Our 24 Hour Candidate Response Commitment

Dialing down the anxiety factor in interviewing

Oliver Cameron
1 min readDec 16, 2015


When I interviewed with a bunch of tech companies some years ago, my face resembled the following emoji as I waited for the hire and no hire responses to appear in my inbox: šŸ˜±

I canā€™t think of anything more anxiety inducing than an on-site job interview. Did those people like me? Did I screw up that problem? Why did I horrifically mis-spell the word ā€œthesaurusā€ on the whiteboard (true story)? At Udacity, we want to dial that anxiety down for our candidates, so weā€™re introducing the 24 Hour Candidate Response Commitment.

How It Works

Starting today, when you apply for a role at Udacity, look in the job description for a mention of the 24 Hour Candidate Response Commitment. With this commitment for a position, it means we will get back to you with a hire or no hire within one business day of your on-site interview. We are committing all engineering, product management, student services and design positions to this response timeframe, with more to come. Itā€™s the least we can do for our candidates, many of whom travel great distances to interview with us.

Please visit our jobs page to apply today!



Oliver Cameron

Obsessed with AI. Built self-driving cars at Cruise and Voyage. Board member at Skyways. Y Combinator alum. Angel investor in 50+ AI startups.