How I cleaned my First Dataset Using Microsoft Excel

Bolanle Olajide
5 min readDec 9, 2023


So, I just dived into the world of data analysis, and let me tell you about cleaning my very first dataset in Microsoft Excel.

In order to ensure accurate and trustworthy findings from data analysis, cleaning dirty or unclean data is an essential step in the process. We will go over step-by-step methods in this guide for efficiently cleaning and organizing data in Microsoft Excel.

Step by Step Process into Cleaning a dirty data.

The fact that the material I used is in a text format must be noted first.

1. As can be seen in the picture below, I opened my Microsoft Excel application first in order to clean my unclean data. I next selected Open, followed by Browse.

2. After that, I selected the "dirty file" and then clicked Open. The image below shows the prompt that appeared after selecting the "open" option.

3 The Delimited option is automatically selected by Excel in the image above. I then clicked on Next, which brought up another prompt and automatically selected the Tab option. Next, I selected the semicolon option, and last, I clicked on the Finish function.

After that, the dirty data is delivered and prepared for cleaning!

In order to know what we will be working with, it is expected of a data analyst to thoroughly examine the data. In this case, the data relates to every employee in the organization.

Now let’s clean up the dirty data properly. I started by changing the names in the first column from upper case to proper case. I changed it to a proper case by clicking on column B first, then using the insert function to insert another column, which brought up an empty column B.

Next, I clicked on the cell I wanted to effect and the proper function (=PROPER(A1)).

Finally, I hit the tab key on my keyboard. The outcome of this is shown in the picture below. We may observe that the name has changed.

I then used autofill to make the necessary changes in the other cells. The content in column B was then pasted into column A using the copy and paste function. Next, I thicked the Value option. Below, you can see pictures

Next, I selected Column C, then I selected Insert to add an additional column, and last I selected Cell C1 and entered the (=value (cell B1)).
Next, I pressed the tab key on my keyboard.This is the result that appears below after I autofill the result.

Then I selected copy and paste special into cell B.I then changed the format to Short date by clicking on the number tab, as you can see below.

The outcome

I cleaned Column C using the same method as Column B, but I replaced the format of Short Date with Currency. The outcome can be seen below.

I proceeded to Column D and made the same case changes to the characters as I had in Column A. Below is the outcome.

I then used “substitute function" to change the abbreviated words to full words. Using =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(PROPER(D1), “Admin”, “Administration”), “Mktg”, “Marketing”), “R & D”, “Research and Development”) . The result is seen in the picture below.

Regarding Column E, I used the same method. I created a new column, changed the text in column E1 to proper case using the PROPER function, and then affected the remaining text in column E using Autofill. Then, just like I did in the previous columns, we copy and paste special.

At this point, the dataset already appears appealing. Simply glance at it .

With each column, I made a header. Here’s the final product after I highlighted every character and used the Ctrl T function to turn everything into a table. And this below is the Clean Data

