We’re changing phone accessibility. We’re changing our logo too.

Olivier Jeannel
3 min readApr 9, 2019


The whole team at Rogervoice is very proud to release a new logo.

Why a new logo? Why now?

A play on the word “Roger that” — which is a term used by pilots to signify they have properly received a radio communication — has led to creating the original logo depicting a pilot’s head in a speech bubble, with an aviator helmet, goggles, and a microphone.

The Rogervoice logo at the time was accompanied by the slogan “The copilot to your calls”.

From the outset though, it wasn’t clear to our audience who the logo really represented. Was it the hard-of-hearing person? Was it the speech app? It gets increasingly confusing as we add sign-language interpreters, who typically wear microphone headsets during a relay call.

Our logo was also too similar to logos by WhatsApp, Hangouts, and any number of messenger apps.

Today our new logo is here to add clarity, differentiation, and a new dynamic.

Three points of interaction are central to the Rogervoice user experience.

1. The pilot

It is important for the Rogervoice user to “pilot” the conversation. The pilot doesn’t have a passive role. They need to interact fully with their correspondent, verify all information signals, ensure they understand the conversation, and intervene when things are not clear.

The deaf or hard-of-hearing person has to sit squarely in the pilot’s seat. It’s their place. Their mission is to make a successful phone call.

2. The co-pilot

The co-pilot’s role is to help the pilot accomplish their mission. The pilot will chose a co-pilot depending on their communications preferences.

The co-pilot can provide voice recognition, speech synthesis, or they can be a sign-language interpreter or a cued-speech coder.

3. The plane

The plane is the Rogervoice app! And everything that makes the app run. The engine, the chassis, the components… It’s a complex platform that transforms into a beautiful interface.

And the pilot is flying that plane.

Behind that plane of course, there is a fantastic ground crew building the parts and making everything hum smoothly.

Rogervoice is a means, not an end in itself. The end is getting you to enjoy the experience of going from point A to point B. And we’re here to make that happen.

But we haven’t forgotten a fourth and very important interaction.

4. The callee

So you’re not deaf or hard-of-hearing. What’s your role?

  • Encourage future pilots to use Rogervoice
  • Be patient and understanding during a call

Your role is critical to making current and future pilots enjoy that simple yet basic and necessary everyday technology, the telephone.

So next time you see a potential pilot, tell them “Call me!”

At Rogervoice, we’re ready to soar and take our pilots to new heights.



Olivier Jeannel

French-Californian ✪ Deaf ✪ Founder at Rogervoice app for deaf to make calls ✪ Public speaker