Demystifying Floating-Point Arithmetic: Why 0.1 + 0.2 ≠ 0.3

Olivier Soulet
9 min readJul 12, 2023

Floating-point arithmetic is an essential aspect of numerical computation in many programming languages. It allows for the representation and manipulation of real numbers, including decimal fractions and very large or very small numbers. However, there is a common misconception among developers when it comes to the precision of floating-point arithmetic.

You might have encountered the surprising result that 0.1 + 0.2 is not equal to 0.3. This unexpected outcome can be perplexing, especially for those who expect arithmetic operations to yield exact results. In this article, we aim to shed light on the reasons behind this behavior and provide a deeper understanding of how floating-point arithmetic works.

The primary goal of this article is to explain why the seemingly simple addition of 0.1 and 0.2 does not yield the expected result of 0.3. We will explore the underlying concepts of binary representation and the limitations it imposes on accurately representing certain decimal values.

Understanding Binary Representation

Floating-point numbers, in many programming languages, are represented using the IEEE 754 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. This standard defines how numbers are encoded and manipulated in binary form.

In binary representation, a floating-point number consists of three main components: a sign bit, a fraction (also known as a mantissa), and an exponent. The sign bit determines whether the number is positive or negative, while the fraction represents the significant digits of the number, and the exponent determines the scale or magnitude.

When we express decimal fractions in binary, certain numbers have recurring fractional parts. These recurring fractions are similar to the way that 1/3 cannot be expressed precisely as a finite decimal in base 10 (0.3333333…). Similarly, some decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly in binary and result in recurring patterns.

For example, the decimal fraction 0.1 in binary has a recurring representation:


Likewise, the decimal fraction 0.2 in binary also has a recurring representation:


Note that the pattern of 0011 repeats indefinitely. In binary, this pattern signifies a repeating fraction, similar to how 1/3 in decimal is represented as 0.33333… with the 3s repeating.

Since binary is a base-2 numbering system, some decimal fractions cannot be represented precisely in binary, just as 1/3 cannot be represented precisely as a decimal fraction. The repeating binary fraction for 0.2 implies that the binary representation is an approximation and not an exact representation.

The binary representation of 0.2 in IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format (32 bits) is as follows:

0_01111101_10011001100110011001101 (note that the underscores are only here to show the separation between parts)

Breaking down the bits:

  • Sign bit (1 bit): 0 (indicating a positive number)
  • Exponent bits (8 bits): 01111101 (125 in decimal)
  • Significand bits (23 bits): 10011001100110011001101

To obtain the decimal representation of the significand, we interpret the 23 bits as a binary fraction. In this case, the significand bits represent the fraction:

0.10011001100110011001101 (in binary)

Putting it all together, the binary representation 0_01111101_10011001100110011001101 represents the decimal value 0.2 in IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format.

Understanding these recurring representations is crucial to comprehending why certain arithmetic operations with decimal fractions may yield unexpected results. The recurring nature of these representations plays a significant role in the binary approximation and precision issues encountered in floating-point arithmetic.

Limitations of Binary Representation

Binary representation, while efficient and widely used in computing, has inherent limitations when it comes to accurately representing decimal numbers. These limitations stem from the fundamental differences between the base-10 decimal system we commonly use and the base-2 binary system employed by computers.

1. Inexact Representation:
Binary representation is unable to precisely represent certain decimal numbers. Just as 1/3 cannot be expressed exactly as a finite decimal in base 10, some decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly in binary. This disparity between the decimal and binary systems means that even seemingly simple numbers like 0.1 or 0.2 cannot be precisely represented in binary form.

2. Recurring Binary Fractions:
When converting decimal fractions to binary, some fractions result in recurring binary patterns. These recurring binary fractions continue indefinitely, necessitating an approximation to fit within the limited number of bits used to represent floating-point numbers. As a result, the binary representation of decimal fractions introduces a level of imprecision.

3. Arithmetic Approximations:
When performing arithmetic operations on binary representations of decimal fractions, the recurring binary fractions lead to approximations. The imprecise representations of decimal numbers in binary can accumulate small rounding errors during calculations. These errors can manifest in unexpected ways, such as the discrepancy observed in the expression `0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3`.

Understanding these limitations helps us appreciate the nuances of floating-point arithmetic and enables us to develop strategies to handle precision issues effectively. In the next sections, we will explore approaches to mitigate these challenges and ensure accurate numerical computations.

Floating-Point Arithmetic

Many languages adheres to the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic. This standard defines the rules and formats for representing and manipulating floating-point numbers in binary.

When performing arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, the IEEE 754 standard is followed. However, due to the limitations of binary representation and the recurring binary fractions mentioned earlier, unexpected results can arise.

Let’s consider the addition of `0.1` and `0.2` in JavaScript:

var result = 0.1 + 0.2;
console.log(result); // Output: 0.30000000000000004

The result is not precisely equal to `0.3`, but instead, it is a binary approximation that is very close to `0.3`. This discrepancy occurs due to the recurring nature of the binary fractions involved in representing `0.1` and `0.2`.

This behavior can be surprising, as we expect the arithmetic operation to yield the exact result of `0.3`. However, it’s important to understand that the binary approximation arises from the nature of floating-point representation and the limitations it introduces.

To further illustrate this issue, let’s explore another example:

var a = 0.1;
var b = 0.2;
var c = 0.3;
console.log(a + b === c); // Output: false

In this example, we compare the result of adding `a` and `b` to `c`. Despite `0.1 + 0.2` seemingly equaling `0.3` in mathematical terms, the comparison returns `false`. This demonstrates how the binary approximation affects equality comparisons and highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of floating-point arithmetic in JavaScript.

Being aware of these nuances enables developers to write code that accounts for the binary approximation and handles precision issues effectively. In the next section, we will explore techniques and best practices to mitigate these challenges and work with floating-point numbers more accurately.

Dealing with Precision Issues

When working with floating-point numbers, it’s important to recognize and address the precision issues that can arise due to binary approximation. One approach to handle these issues is by using the concept of tolerance or epsilon. Let’s explore how tolerance can help us compare floating-point numbers and check for approximate equality instead of exact equality.

1. Introducing Tolerance:
Tolerance, also known as epsilon, is a small threshold value that defines an acceptable range for comparing floating-point numbers. Rather than expecting two numbers to be exactly equal, we allow a certain amount of difference between them to consider them approximately equal.

2. Checking Approximate Equality:
To check for approximate equality, we compare the absolute difference between two floating-point numbers with the tolerance value. If the absolute difference is within the defined tolerance range, we consider the numbers to be approximately equal.

3. Code Examples:
Let’s consider an example where we want to compare the result of adding `0.1` and `0.2` with `0.3` using tolerance:

var num1 = 0.1;
var num2 = 0.2;
var sum = num1 + num2;
var tolerance = 0.0001; // Tolerance level
if (Math.abs(sum - 0.3) < tolerance) {
console.log("The result is approximately 0.3");
} else {
console.log("The result is not approximately 0.3");

In this code, we calculate the absolute difference between `sum` and `0.3` using `Math.abs()`. We then compare this difference with the defined tolerance level of `0.0001`. If the absolute difference falls within this tolerance range, we conclude that the result is approximately `0.3`.

By utilizing tolerance, we can accommodate the small rounding errors and differences caused by binary approximation, allowing for more flexible comparisons and precise handling of floating-point numbers.

It’s worth noting that the choice of tolerance value depends on the specific context and the desired level of precision. Careful consideration should be given to selecting an appropriate tolerance level for each use case.

In the next section, we will discuss best practices and strategies for working with floating-point numbers to minimize precision issues and enhance the accuracy of numerical computations.

Best Practices for Working with Floating-Point Numbers

To minimize precision issues and ensure accurate computations with floating-point numbers, it’s important to follow certain best practices. Let’s explore some recommended approaches:

  1. Utilize Specialized Libraries or Methods:
    Consider using libraries or methods specifically designed for precise decimal arithmetic. These libraries, such as BigDecimal.js or decimal.js, provide enhanced precision and arithmetic operations tailored for decimal calculations. They handle decimal numbers as strings or specialized objects, allowing for more accurate and predictable results.


Here are examples in different programming languages for performing the calculation of `0.1 + 0.2` with more precise results using appropriate data types or libraries:

  1. Python (using `decimal` module):
import decimal

result = decimal.Decimal('0.1') + decimal.Decimal('0.2')

2. Java (using `BigDecimal` class):

import java.math.BigDecimal;

BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal("0.1").add(new BigDecimal("0.2"));

3. C# (using `decimal` data type):

decimal result = 0.1m + 0.2m;

4. JavaScript (using `BigDecimal` library):

const { BigDecimal } = require('bigdecimal');

const value1 = new BigDecimal('0.1');
const value2 = new BigDecimal('0.2');
const result = value1.add(value2);

5. Ruby (using `BigDecimal` class):

require 'bigdecimal'

value1 = BigDecimal('0.1')
value2 = BigDecimal('0.2')
result = value1 + value2
puts result

By using appropriate data types or libraries that support arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic, you can obtain more accurate results for calculations involving decimal numbers like `0.1` and `0.2`.

2. Be Mindful of Comparisons:
Avoid relying on direct equality comparisons (`==` or `===`) for floating-point numbers. Instead, use tolerance-based comparisons as discussed earlier. By defining a suitable tolerance level and employing approximate equality checks, you can account for the binary approximation and mitigate unexpected results.

3. Scaling and Rounding for Critical Calculations:
When performing financial or critical calculations, consider scaling the numbers to work with integers. By multiplying the numbers by an appropriate power of 10, you can convert them into integers and perform calculations with enhanced precision. Additionally, rounding the results to the desired number of decimal places can help mitigate the impact of rounding errors introduced during calculations.

4. Understand the Limitations:
Gain a solid understanding of the limitations of floating-point arithmetic and the binary representation of numbers. Awareness of these limitations allows you to anticipate potential precision issues and make informed decisions regarding the level of accuracy required for your specific use case.

5. Test and Validate:
Thoroughly test your calculations, especially when dealing with critical or sensitive computations. Verify the accuracy of your results using test cases and known expected values. This practice helps identify and rectify any precision issues that may arise in your code.

By adhering to these best practices, you can minimize precision issues and improve the accuracy of your floating-point calculations. Additionally, staying updated on advancements in decimal arithmetic libraries or language features can provide further support for precise calculations.

In the concluding section, we will summarize the key points discussed in the article and emphasize the importance of understanding floating-point arithmetic.


In this article, we explored the reasons behind the surprising behavior when `0.1 + 0.2` does not equal `0.3`. We learned that this discrepancy arises from the inherent limitations of representing decimal numbers in binary form and the recurring binary fractions involved.

Understanding these limitations is crucial for working effectively with floating-point arithmetic. Here are the key points to remember:

- Binary representation introduces imprecision when representing decimal fractions, leading to recurring binary fractions.
- Most of programming languages follows the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic, which involves binary approximation.
- Tolerance or epsilon can be used to check for approximate equality by allowing a small threshold of difference.
- Libraries and methods designed for precise decimal arithmetic can provide enhanced accuracy in calculations.
- Strategies such as scaling and rounding can be employed to minimize precision issues in critical calculations.

It is important to be aware of these nuances and apply appropriate techniques to handle precision issues effectively. By understanding the limitations of floating-point arithmetic and adopting best practices, developers can mitigate unexpected results and ensure accurate numerical computations.

In your code, be mindful of the nature of floating-point arithmetic and utilize techniques such as tolerance-based comparisons or specialized libraries when necessary. Additionally, consider scaling and rounding strategies for critical calculations to improve accuracy.

By staying informed and proactive in addressing precision issues, you can confidently navigate the intricacies of floating-point arithmetic and produce more reliable and accurate code.

Remember, precision matters, and with the right knowledge and techniques, you can harness the power of floating-point arithmetic while minimizing the surprises it may bring.



Olivier Soulet

Senior Software Engineer at Spendesk - Former Senior Software Engineer at Amazon