How To Upgrade Project to React-Native 0.57 (RN 0.57)

Oleg Kalyta
2 min readSep 21, 2018


Today I decided to update our project to the latest RN version. It was not as easy and fast as I thought :)

After 30 mins of googling and fixing issues one after another, I finally got the working app. Hope this article will save some time for you too.

Upgrade to RN 0.57:

0. Copy IOS/Android folders in the safe place and remove them from the project. You will lose platform-specific settings, like app icon, permissions and custom build steps. Later, you may need to merge these changes with default files.

  1. Update react-native version in package.json:
“react-native”: “0.57.0”

2. To install this dependency, run yarn command

3. The babel plugin was recently moved to the metro repo and published under metro-react-native-babel-preset. So you need to install it:

yarn add metro-react-native-babel-preset -D

And upgrade your .babelrc :

“presets”: [“module:metro-react-native-babel-preset”]

4. Add @babel/plugin-external-helpers to development packages:

yarn add @babel/plugin-external-helpers -D

5. Add schedule@0.4.0 package to development packages:

yarn add schedule@0.4.0 -D

6. Init platform specific projects:

react-native upgrade

7. Link resources and libraries:

react-native link

8. Build and launch your app:

react-native run-ios

This solution worked fine for each of our team. If you have encountered any issue, please write a comment below.

P.S. If you enjoyed this article and want more like these, please clap and share with friends that may need it. You may also like my article: How to Build Forms Dynamically in React/Redux?

🚀 My team uses React/React Native to build production apps over 3 years. We help US startup founders to bring their ideas to life. If you need some help, send a message ✉️

