7 min readJun 26, 2024


Hi there,

It’s been a while. Glad to be writing to you again. I will be sharing with you more insights that will help you on your freelancing journey.

Let’s get to it.


Every freelancer learns that income is never guaranteed. Having a steady pipeline of clients is the key to growing a business that is financially strong and sustainable.

To make this happen, you have to be effective at reaching new audiences and consistently show up in the faces of potential clients.

Think about it from the client’s perspective. Which of these is more reasonable?

Hiring an obscure, unknown freelancer or someone with a strong brand reputation?

As more people turn to freelance work, solo entrepreneurs must market themselves to stay competitive. Upwork’s Forward 2020 report found that “36% of American workers freelance,” and 65% earn more freelancing than through employment, making it a lucrative career decision.

Fortunately, you can get started as a freelancer without spending a dime. However, you need to put in the time and work to reach out to potential clients by using marketing tactics proven to get results. When you do this, you will be able to boost your income and turn your freelancing gigs into a successful small business.

Now, let’s get to the real reason why you are reading this: How do you Market Yourself as a Freelancer?

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Here are some effective strategies and tools to help you market yourself online as a freelancer, even when your schedule is packed.

1. Optimize your Online Presence

When you’re first starting as a freelancer, it’s easy to keep up with your marketing activities. However, once you get busy, marketing is often the first thing that gets set aside.

To ensure that your freelance business continues to grow and attract new clients, it’s essential to maintain a consistent online presence. Use free project management (PM) software, like Notion, Trello, or Airtable, to:

🔸List profiles that need regular updates, from social channels to freelance work platforms.

🔹Track pitches to potential clients and save conversations for future reference.

🔸Develop keyword lists, niche sources to refer to, and existing industry contacts.

2. Optimize your freelance platform profiles

Nearly all freelancers initially set up profiles on various platforms, like Upwork, Fiverr, ClearVoice, etc. But when time is short, you may be tempted only to fill out the necessary fields or forget to update your profiles regularly.

Head back to each channel, complete every field, add portfolio work, link to your social media accounts, and a natural-sounding yet keyword-rich bio.

Like social media or search engines, freelance platforms tend to reward active users. Even if you haven’t worked on the site yet, adding new content to your portfolio and updating your bio to keep your profile visible is essential.

3. Leverage LinkedIn for marketing

Photo Credit: Unsplash

LinkedIn is a critical channel for freelancers. Here are few interesting facts from a survey last year (2023):

  • LinkedIn started the year 2023 with arguably 900 million users worldwide.
  • Of the 900 million users distributed worldwide, only 310 million are active monthly users on LinkedIn.
  • About 50 million people use LinkedIn to Job Hunt weekly.
  • On average, 8 people get employed per minute on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn is expected to have a user population of 1 Billion by 2025.

It is obvious LinkedIn has come to stay and is a goldmine of opportunities. You can’t afford to sleep on LinkedIn if you want to market yourself.

Get the most out of LinkedIn by:

🔸Completing your profile: Write a value-filled summary using skill-related keywords.

🔹Optimizing job descriptions: Flesh out your experience by turning job duties into accomplishments reflecting how your work benefited a previous client

🔸Adding skills and endorsements: Look at job ads to see skill keywords used in your industry, then choose from more than 50,000 skills to add to your profile.

🔹Securing recommendations: Reach out to your network and request a LinkedIn recommendation.

4. Build a Website or Portfolio

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Ensure that your website content, including your bio, service descriptions, and blog posts, is optimized with your chosen keywords.

While you can find jobs or show proof using profiles on freelance marketplaces, you ultimately want to direct leads to a website or portfolio. There are plenty of website builders, including Squarespace and Wix, exist to get a site up and running.

Once you decide on a platform, use your swipe file to get ideas from your industry experts. Look at how each freelancer sets up site navigation or bio pages and displays their portfolio. Use a free tool like Ubersuggest to identify keywords on sites you want to emulate.

I wrote a blog on this, you can see various platforms to use for your portfolio. Read here

5. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture relationships with potential and existing clients. Here’s how you can get started:

Build Your Email List:

  • Encourage visitors to your website and social media profiles to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Offer incentives like free resources or exclusive content to entice people to join your mailing list.

Send Regular Updates:

  • Keep your subscribers informed about your latest projects, services, and blog posts.
  • Share industry news, tips, and insights to provide ongoing value to your subscribers.

Personalize Your Emails:

  • Use your email marketing platform to segment your list and send personalized emails based on your subscribers’ interests and needs.
  • Personalization increases engagement and helps you build stronger relationships with your audience.

6. Leverage Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful way to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients.

Photo credit: Pixabay

Here are some tips to effectively market yourself through content:

Start a Blog:

  • Write blog posts on topics related to your freelance services. Share insights, tips, and industry trends to position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Promote your blog posts on your social media channels to reach a broader audience.

Create Valuable Resources:

  • Develop resources like eBooks, guides, or templates that your target audience will find useful. Offer these resources in exchange for email sign-ups to grow your mailing list.
  • Share these resources on your website and social media profiles to attract potential clients.

Engage with Your Audience:

  • Respond to comments and messages on your blog and social media profiles. Engaging with your audience builds relationships and establishes trust.
  • Participate in relevant online communities and forums where your target audience hangs out. Share your expertise and provide value to these communities.

7. Network and Collaborate

Building a strong network is crucial for freelancers. Here’s how you can expand your network and collaborate with others:

Join Professional Groups:

  • Become a member of professional associations like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn groups, and online communities related to your field. While activity on these platforms may not result in instant lead generation, they are fabulous tools for networking and building social proof.
  • Participate actively in discussions and offer your expertise to build credibility and connect with potential clients.

Attend Industry Events:

  • Attend webinars, workshops, and conferences, both online and offline. These events are great opportunities to meet potential clients and collaborators.
  • Follow up with the contacts you make at these events to nurture relationships and explore collaboration opportunities.

Collaborate with Other Freelancers:

  • Partner with freelancers who offer complementary services. For example, if you are a graphic designer, you could collaborate with a copywriter or web developer.
  • Collaborative projects can help you reach new audiences and expand your client base.
Photo Credit: Unsplash

Final Thoughts

Freelancing is a lucrative way to work independently and achieve financial stability during uncertain economic times. Marketing yourself can be new but with the right amount of consistency and strategic planning, you will notice the steady stream of clients.

While these 7 steps are helpful, you don’t need to do all of them before seeing results. Double down on 4–5 and find out what works for you. Remember, the key is to maintain a balance between your client work and your marketing efforts to ensure the continued growth and success of your freelance business.

Apply all you learned today.

Till next time, have an awesome freelance journey.


In our next blog, I’ll be sharing more helpful tips on freelancing, digital skills, and remote work.

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Hi there. My name is Olamide Towobola, a freelance coach and copywriter. I share helpful tips and resources on freelancing, digital skills and remote work.