Rare Pepes and Remixing Old Classics

Two Notable Collections on Bitcoin Stamps

Old School Crypto
9 min readOct 25, 2023
Photo by Pixabay: Text and image by the author in Figma

When I discovered Bitcoin Stamps two collections stood out to me brighter than a Tahitian sunset in one of Paul Gaugin’s Post-Impressionist masterpieces:

Viva La Stamps


What caught my eye was how so many in both collections were stripped-down pixel remixes of classic Rare Pepe cards — some of which fetch hefty sums.

Remix and Revolution

I like to call them remixes, with a hint of revolution. After all, Rare Pepes were revolutionary in bridging the gap between internet meme culture and crypto culture. Bitcoin is revolutionary for finance due to being hard-capped, decentralized, and censorship-resistant.

The entire enterprise of early crypto rests on a foundation of revolt against the current system.

Stamps carry on the revolution by being both immutable and unprunable, meaning they are about as censorship-resistant as you can get. If you look at digital assets as tattoos then BTC Stamps are the real thing and NFTs are henna.



Old School Crypto

Old School Crypto Bro, former addict and contrarian who writes about whatever strikes my fancy. Passionate about vintage NFTs, meditation and recovery.