Olatunde marvelous anthony
2 min readJul 29, 2023

Taking Control of Social Media Addiction with Password Encryption

I’ve been using the Twitter app for about two years now, and while it remains Twitter(not X😩) to me for life 😎, the latest changes have left me pondering a way to distance myself from the platform. Unfortunately, the account deletion or deactivation process takes about 30 days to complete, making it a bit challenging to break free entirely. It almost feels like a business strategy, rather than a safety net for accidental deactivations, as they claim😏.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Nevertheless, as my addiction to social media is strong, it’s not easy to let go🌚. In my quest for a solution, I came up with an idea to create a programming mechanism that encrypts user passwords. Now, before you point out that humans are funny beings and often fail to follow through with simple tasks, and that accountability is essential in matters like this, let me share the features of my concept.

The process involves two individuals: the host, who has the Twitter account, and the supervisor, who holds the host accountable.

Both the host and supervisor possess a key they use to encrypt the password. Without these keys, the code remains encrypted and inaccessible.

Here’s how the process works:

  • The host and supervisor encrypt the password and keys, respectively.
  • These encrypted values are sent to a secure server.
  • The server splits the password into two parts and further encrypts them using the provided keys. It then sends back an object with the fields containing the two encrypted passwords and the Initialization Vectors (IVs) used in the encryption process.
  • At this stage, the user receives the encryption result via email or can choose to download the separate results as files.

I’m excited to start working on this today and see how it progresses. I’ll keep you updated on my journey.

I understand there might be some skepticism or concerns about this approach, so I welcome your thoughts and comments. Let’s discuss!