Olive in China
3 min readMay 26, 2016

5 advice to follow by launching your business in China

China’s economy’s growth has attracted a lot of companies overseas who want to take the opportunity of it. Therefore, launching your business in China is not so easy. Indeed, the mainland has it own tricks and tools in order to succeed and which are complicated to approach even if your brand is successful in your Western country.

Here are five advice you have to know in order to begin well in China.

1. Adapt your strategy to China

The most of Western companies think they have just find a local manager to be successful in China. However, getting into the Mainland will take a lot of time especially to learn more about the Chinese market which has special and few features. In addition, with the economy’s growth, this market is regularly shifting mainly regarding the Chinese consumers’ behavior. You have to try to adapt your brand to them, that is one of the first main point.

2. Be patient

You are used to build your strategy really fast, particularly as an American company. Don’t be surprised because Chinese workers have not the same expectations than yours when they are launching their business. Indeed, they don’t think about economic’s issue at first. They only want to local employees and fill their office to be more effective and after that, they decide to increase benefits.

3. Deals are never acquired

In Western countries, you are used to sign contracts which represents the agreement between two companies. However, when you negociate with Chinese, be careful because sometimes, you can’t trust them until getting the deal. Indeed, both cultures have not the same rules and lot of Western companies realized the contract signed up is illegal. That’s why, many deals are often cancelled.

4. Hiring local quality personnel can be hard

Chinese and Western, especially american, professionals don’t work in the same way. Indeed, Chinese don’t have the sense of detail compared to the Western ones. American businessmen are really meticulous and prefer working with thoroughness. Then, Chinese don’t take initiative and follow the boss’ rules that’s why you have to be precise when you order something.

5. Be careful to the “Guanxi” term

Sometimes, you will want to trust Chinese collaborators because they use the word “Guanxi” to have your confidence. Actually, professional relationships are really important, especially in China because they tend to trust only their relatives. Nevertheless, sometimes they use this pretext to not sign contract and trap you. So stay focus!

By Olivier Verot at Gentlemen Marketing Agency: agency.marketingtochina.com