“You shouldn’t believe that you can be powered by wind turbines all the time”

Olivier Corradi
Electricity Maps
3 min readNov 23, 2018


Læs dette indlæg på Dansk hos Barry’s medium side.

At Tomorrow, we want to motivate people to live a more sustainable life. In particular, we want to help the 🇩🇰 Danes become more conscious electricity consumers. Fortunately, there are many dedicated people and visionary companies that also want that.

One of the companies that we have long followed is the Danish energytech startup Barry, and now the relationship has become official. For both parties’ big enthusiasm, we have concluded an exclusive agreement with Barry. The agreement means that Barry, as the only Danish electricity provider, will be able to use our data from electricityMap.

In practice, the new collaboration means that as a Barry customer equipped with a smart meter, you will always be able to see in the app how green the electricity coming out of your electrical outlet is. Notifications from the app will help you and all other customers using the power when its production contributes as little as possible to climate change.

“This cooperation means a lot to Barry. We are in the process of integrating electricityMap into our app, and the first user stories will come in a January release. Imagine being able to keep track of how much CO2 emissions your power consumption currently causes, or to see your overall carbon emissions during a day, a week or a month“, says Barry’s CMO and Head of Growth, Christophe Lephilibert.

You can easily check if the power is likely to come from wind turbines or coal power before starting your dishwasher over. Maybe it could wait until the electricity becomes green?

But why even bother? Can’t you just buy 100 percent green power in good conscience? The thing is that you can’t. As a consumer, you should not believe that you can be powered by wind and solar all the time as the wind can’t blow 24/7, and the sun can’t shine at night. No matter which company sells you electricity, the power arriving at your plug is the same blend as your neighbour’s — sometimes it’s black and sometimes it’s green. Not everyone is aware of that unless they have accurate data about the origin of their electricity and their personal consumption. It’s that data that Barry and Tomorrow will offer in collaboration.

We’re looking forward to be working with Barry to show consumers what their daily power consumption actually does to the environment.

“At Tomorrow, we know that transparency is the key to activating consumers and making them engage in the transition to sustainable energy. In this context, the next big step for us is a collaboration with a power company that shares our vision and can make a difference. It was very clear to us that Barry was the best to team up with”, says Olivier Corradi, founder of Tomorrow.

We are really looking forward to January, where we will be able to experience a new release of the Barry app, which will have electricityMap’s data integrated. In the meantime, you can jump on Barry’s website to check where the power in Denmark and other countries is coming from right now.

Furthermore, below you can see how this happened when we co-hosted a meetup together with Barry for this year’s Techfestival.

