SQL in 100 Seconds

Oliver Williams
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


Structured Query Language, commonly known as SQL, is a programming language that is specifically designed for managing and manipulating data in a relational database. SQL is widely used in data management, business intelligence, and other data-related fields. In 100 seconds, we will discuss what SQL is, its history, why it is so popular, and what people use it for.

SQL is a standard language that is used to interact with relational databases. A relational database is a collection of data organized into one or more tables, with each table having a unique name and consisting of rows and columns. Each row represents a single record, while each column represents a field or attribute of that record.

SQL is used to create, modify, and query data in a relational database. It provides a simple and powerful way to retrieve data and perform complex operations on that data. SQL is a declarative language, which means that it is used to describe what you want to do with the data, not how to do it. The database management system takes care of the details of how to execute the query.

SQL was first developed in the 1970s by IBM researchers Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. They were working on a project called System R, which aimed to build a relational database management system (RDBMS). The project resulted in the development of SQL as a standard query language for relational databases.

SQL has since become one of the most widely used programming languages for managing data. It is used by companies of all sizes and in many different industries, from finance to healthcare to retail.

SQL is popular for several reasons. First, it is a standard language that is supported by many different database management systems, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL. This means that developers can write SQL code that is portable across different database platforms.

Second, SQL is a powerful language that allows developers to perform complex operations on large datasets. It is also relatively easy to learn, with a simple syntax that is easy to read and understand.

Finally, SQL is popular because it is widely used in data-related fields, such as business intelligence and data analytics. Many companies rely on SQL to manage their data and generate insights that drive business decisions.

There are many different applications for SQL, including:

  1. Data management — SQL is commonly used to create, modify, and query data in relational databases. This includes tasks such as inserting new data into a database, updating existing data, and deleting data from a database.
  2. Business intelligence — SQL is used to extract insights and generate reports from large datasets. This includes tasks such as aggregating data, calculating metrics, and visualizing data in charts and graphs.
  3. E-commerce — SQL is used to manage transactions and inventory in online stores. This includes tasks such as processing orders, updating inventory levels, and generating invoices
  4. Healthcare — SQL is used to manage patient records and medical data in hospitals and clinics. This includes tasks such as updating patient information, managing prescriptions, and generating reports on patient health.
  5. Finance — SQL is used to manage financial transactions and generate reports on financial performance. This includes tasks such as processing payments, tracking expenses, and generating financial statements.

In conclusion, SQL is a powerful and widely used language for managing and manipulating data in a relational database. It is easy to learn and widely supported, making it a popular choice for companies of all sizes and in many different industries. SQL is used for many different applications, including data management, business intelligence, e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.



Oliver Williams

Hi there! I am a data scientist who hopes to share more about programming, machine learning and data analytics! I hope my articles will be able to help you out!