5 Steps To Creating A Data Curation Plan

Olivia Miller
5 min readJun 16, 2023


In today’s data-driven world, businesses and organizations are inundated with a massive amount of information. From customer feedback to market trends, there is an abundance of data available that can help companies make informed decisions. However, the sheer volume of this data can be overwhelming without proper organization and curation. That’s where a solid data curation plan comes in — it helps businesses sort through their valuable data and identify what is pertinent for their operations. In this blog post, we’ll outline five crucial steps to creating a successful data curation plan that will enhance your business intelligence efforts!

Define your goals

Before delving into data curation, it is important to define your goals. What do you want to achieve by curating your data? Do you want to identify trends in customer behavior or monitor the performance of a new product launch? Whatever your objectives may be, it is essential to have them clearly defined before proceeding.

To start, brainstorm with key stakeholders and decision-makers in your organization. Take the time to understand their priorities and how they see data playing a role in achieving those objectives. This will help ensure everyone is aligned on what success looks like when it comes to curating data.

Once you have identified your goals, make sure they are specific and measurable. For example, rather than saying “improve customer satisfaction,” set a goal of “increase Net Promoter Score by 10 points within six months.” This will give you a clear target that can guide your efforts towards successful curation.

Revisit and refine these goals regularly as business needs change over time. Keeping an eye on progress towards reaching these targets will also help ensure that the entire team stays motivated and focused throughout the process of creating a solid data curation plan!

Choose your team

Choosing the right team is a crucial step in creating an effective data curation plan. Your team should be composed of individuals who have the necessary skills and expertise to ensure that your data will be properly managed and curated.

Consider the size of your team and its composition. Ideally, you want members with diverse backgrounds, such as IT experts, data analysts or scientists, archivists or librarians.

Always look for individuals with experience in managing and curating similar datasets like yours. They must also possess strong communication skills since they may need to interact with other stakeholders involved in the project.

Make sure that everyone on your team understands their roles and responsibilities clearly from day one to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings down the line.

Lastly but not least important is making sure that all members share common goals about how best to manage and curate your dataset(s). Encourage teamwork through open communication channels so everyone can contribute ideas towards achieving set objectives.

Develop a workflow

Developing a workflow is an essential step in creating a successful data curation plan. This involves outlining all the necessary processes and procedures required to get your data from its raw state to a curated form that is ready for analysis.

The first step in developing a workflow is identifying the different stages involved in curating your data. This could include data acquisition, cleaning, transformation, integration, validation and quality control.

Next, you need to establish clear guidelines and standards for each stage of the process. These should cover everything from file formats and naming conventions to quality checks and error handling procedures.

Once these guidelines are established, it’s important to map out how your team will move through each stage of the process. You may want to use flowcharts or diagrams to help visualize this workflow.

It’s also important at this stage to consider any potential roadblocks or bottlenecks that could slow down or hinder the curation process. By anticipating these issues ahead of time, you can develop contingency plans accordingly.

Once your workflow has been developed and documented thoroughly, it’s time to test it out on some sample datasets before implementing it fully across all projects.

Implement your plan

Now that you have defined your goals, chosen your team, and developed a workflow for your data curation plan, it’s time to put it into action. Implementing the plan can be a challenging task but is also the most exciting part of the process.

Before proceeding with any implementation steps, ensure that all necessary resources are available and properly allocated. This includes human resources such as team members and stakeholders, as well as technological resources like software tools or hardware components.

It’s essential to follow the established workflow during the implementation phase to maintain consistency in data collection methods and storage procedures. Additionally, make sure that everyone involved receives proper training on how to use any new tools or technologies introduced during this stage.

As you implement your plan, keep track of progress using relevant metrics. Regularly analyze these metrics to identify areas where improvements can be made. By doing so, you’ll increase efficiency while reducing errors in data processing and analysis.

Continue monitoring progress after implementing changes in case adjustments need making along the way. With consistent attention paid towards improvement efforts over time through effective curation strategies — success is more than achievable!

Monitor and adjust as needed

The final step in creating a data curation plan is to monitor and adjust as needed. This step is crucial because it ensures that your plan remains relevant and effective over time.

To begin the monitoring process, you should establish a regular schedule for reviewing and assessing your data curation activities. This could involve gathering feedback from team members or stakeholders, analyzing performance metrics, or conducting internal audits of your processes.

Once you have identified areas for improvement, you can then make adjustments to your plan accordingly. This might involve revising workflows, updating policies and procedures, or investing in new tools or technologies.

It’s also important to stay up-to-date with best practices in data curation by attending industry events, reading relevant publications, and engaging with other professionals in the field. By staying informed about emerging trends and developments, you can ensure that your approach to data curation remains cutting-edge and effective over time.

The key to successful data curation is ongoing vigilance and flexibility. By regularly monitoring and adjusting your plan as needed, you can ensure that it continues to meet the evolving needs of both your organization and its stakeholders.


Creating a data curation plan is essential for any organization that wants to effectively manage their data. By defining your goals, choosing the right team, developing a workflow, implementing your plan and monitoring it continuously, you’ll be able to ensure that your valuable data is curated properly.

It’s also important to remember that data curation is an ongoing process and requires continuous attention. As new data comes in and business needs change, you may need to adjust your plan accordingly.

But by following these five steps outlined above and staying vigilant about the quality of your data over time, you’ll be well on your way towards establishing an effective and sustainable approach to managing all of the digital information assets critical to making informed decisions in today’s world.x

