I Got Helped…

Olaronke Adegbite
3 min readJun 6, 2023


We all need each other…

I remember back in training school when I was going through a lot, and I needed someone to say the exact words I needed to hear at that particular time, I got a message from a friend via BlackBerry Messenger and it goes thus:

“Hey baby

I know you’re really upset at the moment… and nothing I say will make you feel better… you have to deal with it the best way you can. Just wanted to remind you that you’re a smart… intelligent girl and no result should let you doubt that. I was in this state last two weeks… and I get how you feel. Just wake up tomorrow stronger and with more determination to be better. I know you can and together we will… I love you and please feel better by morning.”

A support system is a process of gearing someone back to a positive position or action in the phase of distress, discouragement, and stress. Having a support system means that you have a network of people and resources you can depend on for physical, emotional, and mental support. This network of individuals can be family members, friends, colleagues, mentors, support groups, mental health professionals, and other resources such as books and therapy applications.

The importance of having appropriate support systems cannot be overemphasized. Oftentimes, issues and struggles in life can make one feel undeserving of social interactions or being cared for by others. Here are some benefits of having a support system and choosing the right people to spend time with.

For starters, having robust supportive relationships can lead to better physical and mental health, increased life satisfaction, and a greater sense of purpose and belonging. Friends and loved ones can make you more resilient in times of stress, setback, or loss because they give assurance of bad situations getting better and they can also make the good times even better.

Furthermore, the appropriate support systems can provide emotional support when you are feeling down or overwhelmed. They create a safe and understanding environment to express your feelings, thoughts, and concerns and make you feel seen and understood. Doing all these, they help you feel less alone, reduce stress and improve your mental health.

In addition, a support system can provide you with guidance and advice when you need it. This can be especially helpful when you are facing a difficult decision or are unsure of how to handle a situation. They can help you think through alternatives and solve problems, and they can distract you from your worries when that is what’s really needed.

In conclusion, a strong support system can make all the difference in helping us navigate life’s challenges. Whether it’s a network of friends and family, a therapist or counselor, or a community group, having people who believe in us, listen to us, and offer guidance can be an invaluable resource. By cultivating and nurturing a support system, we can feel empowered to take on new challenges, celebrate our successes, and find the strength to persevere through difficult times. In order for us to thrive in life, we need a support system to be there for us when we are in need. Remember, you’re never alone!

