth of USDT today, after 15 years, you will still see $100 in your wallet. But stablecoins have started moving mad now, earlier this year(2022), UST(Terra’s stable coin) dipped. If I should explain how it dipped, you wouldn’t understand, so just google why it dipped or lost value and read up.

The second icon at the bottom of your Phantom App is where your minted or bought NFTs will appear. Another name for NFTs is collectibles.

The third icon or button is where you can swap your tokens, but as usual, I wouldn’t recommend you use these built-in swap functions. For Solana-based coins, you can use to swap your Solana-based tokens.

Just like how Pancake swap is for BEP20, that’s how Raydium is also for Solana. But Pancakeswap is not the only Swap platform available on the Bep20 network, there’s also and a lot more. The recommended is both poocoin and pancakeswap though.

For Solana too, there’s and many more.

The fourth icon at the bottom of your Phantom App is your transaction history and recent activities.

The fifth App is your DApps. Just like on trust wallet, just that you can’t use pancakeswap or poocoin here, and why can’t you use pancakeswap or poocoin?

If you guessed right, congrats, you are no more a newbie in this space.

The reason why you can’t use Pancakeswap or Poocoin on Phantom is that those two swap sites are BEP20-based and Phantom is a Solana-based App or platform. And I said these networks can’t work with each other unless bridged. That’s a new one, I will explain what bridging coins mean and how you can go about it, probably in Volume 2 of this course.

Let’s go back to the first icon on the Phantom App, clicking on the top left corner should take you to another interface, you should see Wallet 1, address book, etc. By clicking on Wallet 1, you can rename your wallet or reveal your seed phrase or export your private key. By clicking on the + icon at the top right corner, you can add more wallets.

But there is something I want to explain. Unlike trust wallet, when we created new wallets, we saw that each wallet created had different 12 phrases, Well, Phantom uses 24 phrases, now try to create a new wallet by clicking on the + icon and click on “Create a new wallet”. You will see that it created a new wallet instantly, it didn’t even tell you to write down your phrase or anything.

Now go back and click on the icon at the upper left corner, you should see Wallet 2, click on it and click on the three-dot icon for Wallet 2 and click on “Show secret Recovery Phrase.” Just glance through it and observe. Now go back and click on the three-dot icon for Wallet 1 and click on Show secret recovery phrase. What did you notice?

Yes, they both have the same Phrase. Why? I don’t know, Phantom just decided to do this, this is applicable on MetaMask too.

Only the private keys of both Wallets are different. Click on Export private key for both wallets and you will see that they are different.

What does this mean? That means there is nothing like a burner wallet on Phantom. You can’t use wallet 2 for airdrops on Phantom and use wallet 1 for your main token. The moment you connect wallet 2 to a scam site, your wallet 1 will also be affected. But that’s not the case on Trust Wallet though.

So make sure you copy your wallet 2 private keys and store them safely somewhere or you can just click on remove wallet to delete it if you won’t be needing it.

You can explore the rest yourself. You can see that you are getting better at this, I didn’t even send a single screenshot or illustration on Phantom and you didn’t have any problem. These Apps and platforms are very similar, once you know one, you will know the rest. But it does not apply to MetaMask though, MetaMask is not a wallet for newbies. It’s a very complicated App. But I’m here to guide you through all the difficulties without watching a single video.

The next App is coingecko(CG). It’s just like CMC, coins that aren’t listed on CMC are probably on CG.

On the App, click on more at the bottom of the App to set up your free account.

Once that is done, go back to the market and click on the candy jar icon at the top right corner, then you can collect these candies daily.

You can use these candies to purchase E-books on NFTs and DEFI and the rest.

So make sure you claim these candies daily.

Next up is the BEE network. I’m sure you have signed up using my link already. These are just bonus Apps and we don’t know when they will launch, but you can follow their socials on the App to know more about them.

So basically you are to just mine on this App daily. The same applies to Star network too. Once you are done, copy your referral link and send it to your friends and family just to mine faster.

The next App is ARC8. This is a P2E(Play to Earn) App. I already explained what P2E means and I already explained how to use the App above, just scroll up. If you are a gamer, you will find P2E interesting in the crypto space, another popular P2E platform is Axie infinity. There’s a video on how Axie Infinity changed the lives of some Filipinos. The link to the video is below, you can watch it and be inspired.

You can also research more P2E projects and start earning money for yourself. I must warn you, it won’t be easy though, I tried ARC8 one time and I lost most of my $GMEE coins.
To play or compete for coins with other people on the ARC8 App, you need to have $GMEE, you can purchase that on Kucoin and send it to the ARC8 App, and once that is done, start competing or joining tournaments.
On the ARC8 App, you can claim some emeralds there daily too.

The red arrow is where I claim my daily rewards. The blue arrow is where your balance is at. Both the $GMEE coins and emerald. Then you can also see the tournaments, you can use your emeralds to battle too and win more emeralds, but the most important thing to have is your $GMEE coins.
The second icon at the bottom of your App is your activity, as you begin playing you will see your history.

The third icon is for upcoming events.
The fourth icon is your wallet interface, I already explained this at the top. The ARC8 pay is your wallet for participating in tournaments and challenging another gamer, so top it up if you want to play the game. The ARC8 wallet is for holding $GMEE.
Now let’s explore MetaMask(MM). Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be a bumpy ride. We can import our Trust Wallet phrase on MM or just create a new one.
Your wallet interface should be similar to trust wallet, but it’s just slightly different because we can’t see DApps or settings anywhere yet.
On the top of your App, you should see Wallet and Ethereum Main Network. Click on it and you will see a bunch of test networks. Those networks are used for testnets and smart contract development. I will explain testnets later and how you can also use that to make money.
Now click on Add a network, and you should see the popular networks there. What this means is that MM(MetaMask) is always on the Ethereum network, the default network is Ethereum and if you need to receive BEP20 tokens on MM, just switch the network to BNB Smart Chain and copy your wallet address and you will receive your coin there. You will also be able to see all your BEP20 tokens as long as you are on the BEP20 network on MM, if you switch to Ethereum Main Network, you won’t see all your BEP20 tokens again, so this applies to all the networks.
MM didn’t have this feature before, if you wanted to add BNB Smart Chain, you have to copy the Network Name, RPC URL, Chain ID, Symbol, and Block explorer. Once you click on Add a network, click on Custom Networks.

Once you then fill it, you will click Add and whatever network details you input will be displayed on the main interface. But now MM has made it easier by adding the popular networks for us.
If you don’t find the network you want to add there, just google the network and you will see it. Then you can proceed to copy and paste and add.
Let’s go back to the main interface.
I don’t need to explain the main interface, it’s familiar like that of Trust Wallet. Let’s click on the hamburger icon at the top left corner, you should see Account 1 with your balance and your wallet address. If you click on Account 1, you will be given an option to create a new account or import an account using your private key. If you click on create a new account it will automatically create one. Just like what happened on our Phantom App.
The browser option is your DApps, and the settings option is where you can export your phrase or private key.
This wasn’t so complicated, it would have been complicated if we explored MM first. Who’s with me on this?
That was fast and that went well, next up is Kucoin.
Open your Kucoin App and register your info, on your main interface, which is “Home”, click on the icon at the upper left corner and click on the not verified icon or pending verification.

Mine is verified, so proceed to verify yours by taking a photo of your government-issued ID. For Nigerian users, your NIN slip will work, just make sure it’s clear, if it has faded, go print another one or use your plastic voter’s card. Be obedient and follow instructions.
You can explore the other options in the screenshot above.
Let’s go back to the main interface.
The second icon which is “markets” are the currency pairs on the Kucoin App, if you click on any one of them, it will display the charts.
Let’s jump to the last icon at the bottom of the App, which is “Assets”, you should see Deposit, Withdraw, transfer, and your balance at the top.
Clicking on deposit will enable you to want to copy the wallet address of any coin, so just search for USDT and click on it, it will display all the networks of USDT available on the Kucoin App. Some centralized exchanges support more networks, and some support fewer, so go with the one that suits you. If you click on ERC20, you should see the wallet address and the QR code, if you click on TRC20, you should see another wallet address of course. At the top of the QR code, you should see either Trading account or Main account.
I will explain what both means, let’s go back to our assets interface, you can see main, trading, margin, futures, and the rest.
If your assets or coins are not on the trading account, you won’t be able to trade them for other coins, here’s a sample.
Let’s say you sent USDT to your Kucoin. It doesn’t matter which network it is.
If you click on trade at the bottom of your App, you should see another interface, now check the screenshot below to click where the red arrow is pointing.

Now search for BNB, once it displays the BNB/USDT pair, click on it. Once that’s done, change the limit to market.

If your Kucoin is credited with USDT, you can easily buy BNB with the USDT without hassle, that is the beauty of centralized wallets. Instead of using pancakeswap, we can just use this feature.
Just input the amount in USDT and click on Buy BNB and the BNB will be credited into your trading account.
So even if you send USDT of the TRC20 network to Kucoin, you can use it to purchase BNB which is on the BEP20 network. What sorcery is this right?
To sell your BNB back to USDT or to swap your BNB back to USDT, just click on the Sell button beside the Buy at the top, above the limit, and then you can swap your BNB to USDT, and you can use the USDT to buy any coin that has the pair.
So try to credit your Kucoin, that’s the only way you can explore the App to its full potential.
If you want to withdraw from the Kucoin App, go to your assets page and click on transfer, select your coin, and transfer from the trading account to the main account.

Once you click on where the red arrow is pointing, the trading account will flip up and the main will flip down, then you can proceed to transfer it to your main account. Then go back and click withdraw and that should do it.
During your free time, try to explore the Kucoin App, there are tons of goodies there. For users outside Nigeria, you can go to Home and click on Buy crypto to buy crypto with your debit or credit cards.

That should do it for exploring Apps. If there are any more Apps to be explored, they will be released in Volume 2.

Before we talk about the next thing on the table of content, read the Twitter thread below.

Guide to making money($) by claiming Airdrops and Testnets -

It’s no doubt that Airdrop and testnets are one of the best and most fun ways in making money in the crypto space, especially if you are just starting on this space with no capital.
I will guide you on your journey and give you useful links that will propel you faster in making money faster and engaging with the right updates.
Before I go further, let me explain how airdrops and testnets work.
Crypto projects use airdrops as a marketing strategy to tell the crypto world, “Hey, our project is here”. Most crypto projects give out free tokens or coins to users that engage in the tasks they give out, and they select winners randomly or the early users or the users that invited the most people. Different projects have different methods of announcing their winners and they have different methods of selecting their winners.
Airdrops play a very important role in the success of most crypto projects.
Solana did an airdrop around 2020 and most users got as much as 20 Solana, a few months after the Solana blockchain launched, the coin rose to as high as $200 for one Solana. Now imagine the people that got 20 Solana as airdrop and imagine if they never sold it. That’s how profitable airdrops are and it requires your time, if you don’t dedicate time to this space, you can’t make money.
One of my biggest airdrops so far was THE PLEBBIT airdrop, the screenshot below shows when I tweeted about the airdrop.

And the screenshot below shows when I got the airdrop and it was worth approximately $2,000.

Here’s a clearer picture.

You can check CMC and see how much one $Avax(Avalanche) was worth as of January 16, 2022.

s you can see on the screenshot above, it was $92.24 as of January 16.
I would have sent the link to the thread, but it somehow got deleted on my Twitter. I’m still actively following plebbit as a project and I will show you how I have also earned via liquidity mining on the plebbit project. (In volume 2)
Where did I get this plebbit update from? I got it from the WhatsApp groups below. You can also join via the links. One of the best ways to make money is to network and learn from people that are already in this space.

Other Airdrops that I have gotten are on the Cosmos Atom blockchain. You can get these airdrops by staking Atom, Juno, and Osmosis before you can be eligible for these drops.
The era of the Juno and Atom drops has ended, but it’s surely coming back, so you should position yourself well.
Everything in the crypto space is all about trends, NFT might trend for a few months and it’s up to you to position yourself and flip some non-fungible tokens for dollars or you can get moderator jobs or collab jobs or you can just stand and watch people make money. The moment you delay, almost everyone has flipped and made money and also positioned themselves, that is why you should be in a crypto community.
You can join my telegram community via the link below.

If you want to learn about how cosmos Atom Airdrops work and if you want to have this knowledge down and position yourself for when the trend comes again, then watch this video. You can save it for later till the trend is back or watch it now if you have a strong memory and you think you will remember if the trend comes again.

Make sure you always check the video description of every YouTube video you watch, that’s where links are embedded on. Check the screenshot below to check where to click when watching a video on YouTube.

Other Airdrops that I got by staking Juno are the bfot drop, marble drop, and block airdrop. The screenshot below is the interface of my Keplr Extension wallet, and that’s my current Juno balance, you can see I also have some Juno tokens staked.

The screenshot above is my bfot and WYND aidrop.

The screenshot above is my bfot and WYND airdrop.
More bfot and Fot airdrops here on the screenshot above, I have claimed most of these tokens and it’s just left with little, I got close to $3,000 worth of airdrops from bfot and Fot altogether, and I swapped them all and left some.
I will teach you how to use the RIPFT method(in volume 2) during the presale course, for now, let’s not get carried away.
The screenshot below is my marble and block drop.

So make sure you position yourself well and await the return of this trend, you can click this link to follow bfot’s twitter account and turn on their post notification to await an update from there, I will also drop the telegram group links of Cosmos Atom group and plebbit too.

Use these social media well, and also, more importantly, know how to group channels and groups on telegram. On your telegram App, click on settings, then click on chat folders, then click on Create a new folder, you can rename it as airdrops and once you are done renaming it, click on Add chats and search for the telegram group of the chat you just joined and add it to the folder, do this for every project you join so your telegram can be well organized. Check my telegram interface below.

You can see how well I grouped the chats, this way I won’t get lost and I will always know where to go when I open my telegram App.
Telegram can be clumsy and overloaded with channels and groups, but you have the power to group the important chats into a folder, super dope right??
To not miss updates when you join my Telegram channel, turn on post notifications for it. Watch the video below to know how. So anytime I post something on my channel, you will be notified.

Another way to know if people got airdrops is to search them on Twitter, I have been talking about bfot and marble and block and how I got these airdrops, but have you verified all that I said?
To verify, just go to Twitter and search for bfot, then scroll down and start checking the tweets of people that got the drop, to get the latest update, just click on latest at the top and proceed to scroll down below again to get the latest updates on bfot, to see images or videos, click on images or video on Twitter and you will see everything, do this for all the airdrops I listed and see for yourself, who knows, you might even see a new airdrop.
The sites below are used for getting airdrops;

Beware of scam airdrops, you can’t know scam airdrops, so that’s why I showed you how to create burner wallets for drops and how you should not use your main wallet to interact with airdrops.
Once you have been claiming airdrops and you want to check if you have been eligible for any drop, just use the link below.

This website allows you to search across various chains for any unclaimed airdrops. It is a very useful tool because all you need to do is enter your wallet address, and it finds any airdrops you might be eligible for but were probably unaware of across multiple chains. It also allows you to sign up for airdrop updates, but the paid version is not worth it in my opinion because I would rather check for free money than pay to do so.
For any video that you might want to watch later, save these videos on watch later on your YouTube App, just in case this article or course is not here in the future. If you don’t know how to go about it, just search for “how to save YouTube videos” on your google browser and you will get the instructions, or go to YouTube and search for it, and you will still get it.

lastly, follow defi_airdrops on Twitter.

For testnets, crypto projects will tell you to test their App or DApps and other kinds of stuff and you will be rewarded for it. Testnets are stressful, but you will get the hang of it, just make sure you have joined those WhatsApp groups and also follow ndidi_gram on Twitter for testnets updates.

There are few testnets that rewards users, so you shouldn’t be stressed too much, once you interact with one, you await the next one, unlike airdrops that you have to do frequently. Make sure you take action!!!

You don’t necessarily need a laptop to interact with testnets, but laptops will be faster, but your android phone can run the testnets, just download Yandex or kiwi browser from the play store and navigate to extensions and install the MetaMask extension on your Yandex or kiwi browser(on your android device).

Testnets usually drop medium articles with instructions on how to go about it, so it should be pretty straightforward.

And also to make money on testnets, you need to run multiple accounts on MetaMask, just keep creating new accounts and save their private keys and run as many testnets as you can run. Don’t forget to join the WhatsApp group that I dropped above earlier, there are crypto enthusiasts there that will guide you on how to run anything about testnets or airdrops if you are stuck somewhere or ask questions.

One last update is the Hedera Blockchain. Tokens are being launched on the Hedera blockchain daily and people are milking money from it, the recent tokens that we milked were $Lucky token and $Milk token.

All that is required is to just add the asset IDs of these tokens and wait for an airdrop, but most times, the airdrops are not that profitable unless you buy the token, So will drop instructions on how to position yourself.

Android users should visit the play store and download Blade Wallet, then set up their wallet, as usual, save your phrase and credit your wallet with Hbar.

You can purchase $Hbar on Binance if you have USDT to swap to it or you can purchase from me by messaging me on Twitter or WhatsApp.

You need $Hbar to add these assets to your wallet. Once I give a call on my telegram channel, android users should go to their blade wallet and click on Add asset or Add token and paste the ID there to add the asset.

IOS users should visit and create a wallet, Android users can also use this. Then once it has been set up, you can see how to add assets there. I will drop a video below on how you can use the hashpack site and swap tokens too just in case you have some $Hbar to spare and use it to swap some tokens.

We have come to the end of this volume 1 of this course, stay updated on all my socials. Twitter, telegram, medium, and WhatsApp for volume 2 of this course.
Updates on the crypto space can be overwhelming, what I do to stay updated is to type down all the updates or stuff I will be doing on my notepad, and once I wake up, I make sure I check my notepad and perform these tasks, as I am performing the tasks, I mark it as done with an emoji, I do this till all tasks are complete, then when I see that I am idle or not doing anything, I visit my notepad again to see if there’s anything I missed, I also check Twitter frequently for updates, I check the accounts that I turn on post notifications for and check my timeline, Also make sure you follow prominent people or crypto projects so you can see crypto-related tweets. You can follow Elon Musk, Eljaboom, CMC, Binance chain, me, CZ Binance, and a lot more. Once you start following them, Twitter will recommend more accounts to follow, and before you know it, you won’t be missing any updates on the crypto space.
You finishing this course doesn’t guarantee that you will start making money immediately, if you don’t implement all that is being taught, you cannot make money in this space, success depends on the individual and not the course, also don’t skip the learning phase and move to the earning phase, grind steadily!!!



Olah Israel

Full Stack software developer || Crypto Community Manager || Technical Writer. I love solving complex problems, WAGMI 🚀🚀