Converting Numbers Into Words With NTW

Olalekan Odukoya
2 min readJul 5, 2018


NTW is an Excel add-in that helps in converting “Numbers into Words”. It is open source and availaible on github.

Consuming The Add-in.

1. Follow this link to download the Add-in on your machine.

2. Lauch the Excel app.

3. Then go to: Developer ➪ Add-Ins. You should get a pop up box similar to the one in fig. 1. (Except the tick box with the “Number To Words” label)

fig. 1

4. Click on the Browse button and select the NWT file which was downloaded in step 1.

5. After that, it returns you to the pop-up box in fig. 1 (with the Number To words label present this time).

6. Click on the “ok” button.

By following the six steps above, you should have the add-in on your system. All you need to do is type =NumberstoWords() with the value you want to convert into its word equivalent as an argument.


