Rodrigo Figueroa
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2020


Create dynamic word documents using DOCX Js, file-saver and data from an EXCEL or JSON

Everything started from a tiny project that I had, they need to create a lot of test documents around (100) and they need the same old template 🤢 and each document has to have the information of an Excel I was really upset about that and then I searched how o create dynamics documents.

If you want to watch the video of all of this the link is here

Video with all the information in this article

Then I found this docx I learn a little and then I create my first document and I will show you how…

Hi I updated this POST and I created a new video if you want to check it

and the new video is here too, thank you so much

Video updated with all the information of DOCX

First we need because it has everything I need to create it

then You need to import two dependencies

Example adding sandbox’s dependencies
adding sandbox dependencies

docx and file-saver then you need to import the modules

Important! the version of the docx have to be 4.7.1 because it has all that we need for now.

import { Document, Packer, Paragrap } from "docx";import { saveAs } from "file-saver";

Next to them the structure

documents in sandbox
documents in Sandbox

And the index.html

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Parcel Sandbox</title><meta charset=”UTF-8" /></head><body><div id=”app”></div><button id=”button-word”>Word document in progress!!</button><script src=”src/index.js”></script></body></html>

You only need a button to activate the word creation if you want, I create an event ( that was the button ) and with that event we call the generateWordDocument

document.getElementById("button-word").addEventListener("click", generateWordDocument, false);

Then that function creates the document that we need, I create a new instance of the Document and a paragraph for my document and then I send the doc variable to a new function called saveDocumentToFile and the name of my document.

function generateWordDocument() {//instance
let doc = new Document();
// create some paragraphsdoc.createParagraph("This paragraph will be in my new document");//and using this function we can save our file from the browsersaveDocumentToFile(doc, `first.docx`);}

after that the saveDocumentToFile function help us to save the file, received the doc variable with the paragraph and the fileName I created a new instance of the Packer and the mimeType for Microsoft documents then the b Blob containing the Document instance and the mimeType and finally we use the saveAs to export the file

function saveDocumentToFile(doc, fileName) {const packer = new Packer();const mimeType ="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";packer.toBlob(doc).then(blob => {const docblob = blob.slice(0, blob.size, mimeType);saveAs(docblob, fileName);});}

And then you have your document

Example First document with DOCX.js
First document with DOCX.js
Example Visual document with DOCX.js
Example Visual document

But what happened if we need, I don't know imagine 1 hundred of documents with the same template and the data of an Excel or another data well I’m going to use this tiny table for example and you can use a big one.

Example excel data
Example information from Excel

You need this page
you can upload your csv or insert the data

Example excel data bacame JSON data
Example excel data became JSON data

And then generate the JSON

example JSON data
JSON data

With the json we need to create a variable and insert the data in that variable

const fakeDataExcel = [
"Id": 1,"name": "Michael","country": "England"},{"Id": 2,"name": "Charles","country": "Canada"}]

And we need to create a for loop and inside the for we could insert an auto invoke function with a setTimeout why? Because if you try to run with a lot of data the process is too fast and some documents will be lost trust me I tried

for (let i = 0; i < fakeDataExcel.length; i++) {
(function(i) {window.setTimeout(function() {}, i * 2000);})(i);}

And the final part you need to make the dynamic variables and the final code will be this

for (let i = 0; i < fakeDataExcel.length; i++) {(function(i) {window.setTimeout(function() {let doc = new Document();doc.createParagraph(`Id: ${fakeDataExcel[i]['Id']}`);doc.createParagraph(`Name: ${fakeDataExcel[i]['name']}`);doc.createParagraph(`Country:  ${fakeDataExcel[i]['country']}`);saveDocumentToFile(doc, `user${fakeDataExcel[i]['name']}-${fakeDataExcel[i]['Id']}.docx`);}, i * 2000);})(i);}
Example Creating dynamic documents
Example Creating dynamic documents
Example creating our word documents with DOCX.js
Creating our word documents with DOCX.js
Text from Word document



Rodrigo Figueroa
Geek Culture

I’m a Web Developer, fanatic of books and Smash Player.