On demand beauty service App Development

oliver jacob
2 min readNov 14, 2018


Embellish your business with beauty on demand app!

There are certain businesses that can never go obsolete, one is food, and another is the beauty industry. Beauty may not be eternal but its service definitely is. The beauty industry is estimated to be around $4.8 billion and has been growing at a rapid pace.

With growing urbanisation, many people are finding it hard to visit a salon and get their dose of allurement. So this made businesses redefine themselves by bringing their services to the customer’s door. Now with on-demand beauty apps, people can avail the service with a click of the app.

Development of a neoteric app is a tedious task and will eat up a massive part of your start-up budget, so you need to check out its budget-friendly alternative. The surrogate I am talking about is Clone apps. They are applications that will be customized as per your needs but will carry the core aspects of an already existing app. Some of the features beauty clone apps offers are:

  • Beautician’s Availability Toggle
  • Beautician Profile
  • Schedule Appointment
  • Push Notifications
  • Payment Integration
  • Geolocation
  • Search By Specialist and more

When selecting the developer, we must choose the one who is providing the best features most cost-effectively. Turnkey Town is a clone app development company that specialises in Uber for beauty app. Their apps are customisable, and any features as requested by the clients are added to the app. Apart from regular essential features they also provide:

  • Bill Estimation
  • Book And Cancel Appointments
  • Installation Of App
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Advanced Reports
  • Accept/ Reject Request
  • Responsive Web Panel and more

The on-demand Uber for beauty app from Turnkey town comes out as a white label solution, and it can help you scale your business by many folds. Contact them, and they will help you with beautifying your beauty business.

