My “Life Accelerator” by review

Oliver Coqui
4 min readMar 1, 2019

Oliver Coqui, March 1st 2019

Dear friends,

I would like to share a great experience with you today, about a course I have participated in throughout the last 8 weeks, and which made quite a difference to me in my daily life already.

It is called „LIFE ACCELERATOR“, by LondonReal (

The „LIFE ACCELERATOR“ hit me at a perfect time, after a time of big changes in my life and the usual mid life issues, which many of you might have experienced as well.

About 4 months ago, a friend of mine, who is working as a psychotherapist, recommended LONDONREAL.TV to me for their interviews on YouTube, based on our discussion about Dr. Bruce Lipton. I soon got stuck on their YouTube channel (, watching amazing interviews with people like Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, Rich Roll, Michael Greger, Tim Shieff or John Joseph (also check out the IronMind movie on YouTube !).

Yet, the content on YouTube is limited, so I signed up to the LondonReal global community platform „TRIBE“ in order to get full access to the content based on a low monthly fee.

Soon I found out though, that this community had more to offer. It is a platform, which is connecting people globally who want to see some changes in their lives, and who are looking for new ideas, inspiration and exchange. I really enjoyed this exchange, in their Facebook Group or in weekly live video calls, hosted by the great LondonReal team.

I started looking into personal development and positive psychology, and realized more and more that I really had some work to do in order to overcome some of my bad habits (mostly procrastination) in order to get more out of my life, and to become a more positive person in general.

Then, in December, I stumbled upon their „LIFE ACCELERATOR“ course, which is focusing on exactly these topics, leveraging ideas and habits from their key interview guests and combining them into an 8 week course for 100 people around the globe.

At first, I was sceptical, also regarding the cost for this course. But at the same time I understood, that this is a chance to save a lot of time, doing my own research and reading lots of books. It seemed to be a great way to really kickstart some changes in my life this year.

So, how did this work out? I have to say, it´s been a great idea, and I have already implemented some new habits in my daily routines. I have learned a lot about meditation, gratitude, ownership for my life and all of my decisions, sleep, diet, forgiveness and the importance of the personal relationships in my life.

I even cut down my daily time on social media, WhatsApp and all other media drastically, which helped me to focus more, and showed me that I am indeed, as many of you as well probably, addicted to consuming information which is not really adding any value to my life in the first place. But instead, kicking this stuff out freed up a lot of valuable time for me each day.

All these learnings and experiences and related „actions“ were shared weekly via Facebook live videos and in team video calls with the other participants around the world. We grew together, made new friendships and held each other accountable. The LondonReal team was amazing, always accessible when needed and of huge personal help for many of us. It was a fun, inspiring, honest, personal and very positive journey for everybody.

Bottom line is — I would recommend this course, and the LondonReal content, to everyone who is going through some changes in their lives, who are looking for some new directions, are tired of their own bad habits and being exhausted from the daily rat race.

As said — it already had a big impact on me, being more grateful for what I have, focusing on what´s really important in my life and also growing my resilience — and I am looking forward to implement further new habits in different areas of my life, while at the same time staying in touch with some of the other participants, so we can keep track of each other´s development moving forward.

I hope you understand a bit now what this is all about, and what I did throughout the last 8 weeks.

Any questions or comments — please post a comment below or drop me a DM.

See also this video in which LondonReal founder and host Brian Rose explains the idea behind the Life Accelerator :

Thank your for taking the time to read this.

Have a good time.

Yours sincerely,


