Navigating Unemployment in Lagos, Nigeria

Elisha Oyeleye
3 min readOct 9, 2023



In a dynamic and bustling city like Lagos, Nigeria, employment opportunities are both sought after and elusive. This analysis delves into the significant part, exploring the challenges and opportunities in addressing unemployment.

Skills Demonstrated for the project.

o Data Extraction

o Data Cleaning

o Creating Measures (DAX)

o Data Visualization

Data Source and Preparation

After defining my problem statement, I obtained the data from a Google Form survey of 118 respondents, with the mainland having the highest population of 110. This survey aims to identify the unemployment rate, explore employment status, understand reasons for unemployment, and provide recommendations to reduce it. I cleaned the data, performed my analysis, and created visualizations to help answer my questions. Additionally, several DAX measures were created, including Total Respondents and the Unemployment rate.


Key Findings

Demographic Analysis

Unemployment Rate: The analysis revealed that out of the surveyed individuals in Lagos, Nigeria, 48.31% are unemployed.

The average number of unemployed years is 23.84.

Gender Distribution: Male: 45.76% Female: 54.24%

Age Distribution: Majority of respondents are between 25–34 years old (36.44%).

Educational Qualifications: 36% respondent hold bachelor’s degree and 18% of them are unemployed while 10% hold HND.

Factors Influencing Unemployment

Common Reasons for Unemployment are Lack of job opportunities (21%), Insufficient qualifications (13%) and Economic downturn (10%).

Job Search Methods

Online job portals are the most popular method for job searching, with 36% of respondents using them, social media (25.7%) and Networking is another popular approach, with 23% of respondents utilizing it to find employment opportunities.

Factors to Reduce Unemployment

The most popular solutions for reducing unemployment in Lagos are promoting skill development and education (51%), as well as fostering entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystem (33.7%).

Respondent Financial Status

Twenty-seven percent of respondents are not financially stable due to unemployment in Lagos, Nigeria, while 8% have changes in there financially status.

Regional Analysis

The regional analysis reveals disparities in unemployment rates across different regions within Lagos. The mainland has the highest unemployment rate at 93%, indicating a significant unemployment challenge.


Governments should invest in skill development and educational programs to address the issue of insufficient qualifications among job seekers and create a favorable environment for entrepreneurship with access to funding, mentorship, and reduced state barriers. Also Encourage the use of online job portals and social media for effective job searches and placement.


The analysis highlights the significant unemployment challenge in Lagos, Nigeria. Key factors include a lack of job opportunities, insufficient qualifications, and economic downturns. To address this, Lagos should focus on education, entrepreneurship, job creation, and digital platforms. Implementing these strategies can improve the economic well-being of its residents and reduce unemployment rates.

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