Formula for successful creative.

Olimob Blog
6 min readAug 5, 2022


How to create converting creative.

Creatives are an indispensable part of any advertising campaign. The success of an advertising campaign and the amount of money earned by an affiliate marketer depend directly on the quality and appeal of the creative. Creating converting creatives is a task that requires knowledge of consumer psychology, design and copywriting, understanding of the target audience, it’s s pains and needs. The task is made easier if you use the knowledge and services accumulated by marketers to help you create high-quality creatives. In this article, we describe approaches to creating creatives for arbitrage and share our recommendations.

A creative is designed to attract attention and encourage users to take the desired action: buy, follow a link, download or subscribe.

Webmasters can either develop the creative on their own or have designers do it for them. The success of your creative will be influenced by the characteristics of the target audience, their problems and buying power, as well as the specifics of the GEO. If you decide to make your own creatives, there are many image editing services on the Internet, such as Pixlr, Crello, Fotostars and others. There are also a lot of spy-services that offer you ready-made solutions like Adheart, AdMobiSpy.

In order to get the user to come to the landing page of the offer he needs to be interested in it. The way to do this is with the right trigger. A trigger in marketing is a special mechanism for communicating with the customer which affects their subconscious mind, desires, fears and inner complexes.

Let’s take a look at what the creatives of the leading verticals in affiliate marketing should be made up of, examine their unique features and work out the formula for creating a converting creative.

Nutra and commodities market

Perpetual verticals like Nutra and Commodity are still popular with headlines about weight loss, but moderators on Facebook, for example, have a hard time letting in creatives with the message “lose weight fast” or “lose weight in a day”.

To increase a teaser’s effectiveness, it is worth avoiding the above-mentioned cliched “instant-weight” loss phrases, also because such high-sounding promises create a sense of distrust and deceit in users. A much more motivating and endearing “before-and-after” model works well for promoting images of weight-loss products, cosmetics, etc.

If it’s about miraculous organ enlargement, it’s better to use figurative comparisons. In Nutra, references to the body work well, rather than explicit photos in the creative, which will definitely not pass moderation.

Don’t forget to add numbers and percentages to your creatives; users rely more on statistics, especially when it comes to some gut-busting product. Quotes from professionals can help increase conversion rates; you can use images of doctors, celebrities or influencers. Positive opinions on the product will increase the chance of clicks on the banner.

Point out the practical benefits of the product, e.g. quick treatment of dermatitis or cleansing the body of parasites. The aesthetic side of the issue, beautiful packaging or an exclusive design, plays a much lesser role in our case.

Finally, show how you use the product, an unboxing or, for example, a photo of a satisfied customer applying the wonder-cream would be excellent.

Gambling and betting

Creativity in gambling should demonstrate the site’s main benefits. Bonuses for players when they register or make a first deposit have become a tradition. Highlight this “prize” that the user will receive on the creative with a bright color.

Genuine, life-like emotions when winning, reflected in the creative, are much better at attracting attention than clichéd phrases like “sign up and win”. Natural photos with happy or surprised faces increase the likelihood of conversion.

Generally, dynamic creatives convert better than static images. Use video content in familiarly themed casino and cash winnings to make the image more impactful.


Statistics in dating shows that the majority of users of dating services are still men. Because of this, the visual part of the creative should be aimed at a male audience.

The effect of a pleasant surprise in the form of a screenshot of a message from a cute stranger wanting to get to know you better becomes the key to designing creatives. It’s best to use selfies to portray the girl. Don’t forget to highlight the notification of the message you’ve received.

Finances and cryptocurrency

Real-life examples of lucky people who have managed to earn a significant amount of money over a specific period of time work perfectly in this vertical.

Success stories, life cases and revenue figures contribute to a potential customer’s loyalty. Emphasise on numbers and indicators in your creative that demonstrate the profitability of your offer.

Slogans like “What have you accomplished by 40?” — is a pain trigger for a portion of internet users, thus it works great in financial offers, while phrases like, “Wow, I made three times as much in a day…” also arouse curiosity and show good results.

General recommendations:

Regardless of the format of the creative, the AIDA scheme works in all cases. Let’s decipher the acronym.

1. A (attention) — to draw attention to the creative (this can be a catchy headline)

2. I (interest) — to arouse interest in the product or offer (the client’s problem or pain)

3. D (desire) — stimulates the desire to buy, achieve or repeat success (hope of solving the client’s problem / profit or bonus)

4. A (action) — a ready-made solution + call to action (call-to-action button).

Let’s look at this model for example:

The creative is designed for a European, specifically Italian, audience. The caption reads that an unfamiliar woman is close by. (Interest)

A beautiful European-looking girl (Attention) attracts the attention of single men. (Desire) The photo is natural, and underneath we see a request to meet. (Action)

By following our observations, you can always design a converting creative yourself. However, it’s worth noting that these tips are not a foolproof success recipe, but only a guideline.

Try different approaches, increase the loyalty of your audience in search of a functional bundle, and don’t forget about tests.

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