About Me

What you can expect from me and my stories

Olga Hincu
2 min readFeb 9, 2024

Hi! I’m Olga. I started writing on Medium in 2022, sharing stories from my professional chess experience, data analytics and life.

I majored in Business, learned how to code on my own, and I philosophise a lot on life and chess. So I thought? Why not write about it?

Why chess?

I’ve spent over 10 years studying and playing chess, and it’s had a huge positive impact on my life in many ways. When I was 13, I qualified for the national team, but it would be only when I was 15 to participate in my first Chess Olympiad.

Chess helped me:

  • Recognize my strengths and weaknesses.
  • Think about thinking.
  • Learn to be alone and thrive in solitude.

You can use chess to learn how to fail, develop mental toughness, and make better decisions.

World Chess Olympiad (2018), taken by Dastan Kapaev

Why data?

On the other storyline, I started a career in data science & analytics that has been shaping my view on our techy lives in the 21st century.

I got into it without a data degree and I’ve made mistakes that I wish I had known earlier. And I am gaining skills that have become a must in my life.

Why life?

That’s all we got, and we better take care of it. With all the gadgets, apps, and information around us, it’s hard to pay close attention to our actions.

We could learn better how to live in the moment or make hard decisions that hurt us today.

How can I follow your stories?

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Also, be free to post your opinion or your personal experience under my stories. I’m curious to know your view :)



Olga Hincu

Former chess player | Product Data Analyst in Berlin. Sharing lessons on decision-making and cheesy chess stories.