A Journey into Blockchain.io new Trading interface

Olbrack Lanxter
3 min readSep 26, 2018


As I told you, here it is, the in depth preview of Blockchain.io’s advanced trading interface ! Let’s enjoy it.

First, i have to admit it looks pretty clean. Not even talking about the design, wich is easy to read and assimilate, the most experienced of you have probably noticed it already, but…

You can actually customize it, as you can see on the top right of the corner. It allows you to change the elements, for instance if you don’t need to see your “open orders” but instead you want a bigger “Bid/Depth” you can change the settings and get ride of one to get the other take the spot.

Now, the question, does it have trading tools ?

Yes it does, you can see integrated tools at the left of the chart. It contains most of the trading analysis tools you can expect from a top tiers exchange. The Chart itslef is customizable, the candles, the colors, it’s your personalized interface.

The integrated tools should provide the user everything he needs to make his analysis directly from the trading interface.

By the way, talking about tools, let’s see how the SELL/BUY and others elements have changed since the last MVP.

You will be able to try it, by yourself, within the incoming weeks, probably next week. At the moment you don’t realy need me to tell how good it look like, the screenshots talk by themselves.

On a technical side the trading interface run on React, wich allows the user to change the disposition of every ellements.

However, if you don’t feel like using this advanced interface. Or simply because you are new to the crypto world, you can simply choose to sell and buy without using the trading interface.

How does it works ? Same as described in the last review, it’s a market buy and sell. You enter the amount you need, then it will show you the price you’re going to pay both in crypto and in fiat, as well as the fee or any other cost if there is any.

Pretty usefull if you are new or if you only need tokens in order to use them immediatly. You don’t have to bother with the trading interface, you can simply use the BUY & SELL tab.

Here we are already, if you have any questions or want to try the beta of Blockchain.io, join our communities and stay tuned !

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