Expand Your Online Presence by Adding a Google Map to your WordPress page

Optimize your website for Local SEO and see your business rank higher by search engines.

Olivia Pompeu
3 min readSep 2, 2020
Google Map, Local SEO, Near Me Queries, Landing Pages, Location

Like most people, whenever I need to buy something or to hire a service, I google for it first. I look for the best deal for sure, but also, the nearest option to me as possible.

If there’s a Google map embedded on the page already, even better, it saves me an additional search.

If your business is not taking this consumer behavior into consideration, it’s losing customers. Not because it is my preference, but it’s how search engine algorithms work. It’s called Local SEO.

Why an Embedded Google Map Increases Local SEO

If you’re not familiar with Local SEO, this digital marketing term is perhaps self-explanatory. Basically, it adds the location factor into the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy.

Whenever someone searches online for anything, search engines will run down a checklist from the entire plethora of websites to pick which one is the closest match.

Some search engine algorithm criteria include how many times a keyword (searched term) appears on a website or how long it has been around.

But maybe the most overlooked SERP (Search Engine Results Page) component is the location. And it might be the easiest way to convert those “near me” queries to your favor.

Allocating efforts and resources to improve your Local SEO by embedding a static Google Map might just be the competitive edge your business needs to stand out.

The importance of Google Maps To Your Business

Now that you know that location is important to rank higher by search engines, incorporate that into your website.

You might think just adding the address is enough.

However, potential customers can’t be expected to know exactly where your location is just by its street name.

Now imagine if someone is googling it while driving or walking. Will they take the time to look it up on a map app or just move to the next search result?

Search engines might not recognize your address either if the information given doesn’t follow a certain standard.

Adding a static Google Map on your website is convenient for viewers and it doesn’t result in extra weight on your website.

Even better for search engines to verify your location faster, therefore ranking you higher.

How to add a static Google Map to your website

If your website is on WordPress, all you need is a plugin. I recommend MPG: Multiple Page Generator from the WordPress directory.

Not only a Google Map is already a native integration on MPG, but if your business has multiple locations, you can create a landing page for each address with its corresponding map in bulk too.

Actually, if your business is not physically in one place, but your service or product is available within an area or nationwide, then most definitely try MPG. You can create a location page for each city in every state, gaining Local SEO ground.

Oh, and every location page created by MPG will be automatically mobile-friendly too. Nice for those customers on the run, huh?

Quick Tutorial

1. To get started, you’ll first need a Google API Key, which is a requirement from Google in order to generate a static map.

2. Then, from your WordPress dashboard, download and enable the MPG plugin.

3. All you need is a database file stored offline (.csv, .xlsx or .ods file), or online (.csv or Google Sheets)with your information and the MPG targeted location template.

4. Generate a map code for each location needed. The map code can be generated on the Google Developers page (where you obtained your Google API Key) or on Google Static Map Maker.

5. Copy and insert the code for the static map for each location on the MPG template.

6. Update your website from WordPress dashboard

Presto! Each location page will now be customized with its own static Google Map.

One Last Tip

I’ll leave you with this video showing each step in detail. The video is for MPG’s first version and although it has been updated since then, the tutorial works for MPG 2.0 as well.

So waste no time and add a static Google Map to your WordPress page to boost your Local SEO today!



Olivia Pompeu

Content Creator & Business Storyteller. Communications, PR and Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience in global companies.