How to Make a Wedding More Enjoyable & Memorable?

Oliver Thomson
3 min readAug 4, 2017


When we see someone attractive from the opposite sex, we feel someday we will also get married. This is very true as each and every individual has this dream. The dream of getting married one day with their prince charming or an angel but one thing is for sure that every individual wants his/her wedding to be a grand thing where people eat, dance, laugh, and enjoy to the fullest.

This is important to have an everlasting and satisfactory experience after the wedding is over. So, how do you make that possible? There are two ways to this. One way is to hire professional Sydney’s Funnest Wedding Celebrant and the second one is to think on your own, surf the net, ask friends and family members for useful suggestions. In any case, you cannot figure this out; we have got something really interesting for you!

Top Ways to Make a Wedding More Enjoyable & Memorable

Have a Theme

The best way to make your wedding more enjoyable is by taking your first wedding planning step carefully. Yes, we are talking about having a theme for your wedding. You must have seen people having a theme for their birthday parties and getting guests mesmerized in the theme. You can do the same with your wedding. If you can think of a good theme on your own, it is good; else take professional help just to make sure everything is going in the right direction.

Get People to Interact & Participate

Any event is best enjoyed when all the guests enjoy together and this holds equally true for your wedding day as well. Think of activities through which you can get your guests to participate and interact with each other as this will remove all the shyness amongst them. Think of a game or something and let them enjoy, eat and laugh together.

Get Everyone on the Dancing Floor

Wedding means celebrations and no celebration can be completed without dancing. People do like to drink on the wedding day and all they want to do post that is to go on the dancing floor and start dancing like Michael Jackson. This fun can be doubled if you bring all your guests to dance on the floor or on their respective seats. Play a romantic song and ask all the couples to dance at their seats. This will just spice up the entire atmosphere!

Hire a Marriage Celebrant

You have to admit this that every job is best handled by a professional only and getting your wedding day to be more enjoyable and special is not an easy task at all. It will take a lot of time and efforts apart from the other wedding tasks you have. This is the reason we suggest you to hire Sydney’s Funnest Wedding Celebrant and let him take care of the rest, eventually making you simply enjoy and not worried for anything!



Oliver Thomson

Oliver Thomson bestows the old-boring wedding ceremonies with a spark of relaxed fun that makes them a memory to cherish forever.