Why are biblically accurate depictions of angels a cluster of eyes and wings?

3 min readMay 10, 2023


The phrase “biblically accurate angels” refers to the descriptions of angels that can be found in the Bible, which frequently diverge greatly from those seen in popular culture. The Bible describes angels in ways that are more ominous and abstract, like clusters of eyes and numerous wings, as opposed to the common image of human-like entities with wings and halos. Many have questioned the justifications for the differences between the scriptural and popular depictions as a result of this mismatch.

Including the New Testament

Examining the Bible’s core sources is crucial to comprehending why biblically correct representations of angels are a collection of eyes and wings. There are numerous descriptions of angels in both the Christian Bible (including the New Testament) and the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament). In the scriptures of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Revelation, we find some of the most remarkable representations of angels.

Book of Ezekiel

The prophet Ezekiel sees four living things in the Book of Ezekiel that resemble men. Each one of the creatures has four faces, four wings, and straight feet with a calf’s foot sole. On each of their four sides, they have a man’s hands underneath their wings, which are touching. They have faces that resemble those of an ox, man, lion, and eagle. Additionally, the book mentions eye-covered wheels inside wheels that travel with the creatures. One kind of angel is this creature, known as a cherubim.


Another kind of angelic entity, the seraphim, are seen by the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 6. Each seraph has six wings: two for flying, two for protecting their faces and feet, and two for covering their bodies. They exalt the holiness of God from above His throne. These celestial beings represent the supernatural and the divine.

A vision of four living creatures encircling God’s throne is described by the apostle John in the Book of Revelation. These animals have six wings and are encircled on all sides by eyes. A lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle each have a distinctive face. These beings are regarded as angelic entities and are comparable to those mentioned in Ezekiel.

There are various possible interpretations for these historically accurate images of angels as groups of eyes and wings:


As divine messengers and servants of God, the plurality of eyes and wings on these celestial beings may represent their all-seeing and omnipresent nature. It’s possible that the eyes stand for their capacity for all-pervasive perception and the wings for their swift and effortless flight through the heavens.

Angels’ ethereal and terrifying appearances in the Bible serve to highlight their transcendent and otherworldly nature. They are celestial entities that exist outside of our comprehension and are not human-like beings.

Divine Hierarchy:

Different descriptions of angels in the Bible could be used to indicate various positions or responsibilities within the divine hierarchy. Other angels may have varied roles, but cherubim and seraphim are frequently thought of as guarding and proclaiming God’s holiness.

The religious and cultural milieu in which the biblical scriptures were written may have had an impact on the descriptions of angels that are found there. For instance, depictions of winged beings and hybrid creatures are common in ancient Near Eastern art and mythology, which may have influenced how the biblical authors thought of angels.


As a result, the descriptions of angels in the books of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Revelation in the Bible are what lead to historically accurate portrayals of angels as groups of eyes and wings. These depictions place a strong emphasis on these celestial entities’ symbolic, otherworldly, and hierarchical characteristics. Furthermore, the formation of these specific representations may have been influenced by ancient Near Eastern cultural influences.

Read my answer on quora as well: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-biblically-accurate-depictions-of-angels-a-cluster-of-eyes-and-wings

Dedicated article on this topic Biblically Accurate Angels: A Cluster of Eyes and Wings

