Dangers of the Fast Life

Mcniven Fleurimat
4 min readOct 10, 2018

The new age of society is all about the fast life. We want things faster and we want results faster. It is often easy to forget about some of the most important things because we are so caught up in this fast life. Life is moving faster and faster, we know how to live fast. We need to learn how to stop and smell the roses.

A. Physical Health

With our busy schedules, we often neglect to take care of our diet. Remember the food pyramid we all learned about as children — how many of those food groups do we cover in a day? The American diet today usually consists of fast food and diet supplements. Some people are too busy to cook a nice dinner and end up eating commercial products everyday full of sodium and preservatives. Other people are caught up in social media standards for beauty and take diet supplements because they do not have the patience to make a serious lifestyle change. Either way, these diets are unhealthy. Home cooked meals have shown to be much healthier than most quick meal options. Also, staying home for dinner with your family has also shown huge improvements in mood and the development of children.

“woman seriously performing gym exercise” by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Obesity is a growing epidemic in America. It is not fat shaming to say that a person should strive to be in better shape. There are serious health risks that come with being overweight such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. That is why another important part of physical health is, of course, exercise. There has been an abundance of research that have shown the benefits of physical exertion. Science has shown that exercise is one of the best ways to not only improve your health, but also your quality of life. When we exert physical effort, our brain releases endorphins, which is a natural mood enhancer. That is why we always feel a little more uplifted after our gym sessions. Eating alone does not make up a healthy lifestyle, one must balance it with exercise if they want to achieve their ultimate body goals.

B. Mental Health

Unfortunately, one of the characteristics that defines this generation is the increase of mental illnesses. Mood disorders and eating disorders affect the majority of the American population at least once their lives. This surge in mental illnesses is correlated with the fast life of society. The faster our lifestyles become, the more at risk we become to mental illnesses. This is because we have started to be so focused on our careers, academics, and financial status. We never take a breather for ourselves and our sanity. In order to practice mental health, eating right and exercising as mentioned above can seriously improve our quality of life. We must not forget about the things and people we care about during our busy lives. Not only is it important to let them know that you appreciate them, it also will improve our mental health being able to give ourselves to what we care about.

Social media is another big factor that affects our mental health. Young boys and girls with impressionable minds are looking up to people who are false advertisements. Social media is setting a standard for people that is impossible to meet. As a result, the public is becoming more insecure and lacking self confidence. This is how many mental disorders begin. As a society, we have begun to start living our lives to show off to people on social media instead of actually living and enjoying the moment. So, even though social media has become so embedded in our lives, it is okay to turn off your phone every once in a while, breathe, and take in the world that surrounds you.

Living a healthy lifestyle is something that a lot of us do not prioritize. We are so busy consumed with technology and opportunities for advancement, that we forget what we are living for. Eat vegetables, take a walk, spend some time with family. It is hard to stay positive in this oppressive society, but taking the steps we need to be healthy is a start. Remember what your life really means to you and what you want out of it. Some things may not be as important as they seem. So, in this fast lifestyle that has consumed us, it is crucial that you still remember to take a break. Take a breather. Live for the current moment, not for the next.

