How can you maximize your self-storage space?

Olivia Garcia
3 min readMar 27, 2019


New to Self Storage? Not sure how you should pack your unit? In this article, we’re going to cover how to get the most of your self-storage unit. This advice also applies to garages, closets, and anywhere else that might be used for storage. The organization is important!

Maximize your self-storage space

Arrange Items for Easy Access.
If you’re going to be packing your storage space yourself, it makes sense to give it some thought whether what’s going in needs to come out any time soon. And when you need to access these items, how are you going to do it? Keep items that are you foresee you’ll need to the front of the unit so you don’t have to wade through items and reorganize things to pull the item you want out. But where possible, try to keep a bit of a path in the center of the self-storage unit so that you can walk through if you need to search for things.

Go Vertical.
While most self-storage units are limited in terms of floor space, you can always make the most of your vertical space by stacking upwards. Especially for furniture! Long and bulky items can be stored standing on their sides so they take up less floor space too, chairs should be stacked one on top of another if they fit. Just make sure to be careful by stacking the heavier items at the bottom and lighter things above. You don’t want a tower of things crashing down! You can also ensure that your boxes are sturdy by filling them up fully so that they are more stable and wrapping the more fragile items in bubble wrap to protect them in case there are any accidents! Using the full height of your storage unit will help maximize potential space.

Fill the Gaps.
We hope that you still have a fair bit of space let in your self-storage unit to walk in and out of, but in the case that you’re really going all out and filling it up wall to wall, make sure you spot those gaps and use them! Towels, bedsheets and pillows and other soft cloth material items can be packed into trash bags to keep them clean and stuffed into empty spaces.

Don’t discount gaps underneath and behind couches, bed frames and cabinets — these are good cubbies for long and thin items like brooms and other long-handled items. Another good space for these long objects is right beside the door.

Do take the time to look through your belongings and make out an inventory if you’re unsure of how much space you really need. As we mentioned, any of our self-storage associates would be happy to help you calculate the volume of your things and set you up with a self-storage unit that’s sure to meet your needs!



Olivia Garcia

Hi, I am an interior designer and writer. I like to share my design sense and tips with you. I love to design and redesign my home.