Returning Home

3 min readOct 5, 2020

Today I thought… about when you return home.

I wonder if there is some kind of psychological study exploring the effects of frequently saying goodbye in one’s life. Yes, much of life is filled with beginnings and endings of various types. But I think there’s a limit to how good one can get in saying ‘goodbyes’.

I think saying goodbye to my mother at 28 is much different than when I was 8. As I think about my last day in Vancouver after a nice three week trip, it put me in this mode of reflection. It’s odd. Despite how I much I dislike saying goodbye, I also love how concentrated/focused on family time it gets whenever I return. It’s as if I leave learning a little more about what my parents lived through in their 20s and 30s and some revelations they’ve had in life.

I also happened to watch a three hour lecture on Jungian psychology delivered by Jordan Peterson today. This was not the crux of the lecture (maybe I’ll return to it in the future if it becomes a major thought in the future) but there is a segment about Pinocchio that pricked at a thought.

Peterson noted how we go out on a journey, much like Pinocchio did. We enter the ‘real world’ and to some, university is the first extension of this adventure. Some embark on a journey to learn more about themselves (without knowing they are) and become ‘troubled adults’. This is especially…




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