Aergo. Looking For the Perfect Corporate Blockchain Platform.

Ольга Гелисханова
5 min readOct 13, 2018


“More and more corporations are realizing that blockchain is an ideal means to optimize their own registries.”

I am convinced that blockchain is a big breakthrough in business process optimization. Such opportunities to change the structure of various economy sectors appear infrequently and we were lucky to live in the early days of the emergence of these technologies. Everyone is talking about them, and no one wants to be left behind.

With the advent of the Ethereum Network, a huge number of startups began to conduct ICO to demonstrate different ideas of blockchain application. Therefore, large corporations noted technology potential and began to strive for blockchain integration into the current business process. A well-designed blockchain, decentralized and immutable, is able to remove intermediaries and reduce costs, so the speed of operations and business coverage increase. Here are just a few examples of companies from various industries that have somehow started to implement blockchain technology in their business processes: IBM, Nestle, Walmart, Mercedes, Huawei and many others.

But there are a number of problems that make business owners take their time and wait for the best moment to implement these technologies:

  1. The problem of interaction between different blockchains, the complexity of scaling and low transaction speed, in my opinion, are the most discussed technical problems. Thus, in the network of NANO, the bandwidth is about 7000 transactions per second and it is the leader in the transactions speed, at the same time in the visa payment system it is 24,000.
  2. The problem with the regulation of the industry. If 2017 was the year of ICO, then the current year should have been the year of cryptocurrency regulation, but this didn’t happen. Governments around the world are trying to determine their attitude to cryptocurrencies and blockchain, but cannot come to a consensus. Some welcome their appearance, others are extremely hostile.
  3. The problem of attracting potential users. In fact, the idea, even very cool, is only the idea described in white paper and nothing more.

“In general, the main problems faced by companies are associated with the transition from the test environment to practice.”

Aergo Project Aims to Open a New Era of Massive Blockchain Adoption in the Corporation.

The Aergo is developed on the basis of the Coinstack platform from Blocko, which has already been successfully integrated into the South Korean company with a total user network of more than 25 million users. The project has already received the support of large investment funds.

“According to the analytical company Markets & Markets, the market of blockchain-based services will reach $7.7 billion by 2022.”

With the help of the Aergo Protocol solutions, developers and companies will be able to create their own cloud technologies and applications, while choosing any type of blockchain (public ,private, hybrid).

Platform Architecture.

  1. Aergo Chain. Public blockchain, the developers promise a performance of over 1 million transactions per second.
  2. Aergo Hub. A kind of interface to access the platform. Through it, companies and developers will be able to easily create and manage decentralized applications and keep them in public or private storage.
  3. Aero Marketplace. Trading platform for service providers and their customers. In fact, it will be a store for services optimized for the Aergo Network.

The Road Map and The Prospects.

Blocko lead an active role in the development of Aergo and the team consists mainly of the Blocko team specialists who did at the time blockchain development for Samsung SDS ,Hyundai Motors, Lotte Card, Shinhan Bank, the Korean Stock Exchange. There are all the resources to implement the technologies described in White Paper.

Aergo plans to become the main IT infrastructure on the basis of which thousands of applications will be created.

Aergo will be a corporate blockchain that will connect public and private networks. To achieve these goals, the platform will use not only blockchain technology, but also other working schemes tested in real business systems by Blocko. Thanks to the already existing developments,the public blockchain is almost ready for launch. In this case, an important advantage is the fact that the Aergo platform was not developed from scratch, but inherited most of the Coinstack platform, which has already carried out a successful test drive for 25 million of its users. It is much easier, cheaper and faster to adapt already proven technologies rather than reinvent the wheel.

An important factor for success is a simplified language for the development of smart contracts- AERGO SQL, it’s chosen more for practical reasons, as in the digital world-it is the most popular programming language, that will simplify the work with the platform as much as possible

Not the secret, AERGO has a lot of competitors and so far the main one is the Ethereum platform, which is inferior in technical characteristics, but has a huge user base, which gives it undeniable advantages.

In addition to creating a Protocol, AERGO is developing a new technology for cloud computing that doesn’t require servers. It will be possible to look at the result of the works soon, all the main events on the road map are planned for the first half of 2019. For more information about AERGO blockchain visit their website.

Warning: This work is not intended as investment advice. It is just my personal point of view about the project. [Author Telegram]

