Recommended games. (3/3–3/9)

5 min readMar 11, 2018


This is week two of listing out the games I’ve played in the past 6–7 days, presented roughly in chronological order. See week one here.

Free Games!

Mobility! Accesible precision platformer by Auroriax (Tom H.).

“Accessible” is a word used in the title — a winner already! Developers, please make your games as accessible as you can afford to. Even though this is quite a short game, including all sort of options that allows humans of different abilities to play is such a treat. As far as the gameplay goes, it’s hecka delightful and visually nifty. The positive overtones are so lovely here!

Borgo the Cat — 3D Puzzle Game by Aaron Fimple

A very cute & tiny three-dimensional platformer featuring a cute & tiny rolling cat! It’s rather joyful to control this adorable lil’ creature.

Goldeneye ZZT Demo by Daniel Hutson

An attempt at recreating Goldeneye for N64 in ZZT. This is one of those demakes that is so rudimentary as to be humourous. Highly recommended if you know the original game pretty well.

Jumpgrid by Ian MacLarty

Don’t touch the pretty shapes!

The Attic’s a Dungeon?! by Martian’s Parlor Entertainment

This is a turn-based dungeon-crawler. This is one of the genres I do not click with at all, but the visuals and sonic direction hooked me for longer than I would have imagined. I’d actually say my favourite bit is the gently-swaying camera—it’s a little touch that gives this so much flavour. Recommended by Sergio Cornaga.

Into by animal phase

This is one of those pieces that make me wonder why more people don’t make things like this more often.

Veggie Panino Tactics by z_bill.

The title is what convinced me to try this. I expected a little platformer, but it’s not really that, though it sort of is. Worth a few of your minutes to play through it.


Rotate the sun!

The Alpha Machine by xiotex

An incredible story wrapped up in a floating simulator. I can’t recommend this enough.

The Basics of Sacred Geometry by Yuliya Kozhemyako (Supr)

This is the third game this week that presents prose in an unusual and spectacular way. I would love to exist in this space (as long as I could escape).

peek by emptyhalls

I… don’t really know what to say about this. Please read the page description, it’s important.

Knytt Stories+ level

The Cursed Gallery — A Glorious Trainwrecks Knytt Stories+ Collaboration

It is what is says it is, and unsurprisingly, it’s fucking awesome. Make sure to to have KS+1.3.2 or greater, otherwise you’ll not see the whole thing.

Paid games

Kairo by Richard Perrin

A textless first-person puzzler. Your goal is to… well, you’ve got to figure out what you’re doing because it’s meant to be discovered. The screenshot above consists of twelve other screenshots because I couldn’t decide on which one to show. Surreal architecture presented monochromatically is perfectly suited to my taste. I’ve run into one or two puzzles that I wasn’t understanding, and fortunately, there are hints given in-game if wanted. I’ve been anticipating playing this for a couple years now, and I’m sad that I cannot anticipate this anymore.

Proteus by Twisted Tree

There’s really nothing new to say about this. The weird thing is, even though walking simulators are one of my favourite things on this planet, I rarely play Proteus for more than ten minutes because… I don’t know why, but it’s a shame. I probably ought to wait until I’m relaxed.

Other games I played but not listing because I’ve already written about them previously: Doom 64 (completed it—I prefer the dark atmospheric approach to the original metal Doom games) and The Swapper (also beat it, and it’s easily in my top 50 games of all time)

Mobility! and Borgo discovered through Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Goldeneye ZZT Demo discovered through Worlds of ZZT Twitter.

The Attic’s a Dungeon?! recommended by Sergio Cornaga.

The rest of the games were discovered through following the developers, browsing, or through whatever other means I forgot.

