Less-Known Facts About Vinyl Vehicle Wrapping

Picture This Wraps and Graphics
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

You might have surely seen at least one before- a vivid, eye-catching advertisement on the side of a bus, van or car. These advertisements, also known as vehicle wrap advertising, are actually the best way for small, local businesses to promote themselves and further expand their customer base to more people in their area.

This is because the vinyl wraps can effectively turn any of your business’ vehicles into a moving billboard- at just a fraction of the cost of a traditional billboard ad!

But do you know about the advantages of eye-catching vehicle wraps as you should? If not, here are some facts to blow you away.

They use the highest-quality graphics

Advances in printing technology have resulted in creative wraps and graphics in the form of vinyl vehicle wraps having some of the highest-quality graphic design work around. In fact, these wraps are often mistaken for painted-on images, the quality is so high!

It is among the most affordable ways to advertise

Of all the various forms of outdoor advertising, car wraps boast the lowest cost-per-impression rate. If your business chooses to invest in just one car wrap but uses it for its average life span of six years, this can translate into a huge profit. When compared with the statistic below, it is clear that it costs literal cents to reach a consumer with vehicle wrap advertising.

These wraps can reach an audience of considerable size

Most people report being reached by a mobile advertisement of some kind. This is simply because ads like those found on vehicle wraps can reach pedestrians, drivers and passengers alike. Better yet, studies have shown that just one car wrap can be viewed anywhere from 30,000 to 80,000 times throughout any given day. This is a simple translation to brand recognition on a scale that is hard to fathom!

Consumers’ response to vehicle wrap advertising

Are you aware that an average of 30% of people who view mobile outdoor ads say that these advertisements influence their purchasing decisions? Because these car wraps are non-invasive and are viewed apart from competitors’ ads, many of the consumers find them appealing.

The best part about the vinyl vehicle wraps is that it is temporary. If you wish to change them, you can do so easily by just removing them and getting another one applied instead. This simply means that you have the option of even changing just one section of the wrap, and it will cost you less to update your design if you ever need to, for example, if you need to change a phone number or a logo, but the rest of the graphics are still up-to-date and relevant.

Author’s Bio: The author is an avid blogger. This article is about vehicle wrapping.



Picture This Wraps and Graphics

At Picture This Wraps and Graphics, we understand that first impressions count.