Game, Set, Match: How to Zero in on Your Book’s Target Audience Using Geographic Segmentation

Liv Miles
6 min readAug 20, 2018

Hello, fellow writer of words.

You’ve been up to something, haven’t you?

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’d been writing lately. A lot, and often, and on a single project. You’ve been pouring your heart over a page again, crafting a world that’s growing more colorful and exotic by the paragraph, growing and expanding and trimming a piece of literature that eventually you will share with the world in the form of a publication.

Maybe you’re nearing the finish line on your novel, and soon you’ll get to type those magical words:

“The End.”

And if only it was.

Because once you finish polishing up your creative world, edited it to perfection, proofread out every last misplaced jot and tittle and middle finger, you get to embark on a whole new project.

You have to market your book.

You hear that? Silence. Dead fucking silence.

This is the breath of sound before a stampede of writers rush for the exit, because getting the word out — as opposed to getting the words down — is now the new most terrifying practice in your library of conceptions. You didn’t sign up to sell books, you signed up to write a book that was so good it sold itself.



Liv Miles

I'm an paranormal romance writer from New England, as well as a freelance writer, stay-at-home mom, and lover of free speech. Sometimes I get into trouble.