Introduction to object-oriented programming in Python

7 min readDec 27, 2022



Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into “objects,” which represent real-world entities and their characteristics (attributes) and actions (methods). OOP is based on the idea of encapsulation, which means that each object contains all the information and logic necessary to manipulate its own data.

Python | Python OOP | OOP

One of the main benefits of OOP is that it allows developers to create reusable code, which can save time and reduce the complexity of large projects. OOP also promotes good software design by encouraging the separation of concerns, making it easier to maintain and modify code over time.

Other benefits of OOP include:

  • Improved readability and maintainability of code
  • The ability to model real-world entities more closely
  • Encapsulation of data, which can increase security and data integrity
  • The ability to easily extend and modify code through inheritance

Overall, OOP is a powerful programming paradigm that can help developers create efficient and scalable software applications.

Python classes and objects

In Python, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. A class defines the characteristics and behavior of an object, and an object is an instance of a class.

To define a class in Python, use the class keyword followed by the name of the class. The class definition should include a __init__ method, which is a special method in Python that is called when an object is created. The __init__ method is used to initialize the attributes of the object.

Here is an example of a simple Python class:

To create an object from a class, use the class name followed by parentheses and any required arguments for the __init__ method.

In this example, dog1 is an object of the Dog class with the name “Fido” and the breed “Labrador”.

Class attributes are variables that are associated with a class and its objects. In the example above, name and breed are class attributes.

Class methods are functions that are associated with a class and its objects. To define a method in a class, use the def keyword followed by the method name and any required arguments.

Here is an example of a class method:

To call a class method, use the object followed by a dot and the method name, and any required arguments.

In this example, the bark method is called on the dog1 object, which prints “Woof!” to the console.

Inheritance in Python

Inheritance is a feature of object-oriented programming that allows one class to inherit characteristics and behavior from another class. This is useful for creating a hierarchy of classes, where a subclass can inherit attributes and methods from a parent class (also called a superclass).

To use inheritance in Python, use the class keyword followed by the subclass name, and the name of the parent class in parentheses. The subclass will then have access to the attributes and methods of the parent class.

Here is an example of inheritance in Python:

In this example, the Dog class is a subclass of the Animal class, and it inherits the __init__ and make_sound methods from the Animal class. The Dog class also has its own __init__ method and a modified version of the make_sound method.

There are three types of inheritance in Python:

  1. Single inheritance: This occurs when a subclass inherits from a single parent class. In the example above, the Dog class is an example of single inheritance, as it inherits from the Animal class.
  2. Multiple inheritance: This occurs when a subclass inherits from multiple parent classes. In Python, a subclass can inherit from multiple classes by separating the class names with commas in the parentheses.
  3. Multilevel inheritance: This occurs when a subclass inherits from a parent class, which in turn inherits from another parent class. This creates a chain of inheritance, with each subclass inheriting from the class above it in the chain.

Inheritance can be a useful tool for organizing and reusing code in Python, but it is important to use it wisely and avoid creating overly complex class hierarchies.

Polymorphism in Python

Polymorphism is a feature of object-oriented programming that allows objects of different classes to share a common interface, or set of methods. This means that objects of different classes can be used interchangeably, as long as they have the same method names and signatures.

There are two types of polymorphism in Python:

  1. Duck typing: This is a form of polymorphism that is based on the idea of “if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.” In other words, if an object has the required methods and attributes, it can be used in a certain context, regardless of its actual class.
  2. Method overloading: This is a form of polymorphism that allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name, but different arguments. Python does not support method overloading natively, but there are ways to achieve a similar effect using default arguments or method names with different numbers of underscores.

To use polymorphism in Python, create a common interface for the objects you want to use interchangeably. This can be done by defining a base class with the required methods and attributes, and creating subclasses that inherit from the base class and implement the methods.

Here is an example of polymorphism in Python using duck typing:

In this example, the Duck and Goose classes have a common method called quack, but they produce different sounds. The make_noise function takes an animal object as an argument and calls the quack method on it. Because both the Duck and Goose objects have a quack method, they can be used interchangeably with the make_noise function.

Polymorphism is a useful tool for writing flexible and reusable code in Python, as it allows objects of different classes to be treated in a similar way.

When to use OOP in Python

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a powerful programming paradigm, but it is not always the best choice for every situation. There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to use OOP in a Python project:

  1. Complexity of the project: OOP can be helpful for organizing and modularizing code in large or complex projects, as it allows developers to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. However, it may not be necessary for small or simple projects, where a procedural approach may be sufficient.
  2. Reusability of code: OOP is well-suited for creating reusable code, as objects can be easily extended and modified through inheritance. If you anticipate that you will need to reuse a lot of code in your project, OOP may be a good choice.
  3. Team size and collaboration: OOP can be beneficial for large teams, as it promotes good software design and encourages the separation of concerns. This can make it easier for multiple developers to work on the same project without stepping on each other’s toes.

If you decide to use OOP in your Python project, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep your class hierarchy simple and avoid creating overly complex relationships between classes.
  2. Use inheritance wisely and only when it makes sense for your project. Avoid creating unnecessary levels of inheritance, as this can make your code harder to understand and maintain.
  3. Use polymorphism to create flexible and reusable code, but be mindful of the potential for confusion if you have multiple methods with the same name.
  4. Encapsulate data to increase security and data integrity, but be sure to provide appropriate access to the data when it is needed.

Overall, OOP can be a useful tool for organizing and modularizing code in Python, but it is important to use it wisely and consider whether it is the best choice for your project.


In this post, we introduced object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python, including:

  • The definition of OOP and its benefits for software development
  • How to define classes and create objects in Python
  • Inheritance in Python, including single, multiple, and multilevel inheritance
  • Polymorphism in Python, including duck typing and method overloading
  • Factors to consider when deciding whether to use OOP in a Python project, and best practices for using OOP

I hope that this post has provided a helpful introduction to OOP in Python and given you some ideas for using it in your own projects.

To learn more about OOP in Python, there are many resources available online, including the official Python documentation and tutorials, as well as books and online courses. Some recommended resources for learning more about OOP in Python include:

Thank you for reading!

