Join Hands With Inoru To Help People Combat The COVID-19 Pandemic With A Robust Practo Clone

Olivia Wilde
3 min readAug 29, 2020

The need for virtual doctor consultations has transcended all across the world, following the COVID-19 pandemic. When people can do shopping and pay bills via the digital medium, why not use smartphones for telemedicine solutions? Apps like Practo, AccuRx, etc., have gained immense popularity ever since the lockdown restrictions.

Are you an entrepreneur eyeing to invest wisely in an on-demand doctor app development? At Inoru, our experts have toiled hard to bring the future of innovation into a reality. Our telemedicine app solutions are one of the most sought-after among entrepreneurs.

In this blog, let’s look at how Inoru’s Practo clone manages to bridge the gap between doctors and patients seamlessly. We’ll look into your development process and the unique features that shape up the telemedicine platform.

How Inoru manages to gain client satisfaction?

One of the primary aims of Inoru is to satisfy clients and harness technology to benefit people. Our streamlined app development process includes,

  • Analyzing your needs: We schedule a meeting with you to identify your needs. You jot down your requirements with our experts. We analyze your business needs and conduct an in-depth competitor analysis. We brainstorm your ideas and come up with a feasible plan. The plan includes multiple aspects like feature-set, tech-stack, etc.
  • Designing the app’s interface: Keeping your inputs in mind, we create the interface of the telemedicine app like Practo. We remodel the branding elements of the whitelabel app based on your suggestions. Our intuitive app design will enable you to gain instant traction.
  • Developing: We personalize the app’s front-end and back-end based on your needs. Our solutions include third-party APIs that can be seamlessly integrated into the software. We analyze the necessary storage capabilities by working on the platform’s servers and databases.
  • Testing: The telemedicine app undergoes a series of testing procedures before it gets launched. This way, we eliminate any bugs and defects during development.
  • Launching: The doctor consultation app is launched across the Android & iOS platforms.

What are the features that make Inoru’s telemedicine solution stand apart?

Our experts craft the Practo clone app with distinctive features and functionalities, making it an instant success. Our telemedicine app solutions come with a pre-loaded feature-set, including separate apps for doctors, patients, and the admin.

Features of Patients app:

  • Simple registration
  • Upload medical records
  • Browse doctors
  • Schedule consultations or instant booking
  • In-app chat/call
  • In-app wallet
  • Push notifications
  • Multiple payment options
  • Ratings and reviews

Features of Doctors app:

  • Registration with verification
  • Availability toggle
  • Accept/reject requests
  • Appointment details
  • Access to medical records
  • Digital prescriptions
  • Earnings profile
  • Reschedule appointments

Features of the Admin panel:

  • God’s eye view
  • User and Doctor management
  • Manage transactions
  • Real-time analytics
  • Sub-admin creation
  • Referral system

Wrapping up

COVID-19 pandemic has created a new revolution in the healthcare industry. The digital way of doctor consultations makes the entire process more convenient, reliable, and accessible. Inoru’s Practo clone script manages to benefit people and profit entrepreneurs simultaneously.

Schedule a meeting with our experts, tell us your needs, and establish a firm position in the healthcare industry with a highly robust telemedicine app.

