The 5 Different Types of Remote Workers

3 min readSep 6, 2017


We define a remote worker as anybody who spends a minimum of 20% of his job working from home. Once that 20% threshold is crossed, things begin to get a lot more diverse. From the most traditional remote independent contractor to the always intriguing moonlight remote workers, we’ve divided remote workers into five different groups below.

The entryway to remote working is wide, making room for just about every type of person and his own preferable workflow. Whether you’re looking to make a little extra cash on the side of your in-office career or you want to never step foot in an office again, remote working is your solution.

Find out what kind of remote worker you are below.

Mikayla Mallek/Unsplash

Full-time Employee Remote Workers

A full-time employee remote workers is defined as a full-time employee of a company who works from home. Full-time employee remote workers often benefit from healthcare, salaries, and even retirement options, essentially enjoying all the perks of being an in-house, full-time employee minus the in-office requirement. Additionally, full-time employee remote workers aren’t necessarily mandated to work traditional nine to five hours, meaning that many of these positions allow for the flexibility of schedule that so many in-office employees desire.

Is It For You?

Full-time employee remote working is an ideal option for those who still want to enjoy the security of a stable and dependable income while escaping the office environment and obtaining more freedom.

Moonlight Remote Workers

You can still work remotely if you hold an on-site office position, and many workers take advantage of this fact to earn some cash on the side. A moonlight remote worker will work a traditional full-time job and then complete remote work when he has free time at home. The major benefits of being a moonlight remote worker are being able to earn a large sum income, as well as being able to work in different fields simultaneously.

Is It For You?

Moonlight remote working is an ideal option for those who love their full-time, traditional job, but would like to make some extra money or build up a portfolio in another field.

Remote Independent Contractors

Remote independent contractors are probably the most typically thought-of remote workers. Also known as freelancers, remote independent contractors work on a project-to-project basis for various companies. Remote independent contractors are paid on either a per project or hourly basis, and they usually work with multiple clients.

Is It For You?

Remote independent contracting is an ideal option for those who want to be their own bosses and enjoy frequently working on new projects with different clients.

Remote Business Owners

Remote business owners function like traditional business owners except they work remotely and hire remote employees. This allows them to both take advantage of flexible hours and scheduling while also working as their own boss on a full-time or part-time basis. Remote business owning is one of the most enviable positions in remote working, and it allows for passionate workers to establish their own companies and watch them thrive.

Is It For You?

Remote business owning is an ideal option for those who excel in remote management and want to enjoy full freedom and flexibility while working remotely for themselves.

Diversified Remote Workers

A diversified remote worker is someone who works part-time for an on-site position and part-time as a remote worker. Diversified remote working is often the approach many employees make when making the transition from an in-office job to becoming a remote worker. Diversified remote working is also frequently praised for providing remote workers with a part-time sense of community through a traditional workspace, while simultaneously providing flexibility.

Is It For You?

Diversified remote working is an ideal option for those who want to keep some on-site stability in their lives while also allowing themselves freedom and flexibility in their total workflow.

Originally written by Chelsey Grasso on

