How Mobile Marketing Automation Should Not Be Used

Oleksiy Kuryliak
2 min readFeb 12, 2016


Looking back into a post about What Is Mobile Marketing Automation and a second part to it on How To Understand Mobile Marketing Automation, we are able to define, what are the downsides for companies, who use automation techniques in their marketing efforts. With a variety of marketing tools available on the market today, sometimes users can be lost in a right choice. Simply because they may not understand in details what is mobile marketing automation and why it should be used only for a specific task.

We should understand, that any marketing automation tool will not replace all business needs and needs to be complementary to other services, that are used for analytics, tracking and measuring.

Mobile Marketing Automation as a product analytics tool.

Mobile Marketing Automation technology improves long-term user experience through personalized and time-sensitive messaging. While the results obtained by Mobile Marketing Automation can be used by marketing teams as user analytics for making all sorts of decisions, the system should be focused on creating and maintaining long-term relations with customers. Vice versa, product analytics are not meant to be used as messaging systems, even though they often do possess this feature.

Marketing Automation as a SPAM engine.

One of the reasons for developing the Mobile Marketing Automation system is to eliminate over-messaging. Instead, the system represents intelligent messaging. The added value of the technology is derived from the knowledge of when and how to send what message to which users. Nuance rather than spam is the key to optimize your business goals such as revenue and long-term commitment. The advantage of automation technology is an experience where each brand message is relevant and valuable to the receiving user.

Will your company benefit from Mobile Marketing Automation?

To see if your company would benefit from a Mobile Marketing Automation system, answer the following questions:

  • Are we engaging in mobile communication technologies, like an app, website or email messaging?
  • Do we reserve budget to obtain new customers?
  • Do we attach value to reaching our customers at an optimal time at their preferred device, with a tailor-made message?
  • Are we spending too much time to design an optimal experience for our customers?
  • Are we expecting mobile technology to become a critical part of our company in the next 5 years, and are we ready for this movement?

A positive answer for any of these five questions indicates that your business should be looking into Mobile Marketing Automation. Regardless of your answers, this book will provide clarity on how Mobile Marketing Automation can optimize your current marketing strategy.

Originally published at on February 12, 2016.



Oleksiy Kuryliak

Marketing Strategist. Founder of Rioks (, B2B marketing consultancy, and a digital agency. Startups Advisor.