Going To Seek Couples Therapy? Here Are The Things You Can Expect

Olga Bloch
2 min readMar 24, 2017


Though you will be satisfied that you have made a right decision to seek the couples therapy in Rockville but still you would be concerned about what it includes, especially if you are going to seek it the first time. Well, it is normal and the fact is worth concerning. However, you don’t need to be scared or worried about that. A therapist is not a judge who will give you the decisions, but he will guide you to make the decisions that will be good for both of you.

To help you take the process at ease, let us tell you the things that you can expect to happen during couples therapy or a couples therapy workshop.

  • After a simple introduction, the question of concern that is asked to you is about the problems and issues you are facing in your relationship. The therapist will listen to both of you to know the common and individual issues.
  • Once the therapist gets to know the issues you are facing, he will ask you about the journey of your relationship that how it started. He will ask you the thing that has drawn you together, what you get attracted to, why you choose each other and the circumstances when you met. Almost every therapist for couples in Rockville asks these questions because all this helps him know the major milestones in the way of their relationship.
  • He may also ask you about your history to know where you have come from and where you want to go. There may be some life experiences that may be affecting your relationship. And it is important to know about them in order to repair your relationship to the best.
  • Then, your therapist will ask the kind of relationship you want with each other. This lets the therapist have a vision in mind so that he can plan the complete journey to get there.
  • The next thing he will focus on is your strengths as a couple as it would help to enhance the bonding. Along with that, he will also discover your individual relationship blocks so that you can work on them first. Only then it would be effective to work on the common blocks.
  • Once the plan is created, the therapist will involve you in the different therapy exercises and will give you homework for the same. He will review your work on regular basis and will give you the feedback that what is working and what you still need to work on.

There is nothing complicated in the couples therapy, you just need to be prepared to work on your relationship and all things will go as desired.

