Why Quit Now?

Soetan Olajuwon
2 min readAug 7, 2021


Before you quit, read this letter I wrote for you. Read it twice, thrice, or as many times as you can.

Starting a journey is quite more interesting than being in the middle; you should know the middle of a journey shakes you off more which is why every middle of a thing seems to be harder than the beginning.

Don't you think being in a middle class in school that connects you to the other class proves to be more strict than the first or fundamental class because the middle-class measure up the chances of you being qualified for the final class or not?

Such is life too as a creator— You feel it's going over worse like you can't hold it any longer, you've tried to build a community but no one is showing up to be in your community, you've done countless giveaways, they consume that and run away.

Can you take a break for a minute, like can you just pause and sit, just find somewhere to sit, make sure you sit? Now genuinely ask yourself if it was a crime to feel bad or want to quit? Can't I just take a break off these and live like who I was.

I know you want to blow, be the next grenade, but you've got to give yourself a chill pill, take a deep breath and take off your worries from those things that didn't work, the people that didn't show up for your community. Now you can stand and work like you were born to do this from your mother's womb.

Dear friend, now you can give up on quitting. Thank you for reading my letter.




Soetan Olajuwon

Helping brands (Corporate) and businesses (B2B or B2C) thrive via social media - Content manager | Social Media Manager