How I enhanced my knowledge within study at Lund University in Sweden: Human Rights, National Minorities, Accessibility to the Basic Public Services

5 min readJan 15, 2023


I was studying at Lund University in Sweden within the Programme «Perspectives on Multi-level Governance, Decentralisation & Human Rights». The module focused on decentralisation of public administration and implementation of human rights on regional and local levels.

I learned more about sustainable modern governance, the system for international human rights, developed knowledge and practices for increased transparency, efficiency and resilience in public administration in the EU Eastern Partnership countries. Also, I studied the issues of human rights principles (based on the UN Common Understanding on Human Rights Based Approach); Transparency and Accountability; New Public Management (NPM), including ”Pre-” and ”Post-NPM”, from a Scandinavian perspective; Equality and Equal treatment based on international law and insight into different ways of working with gender mainstreaming based on the example of urban planning.

As an outcome of the module, I enhanced knowledge of these issues and have gained tools that I used in my work. In particular, I implemented my Project «Promoting Roma Population’s Accessibility to the Basic Public Services». Aimed to raise awareness on the issue related to stateless person’s rights among the stateless Roma community residing in Ukraine and also to make them get acquainted with all existing social services and benefits, that Roma community can enjoy. The project was supported by Swedish Institute (Si) and Lund University, with the participation of the all-Ukrainian charitable foundation «Right to Protect (Ukraine) and non-governmental organization «Innovations and Reforms Center» (Georgia).

Most Roma representatives are unaware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Ukraine, do not know how to navigate the legal field, do not know the mechanisms of applying to the authorities. More than 70% of Roma do not have any documents. Obtaining passports and birth certificates is the first and main step for Roma to find employment, property privatization, receive social benefits, education, medical assistance — in fact, to integration into society.

After research, field work and focus-group interviews with a Roma community we identified the needs, capacity and major legal problems and created special brochures with the full list of basic social services, which they could request. Also, I organized informational meeting of Roma community with authorities and lawyers about the procedure for providing related social services (issuance of a passport, citizenship, accessibility of a birth certificate, financial assistance).

The research showed for the social integration of the Roma community it is important the issue of enhancing the participation of the Roma community and civic organizations in public life. My Project «Promoting Roma Population’s Accessibility to the Basic Public Services» implemented these functions, in particular, promoting socialization of the Roma population and protecting their rights.

There is a demand for involvement of NGOs in naional minorities issues, which will be able to interact with the authorities: to formulate needs, conduct dialogue and achieve positive results in integration processes. It is a request to take responsibility for democratic transformations and initiatives within the minorities community. Such organizations and activists are leading the change for minorities, which are gradually becoming widely recognized by society.

The article was prepared by Sana Lisova — journalist, researcher, public activist




Oleksandra is a Journalist, Scientist, Researcher and Public Activist. She closely involved in the formation and development of the local community.