Building an Effective Support System

Olaronke Adegbite
3 min readJun 8, 2023


In my previous posts, I talked about support system, its importance, and its types. Today’s lesson will concentrate on building an effective support system. It’s one thing to need help; it’s quite another to be surrounded by individuals who can help when needed.

Let us now look at some steps and actions you may take to build an effective support system.

How to build an Effective Support System

Building a support system is an important part of maintaining your mental and emotional health.

Here are some steps you may take to build a support network:

a) Build Confidence

Self-confidence entails more than just feeling good about yourself; it also involves believing that you are worthy of love, that your thoughts, feelings, and ambitions are valuable, and that you may have faith in your own talents. Surrounding yourself with good influencers might help kick-start your confidence.

b) Volunteer

Find a cause that is meaningful to you and get engaged; volunteer at a community organization or a local institution of worship. Volunteering can be a great way to connect with others and build relationships while giving back to your community. Also, it can give you the satisfaction of doing something to further your values while bringing you into contact with others who share your interests and ideals.

c) Ask for Help

Approaching others to seek assistance is not easy for most of us. Many of us are afraid to ask for help because of fear of rejection, and we believe others will see us as a weakling for requiring support during challenges. On the other hand, people who care about us want to help us, all they need from us is to open up and talk to them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the people you’ve identified as potential members of your support system. Let them know that you value their friendship and that you’re going through a tough time.

d) Decide who you want in your support network

Associate yourself with people that are kind and respectful to you and also have your best interest at heart. If you find yourself in a relationship that is no longer beneficial to you, you have the right to leave as you are not obligated to be in such a relationship forever. Surrounding yourself with the appropriate people helps you have a solid support network.

e) Join a support group

Attending a support club is one of the ways of building a strong support system. You get to meet people with common experiences or concerns and provide each other with encouragement, comfort, and advice. Support groups are generally defined by the issues they address and the people they assist. For instance, there may be a support group focused on life challenges such as grief from loss or the postpartum phase of motherhood. Regardless of the focus, support groups help members who have something in common.

f) Join a gym or take a sport

Getting involved in physical exercises is good for your physical and psychological health, and it may also provide the opportunity to build new friendships and solid support systems.

g) Be a good Listener

Building a support system is a two-way street. Be there for others when they need you, and they will be more likely to be there for you when you need them.

Remember, people in your support system should help you reduce stress, not increase it. They should support your goals and efforts to achieve them, not belittle your feelings, undermine your other relationships, or ignore your feelings.

In my next post, I’ll discuss how we can be effective support systems for one another and how to sustain them.

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