Ollie Campbell
2 min readJun 26, 2023


1️⃣ Choose Your Words: Harness the transformative power of language.

They shape your reality and reflect your character. Let them empower, inspire, and uplift both yourself through self talk and others through the words you speak!

2️⃣ Choose Your Company: Surround yourself with inspiring souls who uplift and challenge you.

Surround yourself with those who challenge, support, and inspire you. The company you keep shapes your journey.

3️⃣ Choose Your Body: Embrace self-care and honour your physical vessel.

Your body is a temple. And the only one you have got!

Nourish it with care, exercise, and self-love. Embrace its strength and honour its resilience. It’s a reflection of your choices, your business card of how you treat yourself.

4️⃣ Choose Your Mindset: Cultivate resilience, positivity, and growth.

Your mindset is the lens through which you perceive the world. Cultivate positivity, resilience, and growth to shape your destiny.

5️⃣ Create Your Life: Unleash your inner artist and design a masterpiece of fulfilment.

Life is a canvas, and you are the artist. With every choice, intention, and action, create a masterpiece that reflects your true essence.


In the pursuit of empowerment and shaping your own destiny, remember that you hold the power within you. Embrace your choices, nurture your mind and body, and let your actions create a life that resonates with your truest self. Dare to be the architect of your own extraordinary journey.

Want a life filled with progress and productivity…

Join me on the journey, improve, evolve, never give up!!





Ollie Campbell

Im an author, a fitness professional with over 16 years of skin in the game, a gym owner and a ex prefessional sportsman. A family man, and a realist, BTC!